The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The La Harpe School Board held a regular meeting Tuesday night, July 22nd (rescheduled from July 15), in the School District Library. School board members in attendance were Dan Horton, Cindy Wear, Ricky Johnson, Pam Campbell, Rex Huston, Mark Irish, and Deanna Stambaugh. Also present were Supt. Jo Campbell and Jeanne Clayton.
The board approved Supt. Campbell as authorized IMRF agent for LCSD #347 for the school year 2008-09, accepted with regrets the resignations of Meleiah Sims from the position of Pre-K teacher and Jena Painter from the position of 5th grade teacher, and moved to advertise the Pre-K position opening.
The board also hired Jim Clayton as bus driver for Illini West High School shuttle and afternoon regular route, approved Lisa Trout, Tim Purdy, and Ted Sharpe as substitute bus drivers, approved the FY09 Educational Support Personnel salary schedule and course reimbursement request for Ryan Kitch.
In other business, the board approved the minutes from the June 17th regular meeting, the financial report and payment of bills. The board also moved to hold the FY09 Budget Hearing at 7:15 p.m. on September 16, 2008, approved the student handbook with recommendations, set student fees for school year 2008-09, and approved the second reading of the district policy.