The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Gladstone Village Board Meeting

The Village of Gladstone met at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Building on July 14, 2008.

Those in attendance were: Rex McKinney, Joyce Hetrick, Jim Hetrick, Mike Hopkins, Byron Sebastian, Darlene Manes and Florence Stewart.

Absent was Trustee Jr. Bielser.

Guests present were: Jenne Link, Tom Morrison, Jeremy DeWitt, Margeret Johnson, Bob Bailey and Lisa Lafary.

After routine business was taken care of, a motion was made by Mike Hopkins to accept the 2007 Consumer Confidence Report regarding the water supply, seconded by Manes. All voted yes to accept the report.

A motion was made by Sebastian to donate $700.00 to the Homecoming committee for one night's band during homecoming to be held July 31, August 1st and August 2nd, seconded by Manes. All present voted to approve.

A motion was made by Hetrick to accept the Appropriation Ordinance for 2008-2009, seconded by Hopkins. All present approved.

A motion was made by Hetrick to pay the village's share of trash pick-up for four months through the Health Center, seconded by Manes. All present voted approval.

A motion was made by Sebastian to hire Ed Cole to mow the ditches for $350.00, seconded by Hetrick. All present voted approval.

Byron Sebastian reported not to remove sandbags or levee from his property until more information from the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) is received. In discussion it was said that Lynn Street may be the levee east of Hwy 164.

A motion was made by Jim Hetrick to hire Stanley Torrance to remove stumps on Lynn Street, seconded by Mike Hopkins. All approved.

A motion was made by Byron Sebastian to reimburse Pam Furnald $100.00 for food, drinks and gas she purchased for the first day volunteers were needed for sandbagging, seconded by Manes. All present voted approval.

It was voted to approval a motion made by Mike Hopkins to allow Darlene Manes to purchase two frames for flood pictures she took and donated to the village, seconded by Hetrick. Each frame is to cost $29.50 plus tax.

The prevailing wage ordinance was approved as was all bills presented to be paid.

A discussion was held on installing new stop signs.

Jim Hetrick and Don Olson met with Trish Yeager from Rural Development, Galesburg, in July and received a list of compliances that need to be completed in order to fulfill the village's agreement with the Rural Development water loan.

The meeting was adourned after a motion was approved.

Minutes were submitted by Gadstone Village Clerk Joyce Hetrick.