The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

New Lyrics For West Central School Song

Wednesday, January 16, 2008-

At the regular meeting of the West Central Community Unit School District #235 Board of Education Board recently written words to the HEAT school song:

After Board President Brent called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., he led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Under good news items, the board heard a presentation of words to the school song as written by West Central High School students: Jessica Saldeen, Brittany Nichols, Valerie Corey, Lauren Gerst, Jadee Landers.

The band played the song while a group of chorus students and staff sang the lyrics, then those in attendance sang the new school song. The WCHS dance squad performed their dance routine as well. The Board approved the lyrics and offered special thanks to Mr. Potts, Mrs. Hilligoss and all of the student and staff who participated in the writing of the lyrics. They are:

West Central School Song

West Central Heat we pledge our loyalty

We've come to fight and win you'll see

To Red and Blue we always will be true

Our heart is loyal through and through

It's time to join our forces everyone

It's time to gather round and cheer

The sweet sound of our victory

Because West Central Heat is here!

In addition to the lyrics for the school song the following items were offered as celebrations of success:

The board approved the agenda as presented with two additions in the discussion item section. Item D. Junior Achievement and Item E. Schools for Schools Club were added.

The board saw a presentation on the Skyward Student Management Software that was presented by Connie Sue Torrance. Mrs. Torrance showed a variety of features that will be available for our parents in the new parent access portion of the Skyward Program.

The board heard a brief presentation from WCHS Senior Cody Harden on the Schools for Schools Club that he would like to see initiated at West Central High School. The board asked Mr. Harden to come back with some information at next months meeting where the idea will be further discussed and acted upon.

Under recognition of audience request for presentation, the board heard a report from Carl Sandburg College Envoy, Sam Sudakar.

The board approved the consent agenda as presented. Items approved under the consent agenda were:

The board approved the payment of all bills, the December activity accounts, the December treasurer's report and heard a brief update on the district's finances from the Superinendent.

The board heard a report from Superintendent Grimm concerning the marquee that the West Central High School Student Council wishes to purchase. Superintendent Grimm reported that no bids were received for the marquee as a result of the latest request for proposal. He will be working once again with district architect Bill Phillips to secure quotes hopefully in time for the February board meeting.

The board heard reports from Mr. Buss, Mr. Nichols, Mr. Geiser, Mrs. Elliott and Mrs. Farniok on the activities that they have been involved with since the December board meeting.

The board briefly reviewed the state textbook loan program for 2008.

The board reviewed a five-year enrollment projection that had been prepared by Superintendent Grimm. It was noted that the enrollment projection shows a downward trend for the next several years.

The board briefly reviewed the fees that are charged for entrance into athletic and extra curricular events. It was suggested that the board put in place a charge for people to attend 6th grade events. Superintendent Grimm was directed to bring back a recommendation regarding fees to be charged for these events at the February board meeting.

Under future agenda items, the board asked for a report of first semester grades at West Central High School in order to discuss a comparison between first semester grades for the 2006-07 school year and the 2007-08 school year. The board requested a report from Mrs. Burrell on the activities and happenings at the Early Childhood Center. The board also requested a report on absences, suspensions and discipline at West Central High School for the first semester of the 2007-08 school year.

The board entered closed session at 8:16 pm to discuss personnel and to review closed session minutes returning at 9:38 pm. The board took the following action:

The board also approved a resolution regarding the release of certain closed session minutes.

The board was reminded that their next meeting is Wednesday, February 20, 2008. That meeting will begin at 6 p.m. and be held in the elementary cafeteria in Biggsville. The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:50 p.m.