The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The Gladstone Village Board met at 6:00 p.m. February 10, 2008, in regular session at the Gladstone Community Building.
Minutes were accepted as read by the Clerk Joyce Hetrick.
McKinney reported the water rates would need to be raised $15.00 in order to meet criteria for the water grant. He said he had met with Galesburg water officials who showed interest in hooking Gladstone to their water system.
McKinney is to set up a special meeting with a representative from Galesburg Water and the Village board.
A discussion was held on the possible closing of a railroad crossing. McKinney is to set up a special meeting with Craig Rasmussen, from the railroad, and the village board on Tuesday, February 19 at 7:00 p.m.
A motion was passed to hire Earl Seitz to do the mowing for $100 per time.
After discussion, Junior Bielser agreed to remove a sign that reads, "Graham's Parking Only-Violators will be towed" from a telephone pole on Sycamore Street on the north side of Graham's Tavern.
A discussion was held on purchasing six hard rubber portable speed bumps for Walnut Street near the hill, and also four warning signs. The issue was tabled until the March meeting. Updating small appliances at the community building was also tabled.
Bills were approved for payment and the meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.