The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Raritan Village Board Meeting

The president and trustees of the Raritan Village Board met in the meeting room of the Raritan Fire House, February 14, 2008, with trustees Blender, Waller, Powless, Magee, Anders and Knapp answering roll call.

Visitors were Jean Ann Livermore, Bob McGriff, LeRoy Wallace and Steve Wallace.

Trustee Blender opened with prayer and the usual approval of the Minutes and of the Bills were approved.

Bills presented totaled $2,423.07 including a bill for Dallas Rural Water $664.36 and one from Waste Management for $754.80.

Jean Ann Livermore, Bob McGriff and LeRoy Wallace requested an extension on their court date of February 28 until the ground is thawed out enough to remove the junk on their property.

Trustee Waller made a motion, second by Magee to give them until June 1 to clean up their property. The motion carried.

It was decided to put a note in the next water bills that this bill reflects the new increase for garbage rates.

A discussion was held about the generator which the fire department plans to purchases.

Total cost would be around $1500.00. Motion Powless, second Knapp to give $300.00 toward the purchase of the generator. Motion carried.

A discussion was held about Jarrod Strode, Chris Peterson, Travis Peterson, David Vancil and the Pat Long proprieties. It was decided to wait until next meeting to decide what type of action will be taken.

The board adjourned until the next regular meeting night in March.