The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
By: Shirley Linder, Quill Editor
Stronghurst village board members voted to raise garbage/recycling fees by $3, effective March 1st, 2008.
Board members decided since the village is currently charged $13.35 by Waste Management for garbage/recycling with residents paying only $7.80, it is no longer possible for the village to continue going in the red by such an amount. So, starting March 1st the charge on water bills will be $10.80.
Board members discussed dog complaints and it was noted all village ordinances will be enforced through the village attorney, but citizens will be required to sign a complaint in order for this to happen. For dogs running loose or not being cared for, residents should call the Henderson County Animal Control officer.
Discussion continued on the village well situation, since they are down to only one well. It was decided Tony Anderson will have the water tested in well #1 and if acceptable the pump could be pulled and repaired making it a viable back up at a cheaper cost than digging a new one. The matter was tabled until the water is tested.
Tony Anderson reported the village has a mower that needs the rear end replaced. The ten year old mower has 14-15 hundred hours on it, with 6-7 hundred hours on the motor. Anderson was asked to bring prices of new ones to the March meeting before a decision is made.
After a discussion on rest room facilities in the village park President Chockley was directed to bring costs for this endeavor to the March meeting for further discussion.
Present at the meeting were: President Eric Chockley, Trustees, Lawrence Neff, Tony Griepentrog, Angela Myers and Chris Cook, (David Vancil and Cory Fox absent), Clerk, Lori Russell, Treasurer, Lou Ann Nortrup, Employee, Tony Anderson and guest, Terry Myers.
The next board meeting will be held on Monday, March 3, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall.