The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Spotlight: Soup Served By Firemen

Diane Spilker, Quill Staff

Annual Fountain Green Fire Department

Soup Supper Enjoyed

Fire-hats and uniforms lined the walls of the Fountain Green Volunteer Fire Department as visitors filed in for the annual soup supper on Saturday night, February 9th,Êfrom 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.Ê

For a small charge ($3 for children and $5 adults), over 150 guests could enjoy their choice of chili or oyster stew with crackers, steamed burgers, tea, water and assorted pies and cakes.

All food and supplies for the fund raiser was donated by local merchants and hand prepared by the firefighters. The firefighters also served each guest with bright smiles and lots of thanks for the support received during the year.

All proceeds from this annual fund raiser helps to pay for the expenditures of the fire department, electricity, water, gas, truck maintenance and uniform needs.

This year's fund raiser had a special touch to it, the memory of Edwin Meyers, a life long member of the Volunteer Fire Department.

Mr. Meyers passed away in the summer of 2007 and was represented Saturday night by his family.

His memory was honored through the local cause that he supported for many years.

Mr. Meyers had been a member since the mid 1960s and ran a local restaurant in Tennessee, which formerly handled the food donations for this yearly fund raiser.

The Fountain Green Volunteer Fire Department began in 1969 and is currently maintained through the La Harpe Fire Department with it's 13 members in place.Serving as Fire Chief is Rick Johnson and Assistant Chief is Alfie Williams.

Larry Palmer of Fountain Green enjoys serving chili and greeting each visitor at the head of the line.