The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
by Susan Galbraith, Quill Reporter
Meet Your Neighbor Nadine Mowen, formerly of La Harpe. She has lived in Stronghurst for the last 26 years.
Nadine was employed at Eagle View Health Systems from October 1992 until June of 2008. Nadine now works part time for The Quill, in Stronghurst.
Nadine was raised on a farm between La Harpe and Blandinsville. Her parents, Robert and Pauline Talbott are deceased.
Nadine graduated from La Harpe High School in 1974 and received a degree from Southeast Community College, Burlington, Iowa, in the Medical Assistant Program but attended classes in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.
She has one daughter, Emily, that lives in Stronghurst and is a dental assistant at the Stronghurst Clinic and one son, Bradley, that is a dispatcher for the Henderson County Sheriff's Office.
Her pride and joy is her grandson, Jacob Quigley, who is three years old.
She has one brother, Larry, who lives in Blandinsville and a brother, Melvin, deceased; one sister, Peggy (David) Edwards who lives in Carman.
She is a member of the United Methodist Church in Stronghurst and teaches an adult Sunday School Class.
She has fond memories of a vacation when she visited her dad's sister, in Virginia.
When the kids were younger she said they traveled to Chicago to see a couple of Chicago Cubs games because Mark Grace was her favorite player.
Nadine enjoys crossword puzzles, and baking.