The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The president and Raritan trustees met in the meeting room of the Raritan Fire House December 11, 2008, with trustees Sammy Blender, Anders, Magee, Powless, Earl Waller and Knapp answering roll call.
Trustee Sammy Blender opened with prayer. The minutes were approved along with the following bills: Waste Management $782.00; PDC Laboratories $34.50; Dennis Rankin $129.40; Dallas Rural Water $528.89; Cavanaugh, Davies, Blackman and Cramlet $3,150.00; Phil Anders $84.00; Plumbing ETC $100.00.
Court date has been set for Doug Hensley for December 22, 2008, at 11:15 dealing with Ordinance Violence on property maintenance. President Knapp will attend the hearing.
Delinquent water bills were discussed and will be disconnected immediately.
The annual audit prepared by Cavanaugh, Davies, Blackman & Cramlet was handed out for inspection by the trustees.
Following a discussion it was decided to vote on accepting the audit next month after the trustees have more time to look over the report, and the meeting adjourned.