The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
By Susan Galbraith, Quill Staff
Meet your neighbor Jessica Travis who lives in Monmouth and is a new staff member at the West Central School District.
Jessica is presently a floating substitute at the high school and beginning next semester will be teaching at the middle school south campus.
While at West Central she has been in charge of the fitness center and helps out with the faculty and students that use it.
Jessica was born in St. Louis and moved to Washington, Iowa, when she was 11 years old.
She graduated from Washington Community High School in 2004 and went on to further her education at Monmouth College. She graduated from Monmouth College in 2008 with a major in Elementary Education.
Her parents are Mike and Cindy Travis who currently live in Washington, Iowa.
Her dad is employed by PDC (Peoria Disposal Company) where he does chemical testing. Her mom works at Wal-Mart in Washington, Iowa.
Jessica has two brothers, Jason (26) and Eric (24). Both of them live in Chillicothe and are employed at Media Com.
Jessica keeps herself very active as she plays in two volleyball leagues, one in Galesburg and another one in Burlington, IA.
She enjoys visiting friends and going home to Washington, Iowa, to spend time with her parents.
She has vacationed in Panama City, Florida and every 4th of July their family vacations in the Ozarks.