The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Stronghurst:Clean-up day for the Village of Stronghurst has been set for Friday, May 23rd.
Tony Anderson reported that there has been a problem at the burn area with people dumping trash that is not allowed. There is a sign on the gate that states what is allowed to be dumped. The site may have to be locked up it this continues, making it inconvenient for all residents.
Mayor Chockley called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. of the regularly scheduled meeting held on April 7, 2008.
Minutes of the March meeting were approved with one correction on a motion from Lawrence Neff, seconded by Angela Myers. Motion carried.
The bills presented for payment were approved by motion from Chris Cook, seconded by Lawrence Neff. Motion carried.
A discussion was held on the purchase of a new lawn mower and the possibility of leasing one. No action was taken and it was tabled until the next meeting.
Eric Chockley reported that the bathroom for the park should be delivered in one to two weeks.
Mayor Chockley also reported the athletic booster's estimated the cost for building a concession stand at the school ball park has gone up by $4,000, therefore, they have put their plans on hold for the time being.
Mayor Chockley appointed Lawrence Neff and Mike Nelson to be on the clean-up committee for this year. The board agreed notices would be sent from the village board with a 30 day notice to any violator of the village ordinance. If no action is taken in 30 days then legal action will be taken. This was approved on a motion by Angela Myers and seconded by Lawrence Neff. Motion carried.
In other business the board discussed:
„There have been some complaints on loose gravel in the streets. The gravel didn't stick to the roads when the work was done last summer. Some of the gravel will be collected and stored and may be put to use later.
„Tony Anderson reported that the state has provided new signs and they will be put up as time allows.
„A resident in town has an outstanding bill for tree removal that is over 2 years old. Lori Russell will talk to Attorney Mike Neff and request a letter be sent with a copy to all board members.
„Tony Anderson said the memorial bricks will be laid at the park on the 19th of April.
„Board heard pump #1 is on phase 2 which is adding the chlorine. Tony noted that it will have to have a cage around it and that the EPA also requires an alarm system.
„Two water meter readers need replaced at a cost of $1,300 each. Chris Cook made a motion to approve the purchase of them with a second from Angela Myers. Motion carried.
„ Heard the village will be getting three new fire hydrants this year.
„Lou Ann Nortrup had all members present sign signature cards for all financial accounts as well as the lock box and for CD renewals. Absent members will also sign the cards.
The board entered into executive session at 8:30 p.m. to discuss employee raises on a motion by Angela Myers, and seconded by Chris Cook. Motion carried.
Executive session ended at 8:55 p.m. on a motion by Angela Myers.
Following the executive session a motion was made by Angela Myers, seconded by Chris Cook to give all employees a 3% raise. Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. on a motion by Chris Cook.
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on May 5th, 2008, at the Village Hall.
Present were: Mayor Eric Chockley; Trustees, Lawrence Neff, Angela Myers, Chris Cook, and Mike Nelson; Clerk, Lori Russell; and Treasurer, Lou Ann Nortrup. Trustees Tony Griepentrog and David Vancil were absent.