The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
West Central High School students got a little peek into the world of work Thursday afternoon April 10th when the teachers in their afternoon classes were replaced with community adults who explained how they use mathematics in the workplace.
A wide range of presenters gave a varied and engaging picture of different career opportunities in this geographical area.
Presenters also touched on how "school stuff" like math and English is used in their everyday work.
The afternoon's sessions were organized and facilitated by Mrs. Foxall's Consumer Education classes.
West Central expressed their appreciation for the following individuals for agreeing to be presenters at the second annual "Math in the Workplace" Career Fair:
Presenters met in the classrooms and spoke to three different classes about their careers, the educational requirements, career steps involved in reaching the point they are at, personal skills and attributes necessary for success in the field, how they use math in their career, etc.
Laura Lewis, Elementary Teacher Sandra Keane, Circuit Clerk Stephi Libben, Health and Fitness Director, Amanda Randall-Accountant, Chris Swanner-Truck Driver/Race Car Builder, Chuck Newton-Army NCO, Mike Alecock-COO, Tammy Guille- RN, Craig Murphy-Physical Therapist/Athletic Trainer, Mike Bailey-Owner (Marine Repair), Brian Randall-Diesel Truck Performance Shop, Janine Harkness-Truancy Officer, Rev. Gene Turner-Minister, Jessica Swanner-NASA Engineer, Art Kane-Bank President, Rochelle Rosenburry- Mortician, Doug Sams-Director of Safety/Human Resources, and Dr. Sperfslagie-Dentist
Consumer Education classes researched careers and invited potential speakers to talk to the high school students about their respective careers. All 310 high school students participated in the Career Fair.
Eighteen presenters were placed in the classrooms based on their career field and the high school class that would correspond to the field of study needed for the particular career. Despite a few minor "glitches" expected with such a large program, students and staff agreed that the Career Fair was very informative and worthwhile.
Career Truant Officer: Janine Harkness
CareerMortician: Rochelle Swanner, at West Central High Career Day
Career Army: Chuck Newton