The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1919 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1919

Stronghurst Graphic, July 17, 1919

DROPS INTO GULLY: Yesterday morning while Miss Ardis Hicks was taking Joe Long in the Hicks car out to his work at the Lind place southeast of town where he is engaged in painting; she drove too close to the edge of a deep gull along the side of the road just after crossing a small bridge a few rods north of the Lind corner. The gully, which is ten or twelve feet deep and of considerable width, was almost entirely hidden by a dense growth of weeds and brush and the occupants of the car did not realize they were so close to the edge until the ground began to give way and they felt it toppling over. Fortunately, the branches of a tree which was growing in the gull prevented the auto from dropping with full force in the bottom and undoubtedly saved the passengers from seriously injuries. As it was, both escaped with just slight bruises. The auto, while not greatly damaged, was wedged into the gully in such a position as to make the task of getting it out a somewhat difficult problem.

CHANGE IN BUSINESS: A deal was effected where by the general merchandise firm of Wax & McKeown was dissolved and a new partnership was formed to carry on. Mr. Chas. Wax, who had been in business here for the past fifteen years or more, disposed of his interest in the firm to Mr. Glenn Baxter, who has for some time been in the employ of the Stronghurst Lumber Co.

INFANT DIES: Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Del Dixson sympathize with them over the death of an infant daughter stillborn at the Burlington Hospital. The remains were brought to Stronghurst and interred in the village cemetery. Mrs. Dixson's condition has been somewhat critical, but she is reported to be improving.

***OBITUARY***JOHN A. GORDON, D.D.: Rev. John A. Gordon, D.D. of Los Angles, California, father of County Judge J.W.Gordon of Oquawka, died at this home on July 13th at the age of 78 years. Dr. Gordon was a native of Henderson County and a student of Monmouth College, leaving there in 1861 to enlist in the Union Army for the Civil War. He rose to the rank of Major and was discharge in 1866. He then finished his studies and became professor of English Literature at the college. Later, he entered the ministry and held charges in Pittsburgh, Pa., Princeton, Ind., and in various California congregations. He was for a number of years identified with Occidental College in Los Angeles and with the Southern California Bible League.

1894 GRAPHIC: The village of Smthshire was almost entirely wiped out by a fire which occurred on July 14th. The buildings burned included 3 stores, a barber shop, blacksmith shop, restaurant, reading room, doctor's office, 3 private barns and a livery stable. William Whiteman of South Henderson shot and killed a large wolf which was prowling about his hen roost. James W. Gordon had just located in Stronghurst for the practice of law. Misses Ollie Duff and Hortense Harbinson had gone to Winterset, Ia., to spend the summer. "Trego," LaHarpe's favorite trotting horse died on July 13th and was buried in the center of the fair grounds. He had a record of 2:14 . In speaking of the depravity said to exist in certain parts of the village, the editor remarked that while the marshal might use a hickory club as a regulator, he would, for obvious reason, have difficulty in braining the guilty parties.

An ordinance providing for the appropriation of $1,500 to pay for some kind of fire fighting apparatus was passed by the village council.

LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Prof. J.K. Spence went to West Point, Ill. to assist with the harvesting on his father's farm. Mrs. J.W.Rankin was taken suddenly ill with an affection of the heart last Sabbath and has been in a somewhat precarious condition since that time. She is being cared for at the home of her mother, Mrs. Anna Lant.

Gus Camreon of Burnside, Hancock County, bought a farm in that vicinity one morning and sold it is the evening of the same day at a profit of $2,500. There has been considerable activity in real estate circles during the past week in Stronghurst. G.B.Lanphere sold his finely improved residence on Mary St. to F.W.Wallin; John Huppert purchased of J.E.Wolfe the handsome bungalow which the latter occupies on the same street and John Ewing bought the two story building on Broadway four doors north of the post office from Mrs. Annie Matthews. The Amerman property on North Broadway has been purchased by Mrs. Emma Fitz. J.W.Hicks disposed of his 8 acre residence in the west part of the village to A.S.McElhinney. Ira Foote left for Carroll County, Ill., where he has been employed as separator man for a threshing outfit during the present season.

1919: LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Call Shook & Smith for Taxi, auto repairing and parts. Taxi service all hours-prices right and accommodation good. Mrs. August Dorman and Miss Margaret O'Connor of Scottsbluff, Nebr., have been guests at the home of their sister, Mrs. M.H. Lovitt of this village. Chas. Wheeling, who has been in the employ of the Stronghurst Telephone Co. since his return from France, has accepted employment with the Santa Fe R.R.Co. in Kansas where he will be engaged in construction work. He left for Dodge City, Kan. Rev. G.S.Swensson, wife and five children of Detroit, Mich. are spending part of their summer vacation with relatives and old parishioners here. Rev. Swensson was formerly pastor of the local Lutheran Church and his wife was Miss Minnie Hamburg. They drove here from Detroit in their Ford car.

The city of Monmouth received its first aeroplane express shipment of merchandise yesterday when a consignment of clothing for the Model Clothing Co. was delivered by aeroplane by the makers of the "Society Brand" of men's garments. The plane landed in a pasture two miles north of the city square and was welcomed by a large crowd of Monmouth people headed by Mayor Hanley.

The popularity of the Saturday evening band concerts which are being given here this summer is attested by the enormous crowds of people which throng the streets of the village on the those evenings. Although there was no show or entertainment of any kind other than the concert, the crowd was one of the largest which has been here for months. For several hours Broadway was jammed with people and the merchants were scarcely able to take care of the requirement of the shoppers who thronged their places of business.

George E. Pratt, prominent Roseville citizen and successful grain and lumber dealer since 1874, passed away at his home there last Friday morning at the age of 67. Ray Trimmer and wife of Rochelle, Ill were visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Trimmer; Ray is employed by the Armour Grain Co. of Rochelle as a wire operator. Arthur Forbes suffered a fracture of one of the bones of his right arm just above his wrist resulting from the kick of the family Ford car, which he was cranking. Medical attention was given and now Arthur carries that arm in a sling

Repairs on the aeroplane which came down in the Gust Swanson field east of town on June 20th were completed last week and on Sunday afternoon about 4 o'clock, the owner, Harry Patten, made a successful take off and flew the machine to his home at Columbus Junction, Iowa. Quite a large crowd of people were present to see the plane depart. An auto touring party from Saskatchawan, Can., enroute to Springfield, Ill., passed through here. The tourist consisted of two men, two women and several children traveling in a large Mitchell car and carrying a complete camping outfit with them. They came down through the Yellowstone Park where they had camped for several days.

Miss Minnie Woods is staying with her sister, Mrs. Charles Jacobs in the west country, helping care for the mumps patients in the home. Mr. and Mrs. C.R.Kaiser and daughter, Erma and A.E. Kaiser and wife left in their big Packard car on a tour which will take them as far east as Niagara Falls; they expect to visit friends in Michigan enroute. Ira Curtis, a young man who spent a year in France in a machine gun company with the 56th Infantry, which was within a few miles of Metz when the armistice was signed and who was recently discharged from the U.S.service, is a visitor at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Curtis of this village.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: At the home of Mr. and Mrs. G.F.Galbraith occurred the marriage of their daughter, Miss Nora, to Mr. Charles Bigger of Carman. Rev. Russell officiating. Just the near relatives were present of both families and after the ceremony a bountiful supper was served. The bride has grown to womanhood on the farm south of town and the groom is a prosperous farmer. Rose Fine, a representative of the Chautauqua, was here as advance agent for the Chautauqua to be held here in August. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters gave a picnic supper at their home in honor of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rhea and children of Ashland, Ohio and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leon and children from Peoria, Ill. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Chapin and daughter Lucille, Mr. Charles Chapin, Mr. and Mrs. W.E.Miller, Mrs. Harry Chapin, Mrs. Wm. Chapin, and Mrs. William Rhea of Monmouth. George Mears who has been overseas several months, was honorably discharged. Fredie Sabens got badly hurt in a runaway and was unconscious for several hours but is able to be around the house again. A good crowd attended the ice cream, cake and cantaloupe social at the lawn; quite a sum of money was made for the church.

CARMAN CONCER-NS: George McCannon and family are rejoicing over the telegram they received a few days ago from their son Arlie, who has landed in the U.S. They had not heard from him since "Mother's Day," when he wrote and they were beginning to think something had happened to him. Frank Coats of St.Louis, Mo. is visiting his uncle John Coats and his aunt, Mrs. Tempa Clark. Frank is a returned sailor from overseas and had made many trips across the ocean. The many friends of Mrs. Mary Ann Parry will be sorry to hear that she is in very poor health. Mrs. L. Brown has been a great sufferer from ivy poisoning and went to Burlington to see a doctor.

OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Mr. and Mrs. Sam Claybaugh, who have been spending a few weeks at Colfax Springs for their general health, returned home somewhat rested at least. Mr. and Mrs. C.H.Curry and Mrs. Swigert looked after the home and farming interest while they were away. The young people of the community were very nicely entertained a recent evening at the Oscar White home in honor of their daughter's 18th birthday. Miss Mabel received many presents. Mr. S.C.Lant and family now ride in a spick and span new 7 passengers Overland car. John Lant and wife and H.S.Lant and wife spent a few hours at the Sam Lant home enjoying listening to selections of song and music on their new Edison phonograph.

Quite a number from here were Burlington goers to attend the trial of Delbert Burrell, an Olena boy who has been in confinement there the past week accused on a serious charge. Truly, the way of the transgressor is hard.

Media Meanderings: Ed Keane shipped a car load of hogs to Chicago. Mrs. John Gibson has been helping care for her mother, Mrs. O.P. Colgrove who is sick. A little daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Campbell. Mrs. Campbell was formerly Mrs. Eulah Baker. A family reunion was held at the Palmer home west of town. Roy Pendarvis accompanied a shipment of cattle to the Chicago market. Miss Gladys Mathers has been confined to her bed for several days with tonsillitis. The Lewis Seed Co. will open an office in Monmouth; it is one of the growing and substantial seed houses of the day. Company President Lewis, Ernest E. South, business manager and Charles Pendarvis, agronomist or farm expert of the company met with the Commercial Club. A number of farmers, bankers and representative business men of the city met with them and assure them of the support of the community. The company representatives are looking for a location for their office and also for a building near the railroads that is suitable for storing their seeds. They will lease the buildings for a year and then will build. Mr. South will be in charge of the Monmouth location and Mr.Pendavis will devote some of his time to the business end of the Media house. The company will put in a stock of seed corn, clover, wheat and other farm seeds this fall in the storehouse there.

One of the reasons why the company wants to come to Monmouth is the superior shipping advantages. If an order for seed comes into town before seven o'clock in the morning, it can be shipped to any post office in the county except those of the Santa Fe by noon. The company is about six years old and has had a healthy growth. Last year their business amounted to over $100,000 and they expect to double it within a year or so-