The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1919 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1919

Stronghurst Graphic, May 29, 1919 

SOLDIER TO SPEAK: Private Clyde Snodgrass, a returned overseas soldier, will give a talk at the Lyric Theatre in which he will relate some of his experiences in France,. Private Snodgrass served there one year and seven months seeing active trench warfare during which he was gassed twice. In addition to relating his own experiences, he will impart information concerning the Belgian people, who bore so much of the brunt of the world war. No admission will be charged but a free will offering will be taken at the close.

NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES: Justice Floyd E. Thompson has shown his appreciation of the support he received in Quincy, the home of his opponent in the recent judicial election by appointing Arthur Roy of that city as his secretary at a salary of $3,000 per year(that would be $38,010 today). Mr. and Mrs. L.P.Schmitt of Warsaw received official notice that their son Roy, was wounded while at the front in France. The parents did not worry over the news, however, as their son was at home with them safe and sound when the dispatch was received.

Lieut. Allen B. Crane, son of Postmaster and Mrs. Crane of Lomax, is engaged to Miss Rosa Newman of Eastman, Ga. Lt. Crane at the time of the signing of the armistice was connected with the adjutant general's department personnel and enlisted for a term of years so is in the regular army now. Six head of horses were burned to death in a fire which destroyed the barn of Col. J.A.Stokes on his farm near Little York.

MEMORIAL DAY PLANS: Although plans for the public observance of Memorial Day were delayed until a late hour, services of an appropriate nature have been arranged and the program will include features which should attract a large audience. Committees in charge of the details of the day's exercises were appointed at a meeting at the First National Bank last Friday evening. The program consists of the following: a band concert on the street, opening exercises at the Lyric Theatre, songs by the audience, solos-vocal and one on a harp, an address by Dr. W.E. McCullough of Pittsburgh, Pa., and orchestra music. At the close of this affair, the procession will form on the west side of the street in front of the Lyric and march to the cemetery where the graves of deceased soldiers will be decorated and a program of songs, readings and drills will be given under the direction of Miss Mary Morgan. All returned soldiers and sailors from the World War are invited to be present and join in the procession to the cemetery.

The musical part of the program promises to be especially good, the newly organized Stronghurst band and the Lyric Theatre orchestra furnishing the instrumental music while several of our talented vocalists will render solos. In addition there will be patriotic songs by the whole audience.

Children's drills at the cemetery under the direction of Miss Mary Morgan will be a feature of the occasion. It is hoped that a large number of our returned soldiers and sailors will be present in uniform and march in a body in the procession to the village cemetery where the children will lay upon the graves of the departed heroes the wreaths prepared by the flower committee. (What are the plans for Stronghurst's 2007 Memorial Day Event?)

PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT: At a meeting of the playground committee at the home of chairman, Miss M. Thompson, it was decided that Miss Thompson and Miss Hartquist would circulate a list in order to ascertain how much money is needed toward the $500 deemed necessary to accomplish the proposal. The committee has in mind the purchase of the following: slide, stride, circular swing, seesaw and swings.

MARRIED IN MON-MOUTH: On May 19th Miss Thelma M. Smith of Stronghurst became the bride of Mr. A.E.Springsteen of Oquawka in the M.E. parsonage-the Rev. Craine officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Annie Smith and has taught several successful terms of school in this county since completing her education which was obtained in Stronghurst High School and Knox College. During the past year she taught the school in Dist. No.2 southwest of Raritan. The groom is a recently discharged soldier who as stationed at Camp Funston, Kansas.

SWINE BREEDERS ORGANIZE: At a meeting of swine breeders of Henderson County held at the C.M.Whiteman home near Biggsville, the Henderson County Swine Breeders Association was effected by the adoption of a constitution and by-laws and the election of officers: President, William Whiteman, Biggsville; V.Pres., Fred Welch, Monmouth; Sec., J. Howard Miner, Stronghurst; Treas., Harry Lovitt, Terre Haute. An executive board representing the promoters of the various breeds of swine in the county was selected consisting of the following: Poland Chinas-Fred M. Gray, Media; Durocs-C.W.Walker, Stronghurst; Chester Whites-Guy Smith, Little York; Hampshires-Austin Kelly, Little York.

PATTERSON OF OQUAWKA SPECTATOR DEAD: Harry M. Patterson, former editor of the Oquawka Spectator and recognized as one of the prominent botanists of the United States, died at the Burlington Hospital May 22nd following a brief illness. Mr. Patterson had devoted a lifetime to the study of botany and was at one time tendered the position of first assistant botanist of the division of the Dept. of Agriculture of the United States. He refused the position because of a disinclination to leave his home town. He was born in Oquawka in 1853 and spent his whole life in that village. He is survived by his wife, who was formerly Miss Florence Beaty and by one brother, Norman Patterson of Chicago. (His botany cards are in the Kibbee Museum in Carthage.)

1894 Graphic: S. W. Carothers and Miss Nora Spiker were united in marriage on May 27th at the M.E.Church just prior to the church services. Plans were being drawn for the erection of a Christian church in Stronghurst at the south end of Broadway.

The village of Blandinsville was torn up over a scandal in which the pastor of the M.E.Church and two teachers in the public school were involved. Robert Bowman of Roseville had been employed as foreman of Stronghurst's new cigar factory. Choice butter was selling on this market at 16-17 cents per lb.; fresh eggs at 9 -10 1/2 cents and potatoes at 65-75 cents per bushel. The question as to what constitutes true baptism was being discussed and debated with more or less fervor in religious circles in this village.

LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: From Anthony, Kansas comes word that C.H.Wickham and Walter Simonson, formerly of this vicinity are named among those who will be the main backers of "The Home State Bank." Officials of the Warren-Henderson Secondary High School League decided that first honors in the Bi-County Athletic meet held at Biggsville on May 16th should go to Roseville. (Previously, it had been declared a tie between Roseville and Stronghurst.)

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Len Ditto has gone to the green Bay Bottoms where he will plant corn on his farming interests. The Baccalaureate services will be held at the M.E.Church with Rev. Whitmeyer preaching. Commencement exercises will be June 3rd at the U.P.Church. Lou Lox notified his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lox, that he was at Camp Grant and would be home soon. William Daugherty has bought the elevator from P.H. Weigand and will move his family here from Galesburg. Mrs. Dr.Day of Cheyenne, Wyo. has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Rose Stevenson. The stork recently made a call at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Burrell near Olena and left a fine son; Mrs. Burrell will be remembered as Miss Nellie Kelley. John Markman has been suffering with a severe case of blood poisoning in one of his hands. He had been working as a river pilot and one day recently in manipulating the wheel of the boat knocked a piece of skin from his hand which became infected.

The village was greatly excited by the news Sunday morning that in the sand pit west of town where some Italians working and living in outfit cars one man nearly killed another. The man who did the job got away so the bloodhounds from Monmouth were sent for; he was caught Sunday evening.

***OBITUARY***MRS. WM. FINCH: Sad news spread Friday morning about 7 o'clock when it became known that Mrs. Wm. Finch had died suddenly at her home south of town. Coroner Dr. Emerson was called and held an inquest which found that she had died of apoplexy. Mrs. Finch was born in Monmouthshire, England and at the time of her death was 60 years and 23 days old. She leaves to mourn her husband and the following children: Mrs. Jas. Johns, Fern and Winnie. Her two sons, Roy and Clayton preceded her in death. Roy died 15 years ago and Clayton, the youngest, died at sea Oct. 17, 1918 and the shock of his death was a severe blow to his parents, his mother never quite recovered from it. She also leaves four brothers, Charlie, Joe, Dave and Tom Edmonds of England besides a host of relatives and friends. Mrs. Finch was a member of the M.E. church. She was devoted and loving mother. She loved her home and family to a high degree and was always at home with her loved ones. She will be greatly missed and thought of often; she will live in the memory of many in the years to come...funeral services were held at the home Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock with interment in the Carman village cemetery.

CARMAN CONCERNS: The Red Cross expects to complete 100 garments for the Belgian and French children this week. Mr. Larry Hueholt and wife and Mr. Jas. Edmonds of Danville, Iowa, and Mr. Bert Edmonds of Kingston were called to attend the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. William Finch. Mesdames Partridge and Nixon of Lomax, Luke Vaughn and family of Disco, Jim Vaughn and family of Dallas City, M.R.Vaughn and Family, Mrs. Emma Price, Mr. Geo. Vaughn and family and Miss Fern Vaughn of Burlington, Mr. Joe Marsden and wife of Olena, Newt Vaughn and family and Mrs. Sue Baxter of Stronghurst, Mr. Bert and Grover Rehling of Stronghurst were also in attendance at the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. U.L. Marsden entertained Mr. Joe Niehaus and wife; they spent the day fishing. Mrs. M. Meador and little daughter who had been visiting U.L. Marsden home returned to their new home in Oakville, Iowa. Mrs. George Babcook left for Oquawka to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Dave Mitchell. Carpenters from Dallas City are remodeling the W.H.Babcook home; they are putting in a furnace and building on 6 new rooms. Mrs. Ray McIntire and son Ross left for a visit with her father, Mr. Mark Anderson of Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Gittings welcomed a new little daughter.

LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Mrs. Mary Thompson sold her 160 acre farm north of Stronghurst to Wm. Stine for the consideration of $25,000. Mrs. John Blair of Cheyenne, Wyo. and Mrs. Wm. O'Connor of Albia, Iowa have been visitors at the home of Dr. and Mrs. W.R.Salter. Mrs. Frank Murphy, just recently returned from Chicago, left for Fort Madison having received news of the serious illness of her brother. James Bolton, who helped build several house in Stronghurst during the early days of the town, is now in the employ of James Hicks and helping build a fine home for Charles Lind four miles southeast of Strong-hurst. For some time he has been a resident of Fort Worth, Texas.

A reunion of the descendants of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rankin was held today at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Allison. Those present from a distance were Mrs. E. P. Thompson of Riverside, Calif., Mrs. Jennie McArthur of Newton, Kans., Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rankin and son Russell of Des Moines, Iowa and Rev. G.W.Fickes of Rochester, N.Y. A crowd attended the Memorial services at the U.P. Church last Sunday morning that packed the building to the doors. An interesting sermon was delivered by the pastor, Rev. K. R. Anderson. A special singing number was a solo by Miss Elizabeth Bailey. The place of honor formerly given to the veterans was occupied by a dozen or more young men of a later generation who have just returned from the World War.

Ed Bowen, who has spent the past 9 months at Camp Gordon, Ga. and Montgomery, Ala. returned home. Last fall Ed became a "flu" victim and spent the entire winter and spring in hospitals in recovering from the complications that followed. He now looks well and entertains hopes of complete recovery. His sister, Miss Nellie of Aledo, joined him at Galesburg for a brief visit. Lloyd Schnee, who returned from overseas to his home at Humeston, Ia. about a month ago, was here for a visit with his grandfather C.P.Dobbs.

Lloyd spent 18 months in France and saw much active service. He went over the top with his comrades in the Argonne and received a bad wound in his left arm and two on the back of his head. Clarence Hartquist, who has since the close of the war, been in the transport service helping bring back the boys from France, has received his final discharge and is now at his parents' home, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hartquist.

Since his short visit home a few weeks ago Clarence has made the round trip from New York to Brest on the steamship which was formerly the Kronprintz." Mr. and Mrs. G.E.Lant received word that their son, Corporal Archie Lant, had arrived at Newport News, VA. from France on May 20th. Jack Tracy has received his honorable discharge; he had served six months overseas as a member of Co. I, 133rd Inf. and was stationed at Camp Cody for 12 months and later transferred to Co.L, 77th Div.

Mrs. Mary Cooksey, who lives with her daughter, Mrs. Wright, has been quite serious ill. Fred Kershaw had his left hand badly bruised by having it drawn between the rollers of a power wringer at his home. Mrs. C.E.Pendarvis and little son, Elmer, of Media have been staying at the home of her mother, Mrs. Robt. McKeown, who is quite ill. Carl Schierbaum had his face quite badly scalded when he removed the radiator cap from an automobile for the purpose of pouring in some cold water.

The water in the radiator was extremely hot and when the cap was removed, the steam and hot water shot through the opening with considerable force into Carl's face. While the injury is painful, the victim is still able to be about. Mrs. S.A.Rankin of the southeast neighborhood is suffering from uraemic poisoning and was taken to the Monmouth Hospital.

LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Mrs. L.B.Allen, who is employed as a matron in the welfare department of the big Buick automobile factory at Flint, Mich. has visited old friends and attended to packing and shipping some furniture which she has had stored at Olena for the past year. Fred Siegworth, former principal of the Terre Haute High School, recently returned from overseas. That he was in the real danger zone in France during the war is evidenced by the three machine gun bullet wounds which he bears in his shoulder and arms. He was a member of the 4th Div of regulars and received wounds in the Argonne Forest drive. He says that his wounds have in one way worked to his advantage as they secured his release from further service with his division, which as part of the army of occupation is still in Germany.

MEDIA MEAND-ERINGS: Two illustrated lectures will be given at Lewis Hall: One " A Fertile Soil makes a Prosperous People" and the other "Home Canning by the Cold Pack Method." This will be free of charge and lunch will be serviced by the community club. The farmers here abouts held a meeting in Lewis Hall one night in the interest of a new Farmers Elevator to be run here. Last Friday afternoon the community club met at the beautiful home of Mrs. Richard Gould. The meeting turned into a kitchen shower for Mrs. Gladys Martin who expects to leave here in the near future.