The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1919 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1919

Stronghurst Graphic, June 12, 1919 

ENTERTAINS THE W.C.T.U. LADIES: Mrs. C.E.Peasley delightfully entertained at her lovely country home about 35 of the W.C.T.U. ladies at an all day meeting. After their arrival, the Belgium relief work was taken up under the direction of Mrs. James Brewer. At the noon hour a sumptuous picnic dinner was served on the lawn where the hostess had provided tables and seats; all enjoyed chicken pie, strawberries and cream furnished by the hostess. The Program featured a scripture lesson read by Mrs. J.B.Staley; prayer by Mrs. Jaggers; singing in unison "Blest Be the Tie;" and several clippings were read regarding the great work yet to be done by the W.C.T.U.. The Bible Question Contest was taken up by the captain, Mrs. J.B.Staley. Last year losers entertained the winners with a game of charades followed by a solo by Mesdames Paul Walllin and Geo. Widney and a reading by Mesdames Lee Wilson, J.M. Johnson and Ida Wood. After the meeting adjourned, pictures of the various groups were taken and also of the beautiful home. The day was greatly enjoyed and all decided Mrs. Peasley was a royal entertainer. (Anyone have a copy of these pictures?)

ARMY WORM AT WORK: An army worm scourge is threatened in Henderson county. Although it is hoped that prompt action by farmers battling the pest will avert a serious loss, a 100 acre field of rye on the Wiegand farm in the drainage district near Carman is said to have been completely ruined by the ravages of the little green worm and the "army" is working on adjoining fields of clover and grain. (County farm Advisor Miner issued a bulletin covering eradication procedures.). . .Later-Infestations has extended in every direction from the Wiegand farm in the drainage district. County Agent Miner informed the public that reports were coming in from Raritan, Media, Terre Haute, Lomax and Gladstone Townships stating that the worms were hatching out in great quantities in various places in these townships.

WHAT TO DO: CONFINE TO ONE FIELD IF POSSIBLE. Plow a strip around field leaving a deep furrow. When the worms get into this furrow, drag a long weight back and forth in it to crush them. Crude oil or hog dip if put along this furrow would kill many. Poisoned bait could be used to check their travels. To 50 lbs. of bran, add one pound of Paris Green or 2 lbs. of Arsenate of lead, add juice of 6 oranges or lemons. Mix to a stiff dough by adding a low grade of molasses or syrup. Scatter or broad cast in small pieces. Spray when practical. One pound of Paris Green to 50 gallons of water, Keep stock away from poisoned grain or grasses.

WEDDING BELLS: Bells chimed again in Stronghurst last Saturday when two more of her most popular young people took upon them the vows which united their future lives and destinies. At 12 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.H.Davis on Elizabeth St.( After crossing the railroad, first house on the right past Crop Production,) Rev. A. Jaggers of the M.E.Church spoke the words which made Mr. Otto Steffey and Miss Ruth Davis husband and wife.

The Davis home had been prettily decorated and the marriage ceremony was performed beneath a large wedding bell which had been suspended in the south parlor. The candidates for marriage vows took their place beneath this bell while Lohengren's wedding march was played by Miss Martha Davis, sister of the bride. The gown worn by the bride was of white crepe de chine and she carried a shower bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley. The groom's attire was that which convention has dictated for such occasions.

After a simple but impressive words of the ceremony had been spoken, the bride and groom received the congratulations of the assembled guests, including only the immediate relatives. The wedding party was then served with a three course dinner by Mrs. Johanna Wheeling and the Misses Martha Davis and Ruth McMillan. A feature of the table decorations was a huge birthday cake adorned with twenty-two candles this being the twenty-second anniversary day of the birth of both the bride and groom.

Both of these young people have spent their entire lives in this immediate vicinity and the excellencies of character which both possess are so well known that no mention of the same is necessary here. Both were educated in the Stronghurst public and high schools and both are equipped mentally and physically to enter upon the responsibilities of the future with every hope of success and happiness.

The bride recently resigned the position of assistant postmistress in Stronghurst, which she filled the highest degree of satisfaction to the patrons of the office. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglass Steffey and is associated with his father in the management of the latter's farm adjoining the village. He recently purchased a residence on Mary St., north of the Santa Fe and here he and his bride will make their home.

COMMUNITY CLUB MEETS: The Stronghurst Community Women' Club held a public meeting at the Lyric Theatre on June 7th in the interest of the Child Welfare Movement. The meeting was in charge of the Civic or City Beautiful Committee with Mrs. I.F.Harter, leader. Subject-"His Royal Highness-the Baby." Mrs. Jas. Johnson gave a reading entitled "Baby Day" followed "The Marvel" given by Mrs. K.R.'Anderson. Mrs. Jennie G. White then read a paper on "The pre-school or runabout age following infancy." Mrs. H.D.Lovitt read a paper entitled "In a Systematic Supervision, what can we offer through the playground to the children of the pre-school or runabout age?" Mrs. Paul Wallin, accompanied by Mrs. B.G.Widney, sang "Take me back to Babyland." Mrs. J. Howard Miner spoke on "The development of Music from the Home thru the community, extending finally to the greater issues into the Civic Center."

Mrs. Harter called for mothers with babies to come to the front of the room and Mrs. A.A.Worthington on behalf of the club spoke a few fitting words and crowned each child with a garland of roses (the emblem of purity). Twenty-four dear little ones ranging in age from six months to two and a half years were present. The great-grandmothers were then called upon and Mrs. H.M.Allison spoke of the high honor which was theirs. As a second part of the program, Mr. Beardsley threw on the screen motion picture sent by the State Board of Health telling of the importance of birth registration followed by remarks by Dr. Harter.(The preceding gives an example of a typical club meeting.)

PARADED WITH THE REGIMENT: "Jimmie" Brown and Douglas Prescott went to Chicago last week to welcome home the last of the units of the 33rd or "Prairie" division to arrive from overseas. Amongst these units was the 108th engineers, the regiment with which Jimmie served in France until he was incapacitated from further active duty by shell shock. He was sent home with a number of other casualties early last spring and is now almost entirely recovered. He was a musician and stretcher bearer in the regiment of engineers to which he belonged and was given a place in the parade in Chicago with his newly returned comrades, marching as musicians at the head of the unit.

1894 GRAPHIC: "Kelsey Industrial Army" of 107 mechanics and workingman from Omaha, Nebr., on their way to Washington, D.C. "To see Grover" as their banners proclaimed, camped over night here on June 13th. The tabernacle revival services being held by the Christian denomination was adjourned in order to allow the people to go to the opera house to hear Rev. Cornelius of the Baptist church defend the Baptist point of view on baptism, which he did in a sermon lasting one and a half hours. A serious drought was affecting the small grain and meadows in this vicinity. A citizen of Stronghurst had a notice in the paper agreeing to give $1,000 to Elder Magee, the evangelist, if he would show where there was any authority in the scriptures for one to be immersed in the name of the Holy Trinity. Geo. H. Roberts & Co., a new firm, had been established in Stronghurst for the manufacture and sale of hog and chicken cholera remedies. An order for a ton of the remedies had just been received through John Smith, who was representing the company as traveling salesman. Ernest, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Staley, had his scalp badly torn by being thrown from a wagon at Oquawka on Decoration Day.

LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Miller Apt of Oakland, Iowa is visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. C.S.Apt. Miss Olive Kendrick, who taught in the high school here, has been employed as assistant teacher in the Oquawka Township High School for the coming year. The strawberry harvest is in full swing. The small patches about town have supplied the tables of many families and at the big field of J.I.Wolfe, south of town, there has been a large force of pickers at work.

LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Mr. Frank Murphy left for Helena, Mont. in charge of a shipment of 20 head of Hereford bulls which Mr. H.N.Vaughn bought from members of the Henderson County Polled and Horned Hereford Association for distribution in that state.

Mr. Vaughn's son Robert had expected to be in charge but developed a case of mumps a few hours before the time for leaving. O.J.Sanderson is looking quite "swell" this week while he entertains a case of the mumps. The friends of Mrs. Sarah Alpaugh will regret to learn that her physical condition has become such as to oblige her to leave her nice home in Raritan and enter a hospital in Burlington, Ia., for care and treatment.

Miss Esther Curry attended a reunion of the class of "18 on Monmouth college at Monmouth. A luncheon served at the Commercial Club rooms in the city was followed by an informal program of music and readings.

The village board decided to put in a four foot cement gutter on both sides of Broadway between Nichols St. and Main St. The adjacent property owners have agreed to pay 70% of the cost of the improvement and the remaining 30 % will be assumed by the village.

The need of better surface drainage for the streets in the business section of the village has been obvious for a long time and a system of cement gutters should, if possible, be extended to include the section of Broadway between Main Street and the railroad. Lloyd Chant enrolled as a student in Brown's Business College in Galesburg. Twenty-five cases of small pox have been reported in Galesburg, but a general epidemic is not anticipated.

Silas Dowell sold the property on West Main St. now occupied by Prof. J.K. Spence and family to Miss Naomi Lukens of Media. A.A.Lawton, who has operated a shoe repairing shop for the past year in the frame building three doors north of the post office, packed up, shipped his personal effects, and departed for an unknown destination. The post office has ruled that a postmaster cannot hold the office of school director; therefore, J.F.Mains has resigned as director of the Stronghurst Public School and a special election to fill the vacancy has been called. The Live Wire Supply Co., a concern headquartered in Macomb which handles electrical equipment and appliances, has rented the Chant building on Broadway, formerly used as a harness shop, and will open a store there on June 15th.

The son of Alex Logan of Lomax, Robert Lomax Logan, is becoming renown in south Henderson Country in his rendition of patriotic speeches and poems. A.E.Jones, B.G.Widney, I.F. Harter, A.H.Kershaw, W.B.Towler, M.F.T.Schierbaum, A.V.Brokaw, W.W.Ross and W.H.Summers were at LaHarpe attending the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Western Illinois Utilities Co. Mr. Wm Hartquist was elected as one of the five directors for the ensuing year.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Commencement exercises for the Gladstone High School were held at the U.P. Church. The first prize was awarded Carl Johnson and Miss Grace Rodman took second for the best orations by the class. Charles Ahlburg has sold the new garage he built to Mr. Richmond and Mr. Runyon of Oquawka and they will take charge of work here soon. They gave $4,000 for the building and business. Gus Jacob has moved to one of the Sam Stevenson farms south of town where he will farm this summer. George Jacob is still in the Burlington Hospital where he has been the past four weeks suffering from blood poisoning.

CARMAN CONCERNS: Miss Leona Cowdrey has returned to Rock Island after an extended visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.A.Cowdrey and sister, Mrs. Walter Burnett. Mrs. Nettie Webster of Keithsburg has been visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Eliza Parry and brother-in-law, George McCannon. Several I.O.O.F. and Rebekahs from Lomax attended the Memorial exercises which were held at the M.E.Church. Clyde Gittings and family have moved to their new home which they recently had built west of town.

MEDIA MEANDER-INGS: Several from here went to the show at Stronghurst Monday evening. N.J.Gram is having his residence improved by giving it a new coat of paint. William Gould returned home having received an honorable discharge. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibb are the happy parents of a 9 lb. boy born last Thursday. Quite a little excitement was caused in town when it was reported that C. G. Richey's car down by the church was on fire. With the aid of shovels and dirt and fire extinguishers, the fire was put out before the car was entirely destroyed.