The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1919 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1919

Stronghurst Graphic, April 10, 1919: 

TIME CHANGE? At a meeting the stockholders of the Stronghurst Grain and Mdse. Co., who virtually constitute a farmers' community club for this section of the country, it was decided by a unanimous vote that an effort should be made to have the community as a whole ignore the time change which went into effect by government order on March 30th and to have all clocks excepting those in places under direct government control set to conform to the standard or meridian time in use prior to that date. The farmers generally have refused to move their clocks ahead and they are asking that the village time pieces be set to correspond to theirs in order to prevent confusion and inconvenience in the matter of business hours, time for holding church service and other public meetings, hours for opening school, etc.

After consultation with some of the business and professional men of the village, it was decided to issue a call for a mass meeting of the citizens of the village and surrounding community to discuss the question and learn if possible what the consensus of opinion is in the matter and be governed accordingly. A meeting will be held next Saturday evening, April 12 at 8:30 o'clock, new time, in the Stronghurst M.E.Church. There has been considerable objections to the time change and those opposed are urge to attend and present their views.

Farmers will no doubt put up some strong arguments in favor of their position in this matter and some business are lending their support to this view. As the matter is one which very directly concerns employees and the laboring class generally, it is especially desired that this class be represented at the meeting and they express their views.

MARKETING WOOL: County Farm Advisor, J. Howard Miner, was at Chicago attending a meeting of the Illinois Agricultural Association called for the purpose of discussing the marketing of the wool clip of the state for the coming season. Henderson County Farm Bureau marketed about 20,000 lbs. of wool raised by farmers in the county last year and the grading of the wool and prices received were very satisfactory. The clip this year in the county will probably run about the same as last year.

LIBERTY LOAN MEETING: A conference of county workers in the coming Victory Loan drive is being held in the U.P. Church at Biggsville. Prominent speakers from Chicago and elsewhere are expected to be present and the program includes a banquet to be served at the noon hour in the church by the management of the Blue Grass Hotel at Biggsville. W.C.Ivins is the county chairman and Mrs. Flo Ervin of Biggsville in chairman of the Woman's Council of Defense and will assist in the campaign.

THE BOYS FOUND EACH OTHER: C.E.Fort received a letter from his son John B. in which John, who is with the radio corps in the American Army of Occupation in Germany and is stationed near Coblentz. writes that he had taken a trip on the Rhine with Joe Baxter and Clarence Hartquist, who he found waiting for him one day upon returning to quarters. The boys are all in different divisions of the army, but chance brought them to the same locality and afforded the opportunity of a visit. (Clarence Hartquist was in the navy instead of the army.)

1894: William Whiteman and Miss Lizzie Millan, both of Biggsville were married on April 4th. Louis B. Wolf, a wealthy farmer of Terre Haute Township, was adjudged insane at an examination conducted before Judge Cooper at Oquawka during the week. (The term, "insane," can be misleading. The person could have been old and confused; only a reading of the file in the courthouse would tell the true story.) The stockholders of the Stronghurst State Bank and the State Bank of Henderson County voted in separate meeting on the question of consolidation. As two thirds vote was required, the proposition failed by a few votes. Mr. W.H.Dean, Santa Fe agent at Stronghurst, and Miss May LeFever of Terre Haute were married on April 11th at the home of the bride's parents. A series of revival meetings were being conducted at the Stronghurst M.E.Church by Rev. Haney.

LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: On March 30th at the Macomb Hospital an 8 lb. daughter was born to Mrs. Dorothy Evans, whose husband, Volney Evans, died last December at their home near Decorra. William Jennings Bryan is booked to deliver a speech on National Prohibition at Monmouth April 16th. He will be accompanied by Rev. Howard H.Russell, the founder of the anti-saloon league. Blandinsville was hitched on to the big power dam at Keokuk by means of wires of the Western Illinois Utilities Co. and citizens of the berg are expecting to be free from the inconvenience of partial and inadequate electric services.

ADS: GARAGE AND REPAIR SHOP-I have opened an auto and tractor repair shop on the Dan Shook place on North Elizabeth St. and am prepared to repair your autos and tractors and to furnish Ford parts and tractor repairs at reasonable price. A.W.Shook

HARNESS SHOP -I have two sets of new team harness to sell. I am almost through with harness repairing and can now give more attention to shoe repairing. Bring your shoe repairing to me and get it done right and promptly. J.H.Baker (Both gentlemen are adapting to progress.)

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Frank Hulet came home from Camp Merritt, Md. where he was discharged from the army. Clyde Robbins moved into the house vacated by Greeny Jacob. Mr. Jacob moved into the hotel building owned by Ed Cooper and will keep boarders for a time. Mr. Harry Blackstone was given a reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Galbraith. Gus Jacob moved his family from Oakville, Iowa into the Sam Stevenson house and will work for Mr. Stevenson the coming summer. Clyde Galbraith loaded a car with stock and household goods and went out to Clifton Hill, Mo. where he has a farm.

***DAN LOGAN*** Mr. Daniel Logan died at the St.Francis Hospital on Monday. The funeral will be held from the Catholic Church with interment at South Henderson. Mr. Logan was born in Henderson County, April 19, 1861 and has always made this place his home. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Logan, pioneers of this county. He leaves a mother, three sisters and one brother and a wife and two sons, Harry of Burlington and Thomas of Gladstone and a daughter, Mrs. J.C.Hicks of Stronghurst

LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: W.C.Regan went to Peoria to visit his father who has been quite ill for some time. An evening of rare entertainment is assured to those who attend the Hedding College Glee Club concert to be given at the M.E.Church. Mr. and Mrs. P.N. Wallin are receiving congratulations of the arrival of a fine 10 lb. boy. Get one of those Emerson engines to do your pumping, washing and all the small chores on the farm; Dixson sells them. Miss Florence Fort and Mrs. Flora Salter are visitors in the big city by the Lake (Chicago).

The combination of dampness and sudden changes in temperature which prevails in this locality furnishes ideal conditions for the development of croup in young children and it behooves parents to be on their guard against the ravages of this malady. J.W.Stine has purchased a residence property in Stronghurst recently owned by Perry Cooper; Mr. Stine disposed of his old residence some time ago to Mr. O.J.Sanderson. Mrs. Anna Lant returned from California where she spent the winter and her son John, who was there also, and is returning by auto accompanied by his brother-in-law whose home is in Monmouth. Marguerite Wheeling (Wheeler-printer error) returned from Chicago where she spent two weeks visiting the Wheelers, Stevensons and Popes, old Stronghurst friends. Sam Curry and daughter, Evelyn came over from Winfield, Iowa to visit his brother, N.B. Curry and family.

The state fire marshal of Iowa asked the court to impose a fine of $2,056 on John Blaul and J.B.Sutter of Burlington for failure to remove a building there which had been condemned and ordered torn down two different times. Misses Phyllis Steffey and Ruth Brokaw are students at the Quincy Business College. Misses Marie and Carrol Rankin, students at Monmouth College, are enjoying a vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.W.Rankin. Mrs. Catherine Johnson has sold her residence on the corner of Division and Dixson to Mrs. Annie Cramer of Roseville and has purchased from Mr. Chas. J.Johnson the property on the corner of Elizabeth and Nichols which the latter purchased last year from Mr. W.E.Salter. The executive committee of the Henderson Co.Farm Bureau met at County Advisor Miner's office. Members in attendance were R.N.Clarke, Media; C.W.Cooper, Bald Bluff; Colonel Schenck, Raritan; C.B. Vaughn, Lomax; Harry Lovitt, Terre Haute; Geo. Rezner, Biggsville and C.H.Curry, Stronghurst.

The 80th birthday of Mrs. Harriet Curry was celebrated on March 31st by a family gather and dinner at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lois Cortleyou in Wellington, Kans. with whom Mrs. Curry makes her home. Those present included Mrs. Curry, her daughter Lois of Wellington and Mrs. Mary Curry of Oklahoma and Will Cortleyou and wife. W.F. Rankin and daughter, Bettie of Tarkio, MO. visited the A.S.McElhinney home. The Rankins had been in Chicago consulting specialists in regard to the lameness with which Bettie is afflicted. They had stopped in Burlington on their return trip to visit Mr. Rankin's mother and family.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: LETTER CONTAINING OBIT-DECKER: Please announce the death of Mrs. A.G.Decker who has many friends in and about Media. Mrs. Decker died as she lived with faith in her God, loved by all who knew her and mourned by a host of friends. Heaven's gain is our loss.

Mrs. Laura Ella Decker, aged 65, wife of A.G.Decker, died at their home in Council Bluffs, Iowa following an operation. Besides her husband she leaves two daughters, Mrs. John H. Brown of Council Bluffs and Mrs. Mannis Reid of Glen Allen, Miss. and also one son, Dr. J.C.Decker of Cheyenne, Wyo. Mrs. Decker had been a resident of Council Bluffs for twenty years and was a member of the Fifth Ave. M.E.Church and primary superintendent in the Sunday School, the Brotherhood of American Yeoman and the Mutual Protective Association. The funeral will take place at the residence and the body will leave over the C.B.& Q. for Plymouth, Ill., her former home where it will be interred.

MEDIA LOCAL HAPPENINGS: Under the auspices of the Media Community Club a tree in memory of Bruce Rankin will be planted on the Academy lawn. Attorney James Gordon of Oquawka, whose son was in the same regiment with Bruce, will deliver the address and the ground breaking to plant the tree will be done by Mrs. E.Rankin. The pupils of the public school will take part in the program. A good attendance was at the missionary meeting at Mrs. Charles Gibson's. Mrs. Etta Thompson and Mrs. W.P.Terry went to Stronghurst to Dr. Henderson's where they have been taking treatments. People of the community are planning on giving a Victory play in the future. A chicken pie supper will be held at Lewis Hall on April 12th. An illustrated lecture entitled "Live Stock on Every Farm" will be given by County Advisor J.H.Miner.