The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1919
Stronghurst Graphic, March 27, 1919
HEROES WERE LAUDED: Sixty returned soldiers and sailors responded to the invitation sent out by the community citizens committee and were guests of honor at a banquet and reception held in the new Gould garage in Stronghurst Friday evening. The interior of the building had been handsomely decorated with American flags, the flags of the Allied Nations, red, white and blue banners and streamers and a profusion of bunting. Banquet tables, which covered the south half of the building, extended along the east, south and west walls. The menu consisted of baked chicken with dressing and gravy, mashed potatoes, salad, celery, pickles, olives, preserves, jellies, bread and butter, cake, ice cream and coffee. An orchestra furnished music and Mr. Douglass Prescott rendered a vocal solo during the serving of the meal.Later the room filled with people who had come to the reception and standing room was soon at a premium. Approximately 700-800 people were present to welcome back the nation's defenders with a hearty hand clasp and word of congratulations. An informal program of orchestra music, readings and songs by local talent displayed the fine spirit of community patriotism and appreciation of the obligations under which the veterans performed in time of peril.
Those who occupied seats at the banquet tables were as follows: Glenn Baxter, Geo. K. Peasley, Chester Trimmer, William Fisher, Marshall Resner, Lloyd Chant, W.J.Brown, Geo. W.Voorhees, Vern Wood, Wm Marshall, Chester Adair, Oscar Swedlund, R.H. Harvey, Carl Swanson, Dale Davis, Harold Richey, Axel Waring, John E. Knotts, Fred Worley, Barnard White, Frank Lebeck, Ross Lefler, C.S.Wheeling, Glenn Schenck, Jos. Hoffeditz, V.A.Putney, Russell Brokaw, Fred Johnson, Fred Gustafson, Chas. R. Heisler, Osia Reynolds, Dale Stine, Harold Butler, Harold McMillan, Edward Wanders, Clarence Fisher, Chas. Fordyce, C.R.Lauber, Lee Wilson, Lloyd Rhykerd, Russell Brooks, Lawrence Duncan, L.C.Thorell, Geo. Fornell, Alvah Sheck, Emil Peterson, Paul Hulet, Gus? Hulet, Chesley Towler, Bert Wheeler, Clarence Fisher, Wm. Moyer, Raymond Thomson, Eugene Wilson, Drewis Kern, Howard Francis, Ed Logan, Robt. Wilsher, Dean Rankin, and Waldo Rankin (Although not complete, this list does give a partial list of veterans.)
AN EXTRA HOUR OF DAYLIGHT: Notwithstanding the strong protest which has been made by the farmers and some other classes against repeating the foolishness of setting the clocks ahead to "save daylight" this summer, it seems that the old order is to stand and Director General Hines has issued instructions to the railroads of the country to set their clocks ahead one hour at 2:00 A.M. on March 30th. As a difference of an hour between railroad time and that in use by people engaged in other operations would result in much confusion, there seems to be nothing else to do but to set our clock ahead and try to believe that we have repealed the miracle of Joshua and made the sun to stand still long enough to give an extra hour of daylight. (This year, 2007, daylight saving time begins on March 11th at 2 a.m.)
***MRS. FREDERICK W. FITZ*** Mary Jeannette Annegers, eldest of the four children of Herman G. And Julia (Taylor)Annegers, was born Oct.24, 1876 on the farm near Decorra now occupied by her brother, F. Allen Annegers; she passed away at her home near Decorra March 18 at age 42 years, 4 months and 22 days. Practically her entire life was spent in the vicinity of her birthplace.
Her education was obtained in the district school of her neighborhood, the Stronghurst High School, and Monmouth College. On April 11, 1901 she united in marriage with Frederick W. Fitz and five children blessed this union, four of whom are left with the husband and father in the home which her living presence sanctified and where her memory will linger as a fragrant incense: Richard A., the youngest and infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Fitz preceded the mother into the Home prepared above. Those who remain are Frederick W., Jr.; G.Herbert, Herman G. and Francis H. Two brothers-John Herman of Lang, Sask. Can. and F. Allen of Decorra, Ill. and one sister-Mrs. Elimina Knopf of Joplin, Mo. are also left to mourn her departure. . .
BONUS FOR SOLDIERS: It may not be generally known that all discharged soldiers and sailors are entitled to a bonus of $60.00. W.H.White of this village has been appointed vice-chairman of the Home Service Section of the Henderson Co. Chapter, American Red Cross and has authority to assist the discharge soldiers and sailors in getting this bonus free of any expense to them.
ACCEPTS LARGEST FIGHTING SHIP: Captain L.A.Kaiser, brother of C.R.Kaiser of this place, representing Admiral Hughes, commandant of the Fourth Naval District, had the honor of formally accepting from the construction company at Camden, N.J. the super dreadnaught, Idaho, the largest fighting ship afloat. The crew of the big ship, numbering 1,407, stood at attention during the ceremony of transfer.
1894 GRAPHIC: After several days of almost summer weather during which the mercury went to 80 degrees above zero, farmers sowed their oats, gardens were planted and trees and shrubs put forth their buds, a sudden drop in temperature occurred on March 21 and 22nd, the mercury going almost to zero, ice forming to the thickness of an inch or more and the ground freezing to a depth of three inches. The cold wave was general over the country and strawberry pickers in Texas were obliged to don mittens and overcoats. A Y.M.C.A. organization was organized at the Stronghurst Baptist Church on April 22 with Gear Putney as President, Elmer Rambo as vice president and Fred Baldwin as secretary. Wm. W. Peck, an old resident of Henderson County, died at his home in Oquawka on March 18th. Miss Annis Drew began teaching a spring term of school at Lomax. "Coxey's army" was on the march through Ohio bound for the national capitol.( 1893 a great depression swept the land.
An army of unemployed workers organized under Jacob Coxey of Ohio and marched on Washington demanding that Congress issue 500 million dollars in paper money to be spent on furnishing work in road building and similar projects. As the men marched across the Capitol lawn, the leaders were arrested for "walking on the grass;" the army dissolved losing themselves in the city.)
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Forward of Moline are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. I.F.Forward; Frank has just returned from overseas. George Miller moved from the farm west of town into the house which he recently bought of Chas. Colyer. Everett Lewis moved his household goods into Mrs. Hedges house. Frank Figg of Burlington visited his sister, Mrs. Clyde Galbraith and family. Mrs. R.N. Stevenson received a telegram from her son Ralph telling of his safe arrival at Newport News, Va. Ralph Staley moved into the house near the lumber yard. Mr. and Mrs. George Sandy and Mr. and Mrs. James Sandy motored in the former's car to Newport, Ia. to visit an uncle who is very ill. Mrs. Clyde Galbraith came home from Biggsville where she spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. George Garrett and family. Mrs. Charles Mears moved from the Stanley farm to the Geo. Miller farm east of town. Mr. and Mrs. Jo Robbins and children who have been very ill with influenza are reported somewhat better. John Duvall purchased a new team of horses.
CARMAN CONCERNS: Messers Walter Howell, George Edmonds and the Misses Rhoda Marsden and Bernice Terril took the teachers examination in Oquawka. The nurse who has been caring for the Fred Rehling children has been discharge and the children are able to be out again. LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Leslie McMillan of Stronghurst was a member of the Knox College basketball team which has just closed a successful season winning second place in the Little Five conference and being victorious in the majority of their games. Mrs. Sarah J. Penny, who recently sold her residence property to Mrs. Christina Swedlund has gone to Macomb to reside. Philip Mains has been entertaining a case of mumps of unusual severity but is now recovering.
Elizabeth, little daughter of Rev. and Mrs. K.R.Anderson, has been quite ill from pneumonia but is now recovering. W.C.Regan and family are now enjoying the pleasure afforded by the possession of a new Buick touring car. J.R. Marshall who returned recently from Fairmont, N.Dak., under went an operation at the Burlington hospital for an abscess which he has been afflicted for some time. Miss Ethel Brokaw returned from Northwestern University, Evanston, where she has been a student during the past fall and winter. Mrs. Ethel Doty of Dallas City has been helping to care for her mother, Mrs. Geo. Chant, who has been quite ill from the flu. Ed Stine and son Dale, Bryan Johnson, H.N.Vaughn and Ralph Painter are all at Hartford City, Ind. attending a big Hereford cattle sale. Among the recently discharged soldiers and sailors arriving at their homes are Ernest Putney from the Naval Station at Pensacola, Fla. and Glenn Schenck from Camp Dodge, Iowa. A.L.Russler was in Chicago attending the head Camp meeting of the M.W.A. fraternity.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Mr. Glenn of Bloomington was in town in the interests of the Illinois Landscape Association and is helping plan some landscape gardening work which a number of our institutions and citizens are expecting to carry out. James Tierney resigned from his position as highway commissioner of Media Township. The home talent play "Lighthouse Nan" was given at the Lewis seed house and well attended. Receipts were over $50 which will benefit the M.E. church. The social benefit for the cradle roll department of the M.E. church was held at Lewis Hall. The weather was unfavorable, but nevertheless the attendance was fairly good and quite a sum of money was taken in. A small program was given the leading feature of which was a debate on the question, "Resolved that a woman's tongue is a stronger persuasive force than a woman' tears." The affirmative was argued by Miss Erminda Clarke and Mrs. Joe Campbell, the negative by Charles E. Pendarvis and E.G.Lewis. The judged voted a tie. Refreshments of coffee and pie and coffee and sandwiches were served. One of the amusing parts of the social was the gypsy fortune teller who interested most of the young people to look into their future.
Great plans are being made for the yard stick social to be given at Lewis Hall. Besides the novelty sale and program, a free lunch will be served. A small admission fee of one cent for every foot of height and two cents for each inch over any number of feet will be charged and each person will be measured at the door. Mr. and Mrs. John Welch are moving to a farm near Smithshire.