The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Take The Quill Along

The Quill traveled on February 11, 2007 with Bill Towns, Stronghurst, to Chatam where he enjoyed square dancing at Chummy Chainers Square Dance Club. From left is Sue Weston, Bill Towns, Mable McConnell and Don McConnel, a square dance caller.

The Quill traveled with fifteen ladies on May 6, 2007 to Charlotte, North Carolina where they bowled in the USBC Women's Championship Tournament. In front in white are from left: O'Kemm Dixon, Annette Gustison and Nancy Ramsey all from Carman. In back are some of the bowlers from Burlington, IA, Carol Payne, Dot Widdifield, Cathy Thordsen and Jennifer Woellert.

When you go on a trip, take The Quill along and take a picture with it and send it to us. Let us see where all "The Quill" can go.