The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
At the Wednesday, October 17, 2007 regular meeting of the West Central Community Unit School District #235 Board of Education the following items took place:
Minutes of the September 20, 2007 regular meeting;
Minutes of the September 20, 2007 budget hearing;
Minutes of the September 20, 2007 closed session;
Minutes of the September 27, 2007 special meeting;
Revisions to the following policies on second reading: Policy #2:125 - Board of Education - Board Member Expenses, Policy #4:180 Operational Services - Pandemic Preparedness, Policy #5:130 General Personnel - Responsibilities Concerning Internal Information, Policy#5:180 General Personnel - Temporary Illness or Temporary Incapacity, Policy#6:250 Instruction - Community Resource Persons and Volunteers, Policy #6:235 Instruction - Access to Electronic Networks, Policy #7:90 Students - Release During School Hours
The board approved the payment of all bills as presented, the monthly activity accounts, as well as the district's treasurers report. Under the treasurer's report, Mr. Grimm informed the board that the district had recently invested approximately $2.1 million dollars for 90 days and that he would be bringing to them a proposal to add the Illinois School District Liquid Asset Fund to the list of approved depositories for district funds. The superintendent briefly reviewed the financial report for the first quarter of FY08.
The board heard a brief report from the superintendent concerning the FY07 audit. The board was informed that there were a couple of minor items that were addressed as a result of the audit but overall it was a very good audit report. Following a brief discussion, the board approved the FY07 district audit as presented.
The board approved a request to change the date of the November board meeting from Wednesday, November 21, 2007 to Tuesday, November 20, 2007. That meeting will be held in the elementary cafeteria and will begin at 6:30 pm.
The board heard a report from Superintendent Grimm on the proposals that had been received in response to a request for proposal for the leasing of the district's FCC license. Following a overview of the highlights of each of the proposals, the superintendent recommended that the board pursue negotiating a lease agreement with Independent Spectrum of Denver, Colorado. Following the approval of that recommendation, the board then approved a request to engage the services of David O'Connor, an attorney with the firm of Holland & Knight in Washington, DC who will conduct the actual negotiations of the final lease for this FCC license.
A motion was made to increase the substitute bus driver pay for the north end drivers from $21.00 to $25.00 per route effective immediately from this point forward. That motion was defeated. A second motion was made to approve the north end substitute bus driver pay from $21.00 to $25.00 effective immediately and retroactive to the beginning of the school year. That motion was approved.
The board heard reports from the three building principals, the curriculum director, the technology coordinator, the special education director as well as the WCHS Dean of Students.
The board heard a brief report from board member Sams on the work of the board's partnership committee. This committee was charged with identifying additional options for our high school students in terms of dual credit and/or vocational offerings. The board was updated on the progress of that committee and that the committee will continue to meet and perhaps have recommendations for the board to consider in either November or December.
The discussion on the 2007 school report cards was tabled until the November board meeting.
The board briefly discussed the continuation of fall football and baseball at West Central Middle School. Board member Clifton raised the question as to whether or not we had enough numbers to justify the continuation of both programs. After a brief discussion is was the consensus of the board to continue both of those programs as they currently exist.
The board heard an overview of the District Title I Program from district curriculum director Jeanne Serven.
The board briefly discussed whether or not the number of college visit days currently outlined in the WCHS student/parent handbook is sufficient for the needs of our students given the fact that we have chosen to go to school on Columbus Day and Veteran's Day. After a brief discussion, it was the consensus of the board that the number of days as presently called for are appropriate but if a student has a specific need to be gone an additional day, that student is to work that issue out with the building principal.
The board discussed additional need for high school driver ed behind-the-wheel training. As a result of that brief discussion, the board directed Superintendent Grimm to look into alternative ways to provide additional behind-the-wheel training and to bring recommendations to the board at their November board meeting.
The board briefly discussed some recent acts of vandalism that have occurred to vehicles parked in the West Central High School parking lot. The board directed the superintendent to take a couple of steps in the short term and to explore some additional security options and to be prepared to report on that at the November meeting.
Under future agenda items, a request was made to have the board updated on the possible transfer of district property that adjoins to the south campus. A request was made to have an update on how the school farm did this year and it was requested that the 2007 school report cards be placed on the November agenda as well.
The board approved a settlement agreement regarding a first year non-tenured teacher.
The board employed Shawn Whitaker as a WCHS English teacher.
The board employed Jamie Meier as an elementary enrichment program sponsor.
The board was reminded that the November board meeting will be on Tuesday, November 20, 2007 in the elementary cafeteria and that meeting will begin at 6:30 pm.
There being no other business to come before the board, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:45 pm.