The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

West Central #235 Board Of Education Meeting, Lengthy

At the Tuesday, November 20, 2007, regular meeting of the West Central Community Unit School District #235 Board of Education the following items took place:

Board President Lonnie Brent called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. and led the members and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Good news items follows:

The board approved the agenda after tabling discussion item XII(A). 2007 School report cards and adding discussion item XII(G), Marquee Fund.

Under recognition of Audience Request for Presentation, the board heard a brief presentation from Bev Nashund, the CSC envoy. Ann Davies also gave a brief report from the West Central Booster Club on their activities and future plans.

The board approved the consent agenda as presented. Items approved under the consent agenda were:

The board approved the payment of all bills including a $24,000 fuel bill as presented, the monthly activity accounts, as well as the district's treasurers report. The board heard a brief report on the district's financial condition through the first quarter of the fiscal year.

The board heard a brief presentation from the superintendent on the tentative 2007 tax levy. There was a brief discussion about the tax levy process and the thinking that went into the designation of the tentative levy and then the superintendent answered questions from the board. Following that presentation the board approved a tentative 2007 tax levy in the amount of $3,717.142.

This is an increase from the 2006 tax levy which was $3,309,200. This increase represents approximately a 12.3% increase which means that the board will now be required to hold a Truth in Taxation Hearing regarding the 2007 tax levy. That hearing will be held on Wednesday, December 19, 2007, at 5:30 p.m. in the elementary cafeteria.

The board approved the library per capita grant. This is an annual action that the board must take. The grants funds this year are anticipated to provide the district with an additional $750.

The board approved a resolution authorizing the use of the Illinois School District Liquid Asset Fund as a district depository. The superintendent informed the board that our first investment priority will be to keep all funds in local banks unless there is an opportunity to earn a significantly higher rate of return by using this fund.

The board approved a service agreement with America's Best Water Treatments, Inc. for providing monthly water testing to each of the district's boilers. This contract is for $3000 which is the same amount the district paid for this service last year.

The board approved on first reading several proposed revisions to board policies. Those policies will be brought back to the board in December for second reading and adoption.

The board heard an update on the district's building and maintenance projects that have been underway in the district since last spring. The board also received an update on the ten year life safety survey projects that we are required to complete.

In addition, the board reviewed a list of possible future projects that could be done out of the operations and maintenance fund as well as a list of projects that must be done as a result of the ten year life safety survey.

The board directed the building committee to meet and come up with a prioritized list of things that they would like to see done during the summer of 2008 and have that list available at the December board meeting.

The board heard reports from Mr. Buss, Mr. Nichols, Mr. Geiser, Mrs. Serven, Mrs. Elliott, and Mrs. Farniok concerning the activities that they have been involved with since the October board meeting.

Board member Arnold provided the board with an update on the operation of the district's farm.

The board heard a report from Mr. Sams and Mr. Grimm concerning the work of the board's partnership committee. It was reported that we are looking to add four dual credit/dual enrollment vocational courses to our high school course offerings.

These courses will be taught as early bird courses and in one case on Saturday morning. The superintendent was directed to explore options for providing financial assistance to our students who may wish to take these courses and bring recommendations regarding this assistance to the board for possible action in December.

It was the consensus of the board to continue using the Interest Based Bargaining approach in the negotiations of the next contract with WCATS. The superintendent informed the board that he will present to them some training dates to be held in the spring at the December board meeting.

The board briefly discussed some security issues on the north campus. It was suggested that a reward for information on some vandalism on some cars could be offered to see if it can be determined who might have done that damage to those cars.

The board was also informed that the superintendent was anticipating receiving a proposal for cameras in the parking lot and that proposal was not made available prior to the board meeting. This item will also be carried over to the December board meeting agenda.

The board members who attended the school board conference in Chicago provided the rest of the board an overview of the sessions that they attended.

The board approved by consensus a request from the Illinois State Police to conduct Rapid Response Team training in the district's buildings quite possibly over the Christmas holiday.

The board briefly discussed the marquee fund. The board received an update on financial contributions to date from student council sponsors, Melinda Frakes and Lara Kendell.

The board was also updated on the progress that this been made with regard to selecting a vendor from which to purchase the marquee.

There were no future agenda items identified other than those already mentioned above.

The board entered closed session to discuss matters pertaining to student discipline and personnel.

Upon exciting closed session, the board took the following action:

The board was reminded that the December meeting will be on December 19, 2007. The regular meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m.

The Truth in Taxation Hearing will be held at 5:30. The hearing and the meeting will be held in the elementary cafeteria in Biggsville.

There being no other business to come before the board, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:40 p.m.