The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Regular November Board Meeting
The board met in regular session November 7 with President Dale Allenbaugh presiding and the following present: Trustees-Brian Cochran, Marilyn Evans, Jennifer Hopkins, Gloria Minard, Bob Onion, and Brian Sterett. Treasurer-Gloria Jones. Clerk-Frank Jones. Visitors-Richard Liby and Richard Johnson.
President Dale Allenbaugh opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. by leading the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll call was called by Clerk Frank Jones.
Dale Allenbaugh reported on the Housing Rehab Meeting at 6:30 p.m. with Kevin Weihardt of WIRC conducing the meeting.
Dale Allenbaugh reported that Shannon Duncan has issued a check to pay Dallas Rural Water $7,000.00 from the remaining water grant funds.
Dale Allenbaugh reported the AWL Girls Club refused to sign the easement for the water project. The water line will go around the property. This leaves two easements to be signed.
Allenbaugh reported the two other sources of funding may be the Federal EPA and the Illinois EPA. Allenbaugh will contact these agencies.
Minutes of the regular meeting were read by Clerk Frank Jones. Brian Cochran moved the minutes stand approved as read and seconded by Brian Sterett. Roll was called and all present voted yes.
Treasurer Gloria Jones presented the treasurer's report. Brian Sterett moved the treasurer's report be approved as presented and seconded by Brian Cochran. Roll was called and all present voted yes.
Bills were read by Clerk Frank Jones. The board discussed the need for the water softener in the community building. It was decided to have it removed and not pay the annual rent bill. Gloria Jones will call Hicksgas Roseville.
Gloria Minard moved the remaining bills be paid and seconded by Marilyn Evans that orders be drawn on the treasury for the same. Roll was called and all present voted yes.
Parks and Recreation-Dick Johnson reported the parks are closed for the winter. Trick or Treat was a big success. Johnson passed out a list of frequently asked question and answers concerning the Honor Garden. Proceeds from the Heritage Trail weekend will go towards the Honor Garden.
Lights-Dale Allenbaugh reported that AmerenIP would like to replace some existing lights with sodium lights.
Public Relations-Dale Allenbaugh is sending a letter about the Water Quality Grant that was not received.
Streets-Dale Allenbaugh reported the MFT Funds can not be used to purchase a snow plow. The board discussed the need for a new plow and the cost is $6,100 with trade. Brian Cochran moved to purchase a new snow plow using funds from the General Fund account seconded by Jennifer Hopkins. Roll was called Brian Cochran, yea, Marilyn Evans, yea, Jennifer Hopkins, yea, Gloria Minard, abstain, Bob Onion, yea, and Brian Sterett, yea. Jeff Lant will purchase the snow plow.
Bob Onion asked a No Parking sign be posted at the U-turn on Main Street by the Lynn Hotel.
Water-Drained and steam cleaned the water tower on November 6, 2007.
Zoning-Dale Allenbaugh sent a letter to Eric Wixom requesting to clean up his properties.
Gloria Minard moved the meeting be adjourned at 8:21 p.m., seconded by Bob Onion. Roll was called and all present voted yes.
The next regular meeting will be on Wednesday, December 5, 2007, at 7:00 p.m. at the Biggsville Community Building.
Frank H. Jones, Clerk