The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Biggsville Board Meets

The Minutes of the regular Village of Biggsville meeting, October 3, 2007 are as follows:

The board met in regular session with President Dale Allenbaugh presiding and the following present: Trustees-Brian Cochran, Marilyn Evans, Jennifer Hopkins, Bob Onion, and Brian Sterett. Treasurer-Gloria Jones. Visitors-Curt Eisenmayer, Kevin Wiehardt of WIRC, Monville, Richard Liby, and Randy Anderson. Absent-Trustee-Gloria Minard and Clerk-Frank Jones.

President Dale Allenbaugh opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. by leading the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll call was called by Treasurer Gloria Jones.

Curt Eisenmayer was present explaining the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and asked the board to approve a resolution to adopt this system. Brian Sterett moved the Village of Biggsville approve the resolution to adopt the National Incident Management System (NIMS), seconded by Brian Cochran. Roll was called and all present voted yes.

Kevin Wiehardt of WIRC Housing Rehabilitation to establish the target area for 2008. The target area was determined by Mr. Wiehardt and the village. Jennifer Hopkins will go door to door in the target area to have the survey completed.

Dale Allenbaugh reported that the Village of Biggsville did not receive the grant for the water project. Dale hopes to have all the easements done in a month.

Dale Allenbaugh will ask Shannon Duncan to set up a meeting in Springfield to meet with the review board for reasons why the village lost points. Duncan said our readiness cost us points, not all paperwork was completed for the loan.

Shannon Duncan reported that of the $32,000 Engineering Agreement, $31,054 has been paid. The village owes the engineer $5,503.00. Two thousand dollars for a meter reader has been paid for out of the grant funds.

Dale Allenbaugh asked Shannon Duncan if the $7,000.00 owed to Dallas Rural Water could be paid for out of the grant funds.

Sheila Miller, out of John Sullivan's office, said the Village of Biggsville needs to send a letter to Senator Sullivan expressing the need for legislative money that might be available in 2008.

The village will re-apply for funds in February 2008.

Jeff Lant will get with TEST to have the water tower drained to steam clean. Residents will be notified when this is. Dale Allenbaugh will send a letter about the water to all the residents.

Dale Allenbaugh will price a building to put on the former Cook property.

Minutes of the regular meeting were read by Treasurer Gloria Jones. Brian Sterett moved the minutes stand approved as read and seconded by Marilyn Evans. Roll was called and all present voted yes.

Treasurer Gloria Jones presented the treasurer's report. Brian Cochran moved the treasurers report be approved as presented and seconded by Brian Sterett. Roll was called and all presented voted yes.

Dale Allenbaugh reported that the village has spent approximately $4,000 on oil and chipping the alleys. Dale is concerned that the manhole covers were not protected prior to oiling.

Bills were read by treasurer Gloria Jones. Brian Cochran moved the bills be paid as read and seconded by Jennifer Hopkins that orders be drawn on the treasury for the same. Roll was called and all present voted yes.


Parks and Recreation-Dale Allenbaugh reported that Jan Monville and Sue Onion have become new members of the board.

Trick or Treat will be held on Halloween, Wednesday, October 31. The wiener roast will be at Lindo Field from 5:00 6:00 p.m. followed by Trick or Treat from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Janet Monville would like to see Old Merry restored this winter.

Public Relations-Complaints about rusty water.

Streets-Replace the street sign at Valley and Adams.

Water-Steam clean the water tower.

Maintenance-Received generator but the building is not ready. Jeff Lant will call Steve Jones. Will also look into getting a larger generator.

Zoning-Dale Allenbaugh called Eric Wixom about his properties.

Other standing committees of the village board had no specific reports.

New Business-

Jeff Lant said the snow plow needs replaced. Jeff will get quotes.

Dale Allenbaugh will ask if the snow plow be paid from Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds.

Bob Onion moved the meeting be adjourned at 9:10 p.m., seconded by Brian Cochran. Roll was called and all present voted yes.

The next regular meeting will be on Wednesday, November 7, 2007, at 7:00 p.m. at the Biggsville Community Building.

Frank H. Jones Clerk