The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
West Central Approves Mission Statement, Beliefs, Strategies; Rejects Bus Bids
by Dessa Rodeffer, Quill Publisher
At the April 18th #235 West Central school board meeting, the Board of Education approved the district's mission statement, its statement of beliefs and strategies for future action that were developed at the March 23rd and 24th planning retreat in Oquawka.
Copies of these documents will be shared with all staff in the very near future.
The district's mission statement will now be: "Providing Oppor-tunity, Expecting Excellence". (see page 7 for future details)
The board briefly discussed bids for transportation services for the southern portion of the school district. As a result of the conversation, the board rejected both bids that had been submitted in response to the request for bids.
The board referred the matter back to the board's transportation sub-committee for further review.
The subcommittee is to determine whether or not the bid specifications can be altered significantly to reduce the cost of contracting the transportation and study what it would cost to bring all transportation services in-house.
Under Good News Items the following was offered:
- W.C.H.S. student Alyssa Griepentrog participated in the WYSE state tournament last month.
- W.C.M.S. scholastic team placed first in their conference.
- Anna Stevenson, Rachel Allaman, and Laura Alexander will be participating in an Honors Breakfast hosted by the West Central Illinois Principal Association.
- Anna Stevenson, Rachel Allaman and Laura Alexander participated in the Honors Breakfast hosted by the West Central Illinois Principal Association.
- Six teachers were nominated for The Hawk Eye's Teacher of the Year. Jenny Ford placed second runner-up.
- The Lincoln Trail Conference Art Show held on April 17 was a great success.
- Both the WCMS and WCHS plays went very well.
- The Annual FFA Banquet and labor auction was held last week and was a huge success.
- The WCHS student council presented the Loper family with $2000 for their fire loss.
- Connie Sue Torrance reported that the Skyward Student Management training is going very well.
- Board member Dick Clifton thanked the National Honor Society for their volunteer work at Oak Lane Nursing & Rehab.
- Thank you letters were presented to the board from WCHS students for allowing them the opportunity to take a field trip to Chicago.
- WC CUSD #235 took possession of ten new buses over spring break.
- WCATS has established a $1000 scholarship for seniors and donated $1000 towards the marquee fund.
- Board President Lonnie Brent introduced Brian Clark and Doug Sams as board members elect and informed the audience that incumbent Mark Torrance had been re-elected at the April 17th school election.
The board briefly discussed the district's strategic planning retreat. Specifically the board was asked how they wanted to go about dealing with the six strategies that were identified by the participants at the Strategic Planning Retreat.
It was suggested that the first strategy that deals with "Providing adequate facilities to support our current and future programs" will be co-chaired by Board members Mark Torrance and Brad Arnold and that the fourth strategy "Developing and Expanding Partnerships" with organizations that supports our mission (ie: social agencies, parents/guardians, service clubs, businesses, higher education, alumni, etc.)" will be co-chaired by board member Richard Clifton and board member elect Doug Sams.
There was also discussion on the remaining four strategies that were identified and it was suggested that these be worked on as time and resources allow.
The board was reminded of their re-organizational meeting Thursday night, May 3rd at 7 p.m. in the West Central Elementary cafeteria in Stronghurst.
By consensus the board gave Supt. Grimm permission to draft a tentative 2007-08 board meeting date calendar which will be presented to the new board for approval May 3. It was also suggested that at the May 3rd meeting, the board will be asked to approve four different ad-hoc committees that will deal with building & grounds, transportation, and policy and partnerships.
The board entered closed session to discuss matters pertaining to personnel at 9:07 pm. While in closed session the board heard a complaint from a district parent about certain staff members. The board returned to open session at 10:33 p.m. and took the following action:
- Accepted the resignations of John Siebken, WCHS Science teacher and Jenny Coers, WCMS teacher.
- Accepted the retirement of Judy Duncan as District Payroll Clerk.
- Approved the transfer of Debra Gillam to the WCMS 6th grade team as a social studies teacher.
- Approved the transfer of Shelly Nelson from the special service secretary to district payroll clerk.
- Employed Steve Arnold as the WCHS head football coach
- Employed Phil Geiser as the WCHS Principal beginning July 1, 2007.
- Employed Jessica Orris for the vacant 6th grade math position.
- Employed Lindsey Williams as middle school science teacher.
- Accepted the resignation of Debra Gillam as WCHS assistant volleyball coach.
In other business:
- The board reviewed briefly proposed changes to the elementary and middle school handbooks for the "07-'08 school year and approved those changes as recommended.
- The board briefly reviewed some proposed board policy revisions that had been provided by the Illinois Association of School Board's Policy PRESS Plus Service and approved proposed revisions on first reading.
These proposed revisions will be brought back to the board at the May meeting for second reading and adoption.
- The board approved a request from the Post Prom Committee for an overnight trip on April 27th and 28th to St. Louis as presented.
- The board approved the low bid of LaVerdierre Construction in the amount of $48,709 for life safety door repair work in the district's building.
- The board heard reports from Building Principals, Mr. Buss, Mr. Nichols and Mrs.
- The board heard a brief report from District Curriculum Director Jeanne Serven, Technology Coordinator, Barb Elliot and Special Education Coordinator, Jamie
- The board received presentations from each buildings' school improvement team on the content of their 2007-08 school improvement plans. The board was informed that these plans will be presented to them in May for approval.
- The board briefly discussed the IASB Delegate Assembly that takes place each year at the school board conference in Chicago. The board briefly reviewed some material concerning the IASB Resolution Process and board members were encouraged to consider volunteering to serve in the IASB Delegate Assembly at the conference in November.
Under recognition of audience request for presentation, the board heard from Carl Sandburg College Envoy, Sam Sudhakar and West Central High School art teacher, Cherry Simmons on our student's performance at a couple of recent art shows.
She showed several pieces of art work that West Central students recently completed.
The board approved the payment of all bills, the March activity account summary, Feb-March Treasurer's Report and the consent agenda as presented which included:
Minutes of March 21 and April 10 meeting (closed and open); Request for facility usage by Dick Goff, and Resolution for National Teacher Appreciation Week and Day.
The board was reminded that their next regular meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 16, 2007.
That meeting will be held in the elementary cafeteria and will begin at 7 pm.
There will also be a special meeting for re-organization on Thursday, May 3 at the same time and place.
The board adjourned at 10:43pm.