The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Biggsville Board Meets

Discuss Needs After Power Outage

by Dessa Rodeffer, Quill Publisher

(Source: Village of Biggsville minutes of the regular meeting, March 7, 2007 by Frank Jones)

The Village of Biggsville board met in regular session Wednesday, March 7th with President Pro Tem Dale Allenbaugh opening the meeting at 7:10 p.m. by leading the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag.

Roll call by Clerk Frank Jones showed the following present:

Trustees-Jack Brokaw, Marilyn Evans, Gloria Minard, and Brian Sterett. Absent-Bob Onion.

Treasurer-Gloria Jones. Clerk-Frank Jones. Maintenance Man-Jeff Lant. Visitors-John Roegiers of Missman Stanley & Associates, Don Burns of Rural Development, and Dan Gibb.

Don Burns of Rural Development asked if the Water Project Application had been submitted on February 20, 2007 and was told it was.

Burns had reviewed the Water Contract with Dallas Rural Water and asked if a sentence be added, "that USDA rules apply".

Dale Allenbaugh said that one easement south of Biggsville may need to be moved across the road because the owner will not sign an easement.

John Roegiers of Missman Stanley and Associates reported that he has submitted the construction permit to the Illinois EPA and a revised permit to the Illinois DOT to cross Highways 34/94. Materials have been ordered using the remaining grant funds.

After reading of the regular meeting minutes by Frank Jones, the Treasurer's Report by Gloria Jones and the bills by Frank Jones roll call vote was taken for each and they were approved.

Clerk Frank Jones asked if the power outage bill from Steve Jones is covered by insurance.


Parks and Recreation-Need a community emergency shelter within the village. The village needs a generator at the community building for a warming shelter.

Jeff Lant said he notified the elderly of transportation availability to Gladstone if desired.

Dale Allenbaugh pointed out the needs when a power outage. 1) Warming shelter, 2) Power to pump the sewer lift stations. This will require purchasing a portable generator, 3) Power to pump water into the water tower.

This also will require purchasing a much larger portable generator. Jeff Lant said a larger generator would cost $4,500 and it could be used for the water tower and lifting stations. Jeff will solicit bids for installation and generator costs. Dale Allenbaugh will see if grant funds are available.

Jeff Lant said he needs a small generator immediately for the lift stations, lighting when fixing water breaks at night, and community building. This small generator will cost around $800 plus wiring installation. Dale Allenbaugh will seek a bid for wiring the community building for generator use.

Marilyn Evans moved the village purchase a small generator and wiring not to exceed $1,000 seconded by Jack Brokaw. Roll was called and all present voted yes. Jeff Lant was authorized to purchase the small generator.

Clerk Frank Jones read Ordinance #442, NICOR Tax on Usage. This 3% will be effective June 1, 2007 on all NICOR bills. Brian Sterett moved Ordinance #442 be approved as read, seconded by Marilyn Evans. Roll was called and all present voted yes.

Dale Allenbaugh read a thank you letter from the Henderson County Library for snow removal.

Dale Allenbaugh reported the curb stop at the lift station needs raised.

Jeff Lant advised the village that he burnt his hand while pumping the lift station. Dale Allenbaugh will file insurance papers.

John Roegiers asked if additional materials need to be purchased to use the remaining grant funds. Gloria Minard moved the village purchase additional materials using the grant funds as authorized by Shannon Duncan of WIRC, seconded by Jack Brokaw. Roll was called and all present voted yes.

Other standing committees of the village board had no specific reports.

New Business-

Dan Gibb asked about the leasing agreement for having an antenna on the water tower. Dale Allenbaugh will inquire about this.

Dale Allenbaugh said the village needs to rent a lock box.

The village received a bill from Attorney Ronald Stombaugh for the water project. This bill had charges from 2004 to date and was for more than $5,000. It appeared several line items had been paid to Hattery, Simpson and West.

Gloria Minard moved the village enter into executive session at 9:20 p.m. to discuss the village attorney, seconded by Brian Sterett. Roll was called and al voted yes.

Marilyn Evans moved the executive session be closed at 9:40 p.m. and return to regular session, seconded by Brian Sterett. All present voted yes.

Brian Sterett moved the village authorize to pay Ronald Stombaugh less the discrepancies noted amounting to approximately $480.00 from water project funds, seconded by Marilyn Evans. Roll was called and all present yes. Dale Allenbaugh will advise Shannon Duncan of WIRC.

The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. The next regular meeting will be on Wednesday, April 4, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. at the Biggsville Community Building.