The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Summer Tee-Ball
by: Holly Willdrick
The La Harpe Summer Tee Ball teams played their last game on Sunday, June 24.
This year there were enough 3 to 5 year olds for there to be six teams. They played every Sunday in June at the La Harpe ball field.
If you didn't get out to see these children play you really missed out. What an enjoyable time watching these youngsters learn the basic rules and skills to play ball.
Yes, at times they played in the dirt (and sometimes mud puddles) more than they played ball, but they loved every minute of it. Not only did the coaches teach them about baseball but how to be a team player and show good sportsmanship.
At the end of each game the children would line up and tell the other team good game. It was a delight to go to a game where there was no win or lose just having fun playing baseball with friends.
Often we focus too much on the winning and losing that we take the fun out of it for our children. These are the kind of games you go to and are proud of both teams and cheered them on.
There was no doubt about it these kids were having fun as they would slide into home and give their coach a high five.
Now as they get ready to start Pre-K and Kindergarten they know what it means to work together, share and take turns. What a wonderful program we have in La Harpe each year when it is time to play summer ball again.
There is still time to catch some of the older children in our community play ball.
Almost any night of the week you will find the diamonds full of teams ready to take the field and family and friends ready to cheer them on.