The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Letter to Editor

Dear Editor:

Of course peace demonstrators are not Al Queda friends and neither are the rest of us.

We are all Americans, with certain strengths and weaknesses and we all want peace and justice.

Therefore, why can't we work together for the benefit of our whole nation, rather than cutting each other down?

As mentioned previously, such people as Martin Luther King, Gandhi, and Jesus had that unique talent of unifying others.

Some have said many negative things about our president, but if you recall, he and the UN tried very hard to work out such things as weapon inspections with Sadam Hussein.

He has recently tried numerous times to work out disagreements with Iran and North Korea, and other countries in regard to atomic energy.

As they say, it is unwise to try to pet a rattlesnake!

The only thing terrorists are interested in is controlling our world and therefore, they are virtually impossible to negotiate with.

In some opinions, such examples as Nancy Pelosi going on her own to try to negotiate in unification has done more harm than good.

It is apparent that most American's fully support our gutsy troops.

Our present administration has made numerous mistakes just like the rest of us human beings. It would be helpful for our country if our gutsy commander-in-chief received more support.

The war on terrorism has been so difficult because, unlike other wars, terrorists strike anywhere in our world, at anytime. If we switch from offense to defense, as our president says, we will really be in trouble.

God says in Ecclesiastes that there is a time for war and a time for peace. This appears to be one of those times where war must precede peace.

We would not have a nation if George Washington hadn't persevered in a bloody battle, when many others questioned him.

This Iraq/Afghan war has been very hard on our nation, and every life is precious, but it is important to keep it in proper perspective.

We have lost less than one percent of the soldiers that were killed in WWII. We have lost about five percent of those who sacrificed their lives in Vietnam.

The saddest statistic of all, for many of us, is that about as many have died fighting terrorism in the past several years as babies who have died because of abortion each day!

Weyman George,

Dear Editor,

On May 25, 2007, Jens Notestien and I went down to the Southern Transportation garage, where the bus drivers and owners of Southern Transportation were having a get together marking their final day of providing transportation to students in southern Henderson County.

For over forty years the school bus transportation in southern Henderson County had been provided by an independent contractor, and this day marked the end of an era.

The purpose of my visit was not to get a free donut, which by the way was very good, but to convey to the drivers and owners of Southern Transportation my personal thanks.

For the safe, quality school bus service they had provided over the years.

I am very thankful that my grandchildren rode on Southern Transportation buses.

As a person who has probably rode as many miles as anyone with the contractors, I would like to say that even though the ownership of the company would change over the years, the consistency of the service never changed.

I rode on buses owned by Dick Blender, Bunn Overstreet, Denny Overstreet, Earl Waller, and the present ownership of Brian Arnold, Steve Wisslead, and John Livermore.

You could always count on the buses to be in tiptop mechanical condition, and the drivers to be excellent.

With the end of contracting school bus service in Henderson County, the owners of Southern Transportation can take pride in the fact that the quality and safety of their service will never be surpassed.

Southern Transportation, you guys did a great job.


William F. Bavery

IDOT Answers US 34 4-Lane Request

Dear Ms. Rodeffer,

Thank you for your e-mail to Governor Rod R. Blagojevich requesting funding for the expansion of US 34 to a four-lane highway from Carman Road to US 67, in Monmouth. Governor Blagojevich has asked us to respond.

The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) appreciates your support to improve US 34 to a four-lane highway from Carman Road to US 67 in Monmouth and your concern for traffic safety along US 34.

Currently, Phase II engineering for contract plans are being finalized for the section of US 34 from Carman Road to two miles east of the Illinois 164 junction, and from south of Kirkwood to the US 67 interchange near Monmouth. The start of archaeological surveys and land acquisition are funded in FY 2008 at a cost of $680,000.

Archaeological surveys, land acquisition and utility adjustments are also funded during FY 2009-2013 at a cost of $4 million.

Completion of the remaining Phase II engineering for contract plans from east of the Illinois 164 junction to south of Kirkwood along with land acquisition, utility adjustments and construction for the entire length ae estimated to cost from $285 million to $313 million, and we are currently not funded.

Due to limited funding, IDOT is focusing its resources on maintaining the state's network of roads and bridges and safety improvements for the current highway system. Therefore there are limited opportunities for expansion projects such as this in our normal highway program.

Governor Blagojevich has proposed capital programs which included advancing work on US 34, but those programs have not been approved by the General Assembly.

However, please be assured that IDOT is aware of this project's importance and that we will continue to seek funding for its construction.

Thank you for your interest in this important Illinois transporation project.


Milton Sees,
Acting Secretary