The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Letter to Editor

Dad, I Need To Know

By Elaine Slater Reese formerly of Burnside

Dad, I have questions I need to ask you NOW.

What did you think: when you learned you were going to be a father? When you first held me in your arms - heard me cry? When you saw me take my first step? when you saw me be mean to my little sister? How did you feel that day I first climbed into the school bus?

What was running through your mind the first time a boy came to take me out? The day I showed you the diamond on my finger?

The hour you walked me down the aisle? Was it hard to answer when the preacher said, "Who gives this woman to be married to this man?"

What was in your heart the day you watched me graduate from college?

Did the years pass rapidly?

The look on your face told me what you thought the day you learned you were going to be a grandfather.

Dad, I need to know how bad the pain really was when you were ill. You complained so little, but your clenched fists told me a lot.

You farmed your whole life. How hard was it the day you told me to hang onto the farm as long as I could - and to let it go at the right time?

How hard was it to leave when I wasn't there to say good-bye?

I think deep down, I know the answers to all my questions.

You were quiet - didn't always say a lot. But the looks in your eyes and on your face were clear messages.

Every answer would in some way have to do with your loving me.

And, Dad, I really would like to hear you tell me what Heaven is like. I am so thankful our Heavenly Father chose you to be my earthly father.

You often called me GIRL. It will be so exciting when someday I will again hear you greet me.