The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Dear Editor:
On November 1st, 2004, I lost my 20 year old kitty, Cucumber. On April 2, 2005, I lost my sister (Susan Hoffeditz Towns). On July 22, 2006, I lost my mom (Mary V. Hoffeditz).
This spring I lost an uncle (Eldon R. Hoffeditz) and aunt (Helen Anders) within a week.
I want to remember all of these special people on the anniversary of mom's death, how much they meant to me in good times and bad.
Looking back, the good times far out-weigh the bad.
All the rest of my family, I know, are near if I need them.
Hold each other close.
Rest in peace and I'll be seeing you, God willing, in the not too far, distant future.
Deanna Mesecher
Dear Editor:
Recently, the newspapers in my area have been criticizing all of the leaders in Springfield for their inability to agree on anything.
I have been concerned that their bickering would force issues like health care to be pushed aside and forgotten about.
Thankfully, the Governor has once again pulled through for the average person of the State of Illinois who voted for him.
As he announced, Insurance companies will no longer have the ability to increase the cost of premiums for those of us with insurance just because of a health condition.
I am thrilled with this signal this is sending to the lawmakers in the capitol.
The Governor still has health care as a priority and will not back down on assisting those of us who are part of the growing health care crisis.
The Governor's actions have restored my faith in our leadership in Springfield.
I just hope the Legislators will take the hint and continue pushing forward to make health care affordable for all in Illinois.
Richard Bigger Sr.
Dear Editor:
My husband Bob and I were coming home from a trip after tractor parts when we saw smoke on the side of the road.
We were trying to figure out what was on fire when we saw a man running across the highway and realized we had driven up on someone's worst nightmare.
The color of the vehicle was teal green and I grabbed my phone and called 911. It seemed like forever until I saw a person's foot moving out of the top of the truck.
By now four more cars were stopped and five more strong men were on top of the skyward facing passenger side of the truck.
The operator took my directions of where we were (next to the fairgrounds sign north of Good Hope) and about the gas leaking and the smoke.
The hardest part was getting seat belts off. If they had not been wearing them I believe the hardest part would have been calling their loved ones with much worse news.
The response from rescue personnel was swift and professional.
A handful of strangers working to help two people we didn't know and having a resource like well trained volunteers is a fantastic circumstance that I will no longer take for granted.
Like my brother Roger says, "Sis don't be afraid to travel, there are good people everywhere."
Brenda Foster