The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Take The Quill Along

The Quill traveled with Pat Dunn of Gladstone to Clearwater, FL to visit friends at "On Top Of The World" Retirement Village with pool, golf course and 8 or 9 K residents. Pictured is Pat Dunn, Sheila Jackson and Enid Goodman. March 14-26.

Friends and family of Hugh Roe and Vesta Roe Dickey took "The Quill" to the waterfront at Charleston, South Carolina and Savannah, Georgia. Waiting for the Dolphins to surface during lunch in Charleston are from right: John Schrode, Roger White and Nancy Hansen of Macomb, left, Tom and Janice Dickey of Wilmington, NC, Rita and Alan Ferguson of Stronghurst. Nancy, Rita and Tom are cousins. They also met Tom and Janice's daughter, Laura, in Savannah as she traveled from Charleston to Florida.

When you go on a trip, take The Quill along with you, and take your picture with it and send it to us. Let us see where all The Quill can go.