The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
By: Shirley Linder, Quill Editor
A report of dogs being loose and attacking another dog and a resident in the Village of Stronghurst sparked a discussion at the village board held on Monday, July 2nd.
Board members discussed what could be done and what is considered vicious. They are concerned something more devastating could happen.
The village ordinance states that "any animal that attacks a human being or another animal without provocation within the village limits is deemed to be vicious." The matter is currently being investigated.
Ralph Tatge, representing the American Legion, in place of Jack Kinslow, who was on the agenda but did not attend, wished to have some clarification on the placement of the veteran's bricks around the cannon.
Previously, the committee had discussed the bricks for veterans be a different color or have a star on them and placed randomly among other bricks. Veterans, however, said they would rather have a designated area for all veterans' bricks.
The final decision was that there would be a special area for veterans and the bricks would all be the same color.
It was unanimously decided to purchase granite bricks instead of paver bricks, which would deteriorate quicker. Tony Anderson checked into this and found while granite bricks are more expensive, engraving is less, therefore, making the price the same. August 31, 2007, is the deadline for purchasing bricks at the current cost and then the price will go up $50.
The pedestal is ready for the cannon to be replaced and it was decided to have a plaque installed on it similar to the one that is on the firemen monument. It was also decided the original plaque that was on the cannon would be placed in the city hall.
Kyle Klees reported the fencing around the burn pile area needs replacing. Since his property connects to the area he asked the village if they would provide the fencing materials and he would do the labor and supply the posts. The issue was tabled with Klees being asked to bring a cost of all materials to the next meeting for consideration.
In other business the board:
Present at the meeting were:
President Eric Chockley;
Trustees, Lawrence Neff, David Vancil, Chris Cook, Cory Fox (7:10) and Angela Myers;
Employee Tony Anderson; Clerk Lori Russell;
Treasurer, Lou Ann Nortrup;
Deputy Chris Barber and guests Ralph Tatge and Kyle Klees.
Trustee,Tony Griepentrog was absent
The next meeting will be held Monday, August 6, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. at the City Hall.