The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Trustee Position Is Still Open
Biggsville Village Board June 6 Meeting
The Gladstone Village board was reminded during old business that one trustee position is still open.
President Dale Allenbaugh presided over the regular meeting with Trustees - Brian Cochran, Marilyn Evans, Gloria Minard, Bob Onion and Brian Sterett present along with Treasurer Gloria Jones, Clerk Frank Jones, and Bill Leonard and Janet Monville, visitors.
President Dale Allenbaugh opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. by leading the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
After usual business conducted by Clerk Frank Jones and Shirley Jones, President Allenbaugh advised the board that the NICOR tax will start showing up on your bill in a couple of months. Treasurer Gloria Jones asked what account to deposit this tax in.
Clerk Frank Jones presented Tax Appropriation Ordinance #443 for FY2007/08 and Tax Levy Ordinance #444 for FY2007/08.
Tax Appropriation Ordinance #443 totaling $245,873 for all funds, General, water, Motor Fuel Tax, and Sewer, (Including $50,000 for the Water Quality Project) and Tax Levy Ordinance #444 for the period of May 1, 2007 through April 30, 2008 totaling $5,182 was approved by all.
Allenbaugh stated that all the paperwork has been sent to all landowners for easements for the Water Project.
Minutes, Treasurer's report and annual statement were approved.
Dale Allenbaugh discussed the annual dues for the Illinois Rural Water Association (IRWA). They provide services the village can take advantage of and more than pay for the dues.
The annual dues to IRWA of $189.00 and the Spears and Spears bill of $287.50 for easements for the Water Project were approved for payment.
Parks and Recreation - Bob Onion - The S. C. Lindo sign for the ball park is up. Richard Libby is promoting "More on 34' Garage Sale on June 16 and 17.
Janet Monville questioned what to charge vendors and at what location will they be allowed to set up?
Lights - Dale Allenbaugh asked about motion lights for the shelter house. Brian Cochran will price the lights.
Bob Onion said motion lights are also needed in the rest rooms because the lights are being left on.
Marilyn Evans moved to purchase the motion lights, and all present voted yes.
Public Relations - Dale Allenbaugh said the Trash Bash went well once the container showed up at 8:30 a.m. Brian Cochran will inquire on dumpster prices for in the future.
It was stated that only Biggsville residents and businesses are allowed to participate.
Streets - Marilyn Evans reported that large holes are in the alley behind the post office.
Water - Dale Allenbaugh reported that the village is storing a lot of materials in the Goff Building. Gloria Minard will discuss the storage billing with Susie Goff. Dale Allenbaugh said the new chlorinating equipment is coming in.
Sewer and Lagoon - Dale Allenbaugh discussed installing a meter to record low voltage. This will establish a history record of low voltage.
Zoning - Bill Leonard discussed Kim Brent having a beauty shop in a residential area. The board said the village has had beauty shops before and see no problem now. Dale Allenbaugh will advise Kim Brent the no variance will be required.
Other Standing Committees of the village board had no specific reports.
Gloria Minard moved the meeting be adjourned at 8:47 p.m., seconded by Brian Cochran. Roll was called and all present voted yes.
The next regular meeting will be on Wednesday, July 11, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. at the Biggsville Community Building.
/s/ Frank H. Jones