The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
At the Wednesday, June 20, 2007 regular meeting of the West Central Community Unit School District #235 Board of Education the following items took place:
President Lonnie Brent led the audience and the board in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Under good news items
Under recognition of audience request for presentation, the board heard a brief report from Carl Sandburg College Envoy, Sam Sudhakar.
The board approved the consent agenda as follows:
The board approved payment of all bills, May activity account summaries for WCE, WCMS, and WCHS, and the May treasurer's report as presented.
The board approved a request for early graduation for two West Central High School students.
The board approved a bid in the amount of $194,700 from Meyer Roofing Inc to replace the roof on the flat portion of the south campus main building.
The board approved a bid from Riddell Roofing in the amount of $13,000 to make repairs to certain areas on the Media facility roof to begin immediately and be substantially complete by August 31, 2007.
The board approved a quote for replacing the lights in the West Central High School gym in the amount of $7,050 from BLI Lighting Specialist of Burlington, Iowa. That work is scheduled to be completed by June 28, 2007.
The board did not approve the proposed lease agreement for bus storage facilities in Stronghurst and Raritan. The board directed Superintendent Grimm and the transportation sub-committee to look at other arrangements for parking buses on the south campus.
The board heard reports from Mr. Buss, Mr. Nichols, Mrs. Rima and Mr. Geiser.
Mrs. Serven updated the board on the fine arts grant that we were awarded by the Illinois State Board of Education and the Illinois Fine Arts Council as well as some additional Comprehensive School Reform Grant money that we will be receiving very shortly.
The board briefly discussed their policy on athletic participation then directed Superintendent Grimm to provide additional information. They will work on revising the statement and possibly take action on those revisions at the July board meeting.
They briefly discussed the extra duty assignment list for 2007-08 and was informed that the extra duty assignment list will be presented to them in July for formal approval.
The board briefly reviewed a proposed district uniform replacement schedule. This document will also be presented to them for approval at the July meeting.
The board briefly discussed again some follow up ideas and activities to the district's strategic planning retreat.
Board President Brent and Superintendent Grimm will write a letter to all of the participants who attended the March 23rd and 24th retreat and offer them the opportunity to serve on one of two committees that will be formed and will begin to focus on the issues identified at the retreat.
The board heard from the Superintendent that there are at least three companies interested in leasing the district's FCC broadband license and that superintendent Grimm is working with an Illinois attorney on how best to proceed in terms of leasing this license in the future.
The board entered closed session to discuss personnel and exited at 10:20 p.m. with the following actions:
Employed Darrell Burrell, Delmar Jacob, Leon Johnson, Johnny Livermore, Lawrence Neff, Nola Talbott, and Wendell Wetzel as regular bus drivers and Bob Camean and Karen Day as substitute bus drivers for the southern portion of the district at the following terms: A daily rate of $56 which will include the shuttle. A daily rate of $50 for a driver who does not drive a shuttle. A daily rate of $28 for a driver who takes either an a.m. or p.m. route with a shuttle. A daily rate of $25 for a driver who takes only an a.m. or p.m. route. The district will pay for the driver's annual physical as we do for the north end drivers. The district will pay for the driver's drug testing as we also do for the north end drivers. Extra curricular/field trips paid at $14 per hour which is also the same as the north end drivers.
The board was reminded that the July meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 17, 2007. That meeting will begin at 7 p.m. and be held in the elementary cafeteria.
There being no further business to come before the board, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:34 p.m.