The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
A rather lengthy discussion was held at the West Central CUSD #235 December 20, 2006 meeting on whether or not the block schedule should be kept at WCHS for the 2007-08 school year. Superintendent Grimm explained why the switch should be made.
Two current students Alyssa Griepentrog and Valerie Corey and former WCHS student, Darci Renken shared their thoughts on the subject. It was the consensus of the board to direct the superintendent to continue moving forward with the implementation of this change; however, the board did request additional information be sent to them prior to the January meeting and the superintendent indicated that would be done.
Superintendent Grimm reported on a regional accelerated summer school program that Regional Superintendent Bill Braden is promoting. This particular concept would involve students who leave 8th grade, perhaps not ready to be successful in 9th grade, being required to take a six week summer school program that would be built around improving their skills in reading and math.
This program is in the discussion stage at a regional level. The superintendent said that if this program does not go on a regional basis it will be implemented at West Central on a stand alone basis. The board would be asked to approve this program at January's meeting.
In addition, Mrs. Serven and Mr. Grimm are looking at a program currently offered at Carrolltown High School and Lewis & Clarke Community College regarding junior students who do not meet or exceed state standards on the PSAE test. This program would require students who do not meet or exceed on the PSAE to take a required remedial course in math and/or reading their senior year.
The board was very supportive and encouraged the superintendent and curriculum director to move forward with implementing these programs at West Central High School.
Prior to the regular board meeting December 20th, the board conducted a special meeting to discuss matters pertaining to student discipline. As a result, two West Central High School students were expelled for the calendar year 2007 for violating school rules pertaining to being on school grounds in possession of and/or under the influence of a controlled substance.
The regular meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Brent with all members present at roll call. Mr. Brent led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Under "Good News" items, the board recognized:
In addition highlighted as "Celebration of Success":
Added discussion item to the posted agenda, an E-mail from Tom Doran regarding Henderson County Economic Development Committee.
During the recognition of audience request, heard a brief report from Bev Naslund, Carl Sandburg Community College Envoy representative.
Approved all November board minutes.
Approved payment of all bills and approved the activity accounts as presented. Learned that the November treasurer's report was not available, and that it will be presented for approval in January along with the December treasurer's report. The superintendent highlighted for the board a couple of key items from the district financial report.
1. Mr. Grimm was directed to study the idea of leasing busses for the north end bus fleet. The superintendent is to report back to the board as soon as it is feasible on the status of that research.
2. Mr. Grimm was directed to prepare bid specification to bid the south end district transportation services. It was the consensus of the board that our arrangement with Southern Transportation is working very well and we would like to continue that arrangement; however, in order to do so on a long term basis, a formal bidding process must be undertaken to give anyone who might wish, an opportunity to bid.
3. Approved a recommendation to employ Mr. Dave White to prepare the bid specification and to assist the superintendent through the bidding process for transportation services. Mr. Grimm said it made more sense to employ Mr. White because he has a great deal of expertise in this area and 80% of his charges will be reimbursed to the district from the State of Illinois as part of the transportation reimbursement formula.
Reports were heard from building principals, Mrs. Serven as curriculum director, Mrs. Elliott as district technology coordinator and Mrs. Farniok as the district's special education coordinator.
Board members who attended the school board conference in Chicago in November made reports.
Mr. Grimm highlighted a few of the things identified on his report relative to progress on the superintendent's performance objectives.
The board heard reports from the public relation and building sub-committees. The public relation committee were informed that their first meeting had taken place. A list of around 50 ideas was made that could be considered to more effectively promote the district. This committee will meet again January 4, 2007 to continue refining the list and identifying some key items that the district should make priorities.
Mr. Grimm updated members on the items that were discussed at the building committee's December 7, 2006 meeting. There was no action that needed to be taken as a result of that report.
Board President Brent talked briefly on the process that he would like to see followed for the board members to complete Superintendent Grimm's evaluation.
The board briefly reviewed some board policy revisions. After discussion, the board approved on first reading those proposed policy revisions with minor modifications to two of the proposed revised policies. Those policies will be placed on the January board meeting agenda for second reading and adoption.
Saturday, May 12, 2007 at 2 p.m. has been set for the West Central High School graduation ceremony to be held in the gym as West Central High School.
WCMS promotion will take place on Thursday, May 17th at 7 p.m. in the gym at the middle school in Stronghurst.
Superintendent reported on the selection of a new student management software program. West Central High School has been participating in a series of meetings conducted by Carl Sandburg College who was forming a consortium to purchase this software. Superintendent Grimm said that the consortium group had selected the Skyward Software package and we would be moving forward with the purchase of that software as part of the consortium group that CSC has put together.
In addition, Superintendent Grimm said that CSC has agreed to host this software on servers maintain in their server room in their technology center and that it is the superintendent's recommendation to allow Sandburg to host this new software system on their server at their site. The board will be asked to approve the purchase of this software at the January 2007 board meeting.
A brief report Êwas heard from President Brent on an email that he had received from Tom Doran regarding economic development activity in Henderson County. One item to note is that the economic development group has put together a web page and they have requested that they be given a link to put on their web page to the district's website. The board granted permission and Mrs. Elliott will take care of that.
No items were identified as future agenda items.
The board entered closed session to discuss matters pertaining to personnel at 9:07 p.m.
Upon exiting closed session at approximately 10:42 p.m. the board took the following action:
Members were reminded that the next meeting will be Wednesday, January 17, 2007. The meeting will be held in the elementary cafeteria and will begin at 6 p.m.
There being no further business to come before the board, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m.