The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
By Jessica Boyle, The Quill Reporter
FFA week at La Harpe was kicked off with the Sweetheart Dance on Saturday, Feb. 17th.
This year's king and queen were Blake Mealey and Kirsten Johnson.
During the next week many activities took place. Dress-up days were: Hillbilly Day, Camouflage/Cowboy/Cowgirl Day, and Blue and Gold Day.
On Wednesday everyone drove their trucks to school. Lindsey Pollock had the biggest truck at school and Dillon McKeown had the dirtiest truck in the parking lot.
Thursday was Tractor Day, but only two FFA students rode their tractors to school-Dillon Pollock and Travis Hobby. Dillon's tractor was deemed the best green tractor of the two.
National FFA Week activities wrapped up with the annual petting zoo. Elementary students enjoyed puppies, chickens, pigs, goats, and a calf.
Students enjoying the pets from left to right are: Kelly Sirtak, Samantha Cox, and Danielle Gutowski