The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

West Central Board of Education - Has Busy Meeting

Approves Tax Levy Vote Extension of 4.9%

Regular Meeting of West Central CUSD #235 Board of Education

Biggsville- Wednesday, December 19, 2007 at a regular meeting of the West Central Community Unit School District #235 Board of Education, Board President Brent called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. All board members except Mr. Sams were present at roll call with Sams arrived at approximately 6:00 p.m..

After President Brent led the members of audience in the Pledge of Allegiance, the board conducted a Truth in Taxation hearing concerning the proposed 2007 tax levy.

Approximately 45 people were in attendance and 7 people offered testimony to the board regarding the proposed tax levy. At approximately 6:20 pm, President Brent adjourned the Truth in Taxation hearing.

Late in the business meeting, the Board spent a great deal of time discussing the proposed 2007 tax levy. The tentative levy that was presented to the board in November called for a 12.32% increase in the levy extension. After a great deal of debate, the board approved a levy extension equaling 4.9%.

Under good news items, the following items were celebrated as successes:

The board approved the agenda as presented.

No one wished to address the board on any of the other agenda items under recognition of audience request for presentation.

The board approved the consent agenda as presented. Items approved under the consent agenda were:

The list that the board reviewed was a list of recommendations from the board's building and grounds sub-committee.

Following a brief discussion, the board approved the list as presented.

The board reviewed a series of recommendations regarding dual credit/dual enrollment courses for West Central High School students. The recommendation centered around transportation, student schedules and payment of tuition and fees.

Following a brief discussion of the recommendation, the board approved them as presented.

The board approved a quote for snow removal for the south campus and the Media campus from Mark Muhleman as presented.

It was noted that Mr. Muhleman's quote of $260 for any snowfall totaling 2 inches or more was the same price that he did the snow removal during the 2006-07 school year.

The board approved a Title I plan as submitted. This plan is a recent requirement that came from the Illinois State Board of Education.

All districts must have their board approve their Title I plan.

The board approved a health life safety amendment for some repair work on the high school boiler.

The board also approved a quote from Jarvis Welding to complete the repair work.

The board heard reports from Mr. Buss, Mr. Nichols, Mr. Geiser, Mrs. Serven, Mrs. Elliott and Mrs. Farniok on the activities that they have been involved with since the November board meeting.

The board was given a copy of the Superintendent's evaluation instrument and asked to return that document to Dr. Brent by January 6th.

It was noted that Dr. Brent will compile the results of the evaluations and those results will be shared with the Superintendent at the January board meeting.

The board heard an update from the Superintendent on the FCC Broadband license lease. It was reported that a term sheet has been agreed to and signed by all parties for the lease of this FCC license.

The term sheet will then be used to develop the contract that will be signed and executed by all parties to carry this lease forward. The Superintendent informed the board that he would update them as progress in made on the next phase of this process.

The board briefly discussed some recent vandalism to West Central High School. Several ideas to how to deal with some of the vandalism that has been occurring were discussed by the board and administrators.

The board reviewed an update on student attendance for the district.

This also sparked some debate on the part of the board offering ideas in terms of how we might improve the attendance.

Superintendent Grimm indicated that he would report back to the board after meeting with the administrative team to discuss some of the options that were put on the table in terms of dealing with our low percentage of student attendance.

The board accepted the resignation of Lisa Schaley as the West Central Middle School 8th grade girls basketball coach.

Under future agenda items, it was asked that the board have a discussion about charging admission for 6th grade sporting events and a request was made to have an update on several other key indicators at an upcoming board meeting.

The board was reminded that the January meeting will be on January 16, 2008.

This meeting will begin at 6 pm and be held in the elementary cafeteria in Biggsville.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:25 p.m..