The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Village Approves Lighting Contest

by: Shirley Linder, Quill Editor

The Village of Stronghurst board approved a residential Christmas lighting contest on December 15th at 6:00 p.m. A total of three prizes in the amounts of $100, $50, and $25 will be given. Judges are Chris Cook, Lawrence Neff and Tony Griepentrog. 

The board voted to give all employees a $75 Christmas bonus.

Discussion on possibly drilling a 2nd well was postponed until next spring.

Tony Anderson's report informed the board that well #1 can be repaired and that it could be used as a back up water source if a chlorine feed was added to it. The estimated costs to do this would be about $10,000. The new pump for the water plant has been ordered. The cross connect surveys will be mailed out soon. He also reported that while mowing at the truck shed, a rock was thrown and broke a neighbor's window. The replacement cost for the window is $500. The costs will be covered under the liability policy with no deductible.

Lou Ann Nortrup reported that the income generated from water bills for garbage is between $1,500 and $1,800 short of covering the bill from Waste Management. Tony Anderson also mentioned that the rates haven't been raised for several years and that with the problems concerning the wells, and the water tower that it is time to do something to address these problems. Discussion on raising the rates for garbage and/or water was tabled until the January meeting.

In other business the board:

Approved the 2008 meeting dates

Present were: President, Eric Chockley; Trustees, Lawrence Neff, David Vancil, Chris Cook, Cory Fox, and Tony Griepentrog. Trustee Angela Myers was absent. Employee: Tony Anderson, Treasurer, Lou Ann Nortrup, and Clerk, Lori Russell. 

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on Monday, January 7th, at the Village Hall at 7:00 p.m..