The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Biggsville Hears $440,000 Available For Housing Rehab Program Next Year

Kevin Wiehart of the Housing Rehab Program reported on the closeout meeting for this past year's activity in the Village of Biggsville board meeting last month. Biggsville had ten homes repaired totaling $279,000 CDAP funds and $70,000 of Housing Trust funds.

After President Dale Allenbaugh signed the closeout forms, Wiehart said the next application is due November 14, 2007.

He said approximately $440,000 are available. If the village is interested WIRC will charge between $500.00 to $700.00 for the income survey.

This year the requirement is 100% survey return for the residents of Biggsville. Wiehart will draft the form letter for the village to be mailed to each household in Biggsville. The area to be covered for the Rehabilitation Grant, 2nd phase will be determined later.

Dan Gibb asked Wiehart if the residents that received the assistance had to comply with Village and County ordinances to keep the area clean after completion. Wiehart said his office had no authority once the project was complete.

Dale Allenbaugh reported four easements are still needed for the water project.

Shannon Duncan of WIRC reported on the Channel 8 TV coverage of poor water quality in Biggsville.

Richard Liby reported for a period of time his water smelled but has cleared up.

Shannon Duncan advised the village that approximately $22,000 are remaining from the previous grant funds. These funds must be spent on equipment.

Don Burns of Rural Development reminded John Roegiers that he needs the environmental assessment.

John Roegiers of Missman Stanley and Associates reported that this firm has more design work to do but will have to wait until the new grant is received.

Chris Christoferson was present applying for the recycle job. Brian Cochran moved the village hire Mr. Christoferson and seconded by Marilyn Evans.

Clerk Frank Jones asked if Mr. Christoferson would be hired as a village employee or as contract labor. It made a difference on how employee taxes are reported.

Christoferson said he was not interested if taxes were reported and left. No vote was taken on this matter.


Parks and Recreation-Dick Johnson-The Memorial Honor Garden needs to apply for the status of 501C3. This is needed for donations to be tax deductible. In addition a Honor Garden staff must be appointed.

Dale Allenbaugh will discuss this with the village attorney.

The parks committee discussed ways to reduce expenses at the parks. One income source could be metered lights and those using pay for what is used.

Brian Sterett inquired about, why the Memorial was costing $40,000. Sterett said if funds of this amount could be raised it could be used for park equipment. Johnson said $33,000 of the cost is for a granite memorial. The committee will charge those interested in having a name engraved.

The board discussed the Memorial Honor Garden at length.

Lights-Brian Cochran has purchased the motion lights for the ballpark.

Utilities-Dale Allenbaugh said the usage tax is on your bill from NICOR. Brian Sterett moved that the revenue from this tax be placed into the general fund account and seconded by Marilyn Evans. Roll was called and all present voted yes.

Jeff Lant reported on the Ball Park-1) The urinal needs fixed, 2) Sign needs to be posted while mowing, park closed, 3) Trees stump hole needs filled.

Public Relations-Dale Allenbaugh mentioned again about the Channel 8 on Your Side coverage of water quality.

Streets-Dale Allenbaugh presented the Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) budget for 2007 amounting to $11,341.15. Gloria Minard moved the 2007 MFT be approved and seconded by Brian Cochran. Roll was called and all present voted yes.

Brian Sterett mentioned the old well cover in the street by the Landers' resident needs tended to.

Dale Allenbaugh reported that several yards need mowing within the village.

Water-Dale Allenbaugh reported that pictures of inside the water tower will be taken next week free of charge.

The board discussed water/sewer bills. Brian Sterett moved the village send a bill for the trailer that used water and sewer for six months without the village's knowledge seconded by Brian Cochran. Roll was called and all present voted yes. The water has been shut off.

Zoning-Dale Allenbaugh reported that Bill Leonard is stepping down and the village needs a new zoning officer. If you need a building permit in the time being, please call Dale Allenbaugh.

Other standing committees of the village board had no specific reports.

Old Business-

Positions open for the Village of Biggsville-1) one Trustee, 2) Zoning Officer, 3) Recycle Person, and 4) Parks Committee Trustee. The village would like to invite residents to the monthly meeting.

New Business-

Dale Allenbaugh reported the old jail and building are owned by Craig's/Cameron.

Clerk Frank Jones presented Prevailing Wage Ordinance #445 for CY2007. Marilyn Evans moved that Prevailing Wage Ordinance #445 be approved, seconded by Gloria Minard. Roll was called and all present voted yes.

Dan Gibb reported that a sign on Highway 34 listing the attractions within the village costs $50 for each application plus $165 per year per attraction listed.

The meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m.

Along with President Dale Allenbaugh, present were Trustees Brian Cochran, Marilyn Evans, Gloria Minard, Bob Onion, and Brian Sterett, and Treasurer-Gloria Jones and Clerk-Frank Jones present along with Maintenance Man-Jeff Lant.

Visitors attending were Chris Christoferson, Richard Liby, Rev. Richard Johnson, John Roegiers of Missman Stanley and Associates, Shannon Duncan and Kevin Wiehart of WIRC, Don Burns of Rural Development, and Dan Gibb (7:30 p.m.).

The next regular meeting will be on Wednesday, August 1, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. at the Biggsville Community Building.

Frank H. Jones

Biggsville Village Clerk