The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Has Busy meeting Monday
April 23, 2007 7:00 p.m.-La Harpe City Hall
The La Harpe City Council met with the following present: answering roll call were: Irish, Lovell, Bennett, Burford, Carpenter, Neff, Stevens, and Brown with Helmers excused.
Also, attending the meeting were: Danny Gillett, Lucretia McPeak, Wayne Humphrey, Roger Hughes, Erik Krekle, Steve Jones, Jamie Hallowell, William Smith, Kristin Huls, and Linda Harrington.
The following took place:
„The inspection and cleaning of the water tower will begin soon at the cost of approximately $2,800.00.
„Two bids were received to begin the water project for water lines near the railroad in the south part of town. The motion was made and seconded to accept the lower bid from National Waterworks in the Quad Cities for $3,859.00.
„Steve Jones addressed the council with questions about opening a new establishment in La Harpe. He will proceed with the process.
(In talking with Jones, The Quill learned that he and Jamie Hallowell plan on remodeling the old bar on Main Street and reopen it if they could obtain the liquor license.)
„Kristin Huls, the new Community Economic Development Co-ordinator at the University Extension Center was present with update on current projects.
„The three cemetery bids received were opened and reviewed. The cemetery committee will meet to evaluate the bids and make a decision for awarding the new contract.
„The council voted to accept Resolution of Support 2007-B which is necessary in making application with the State of Illinois for grant money.
„A reminder: citywide clean-up will be on Friday, May 4.
The meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m. The next scheduled meeting will be at the city hall at 7:00 p.m. on May 14, 2007.
The minutes were respectfully submitted by Carol Stevens, La Harpe City Clerk.