The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The La Harpe City Council met in regular session this Monday, April 9, 2007 at 7:00 p.m.
Those answering roll call were Irish, Lovell, Helmers, Bennett, Burford, Carpenter, Neff, Stevens, and Brown.
Also, attending the meeting were Danny Gillett, Lucretia McPeak, Richard Rasmussen, Justin Livingston, Wayne Humphrey, Erik Moe, and Roger Hughes.
The motion was made and seconded to pass the minutes of the March meetings.
The motion was made and seconded to approve the treasurer's report and pay all bills after one correction was noted. Motions carried.
Eric Moe from McClure Engineering met with council members last week to evaluate the deteriorating street intersections along main street. After discussing, Moe made his recommendation on four intersections to be repaired with Motor Fuel Tax funds. The motion was made and seconded to accept Resolution 2007-A and proceed with the engineering agreement.
Bids for the new cemetery mowing and maintenance contract will be opened at the next council meeting.
There will be a public hearing at 6:30 p.m. at the city hall regarding the new water main project before the next council meeting.
The motion was made and seconded to pay $1,731.00 in dues to the Hancock County Economic Development. Motion carried.
Motion was made and seconded for adjournment at 8:00 p.m.
The next scheduled meeting will be at the city hall at 7:00 p.m. on April 23, 2007.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol Stevens,
La Harpe City clerk