The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1919 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1919

Stronghurst Graphic, Jan.23, 1919 

1919 GRAPHIC 1894: The Geo. W.Evans Post G.A.R. gave a "hard times" supper and social in the Stronghurst Opera House. Miss Nora Miller and Mr. Jas. Berger were awarded prizes for the best "tramp" and Mrs. I.F.Harter and R.F.Robinson were fined for wearing the best clothes. David Graham, a pioneer Henderson County citizen who moved to Monmouth in 1867 and become prominent in business, religious and social life of that city passed away on Jan.23 at the age of 73 years.

The last will and testament of Geo. M.F.Foote was published in this issue of the Graphic. By its terms, the greater portion of the large estate was given to Mr. Foote's grandson, Geo. M.F.Foote. C.G.Richey and I.F.Harter were named as executors of the will which bore the names of 13 Stronghurst citizens as witnesses. (A long involved court case contested this will as his children believed it was influenced by the housekeeper leaving them little or nothing.) Perry Lovitt and Almer Negley left for a tour of the West and a visit to the winter fair in San Francisco.

JOE BAXTER IN GERMANY: Friends had wondered if Joe was included in the returning troops, but a letter received written from Oberiffen, Germany said that his party was quartered in an old German castle on the heights of the Rhine and that they were having a comparative easy time in the enemy's country being obliged to drill only about an hour and a half each day and being fed with the best of "chow." He indicated that had a promise of a big turkey dinner for Christmas.

Being a member of the 168 Infantry ("Rainbow division of the A.E.F."), Joe has perhaps gone through more real fighting and thrilling adventures than the majority of boys from Henderson County and he will have the unquestioned right of being acclaimed as one of the real heroes of the war when he returns. He says the thing he longs for the most is to set foot on good old U.S.A. soil.

PROHIBITION A REALITY: The ratification of the constitutional Prohibition Amendment by the necessary 36 states of the union was celebrated in a union meeting in the Stronghurst U.P.Church last Sabbath evening. Short talks by the ministers and a number of laymen and special music, including duets and trios by selected singers, were features of the occasion. Rev. K.R.Anderson presided over the meeting and the speakers and topics were as follows: Prof. J.K. Spence-Prohibition and the Schools; Lieut. Chas. Fort-Prohibition in the Army; W.H.White-The Farmer and Prohibition; George Dixson-Prohibition from a Business Standpoint; Mrs. B.G.Widney-The part of the W.C.T.U. in the Prohibition Fight; Rev. A. Jaggers-The Church and the Prohibition Movement; and A.H.Kersaw-The Wider Vision.

The church was comfortably filled and the audience seemed to be in full accord with the sentiments expressed regarding the benefits which prohibition would bring.

THE DOGS DID IT: W.J.McKeown suffered the loss of about $200 worth of hogs last Sunday night through the depredation of a pack of dogs which made a raid on the bunch of hogs and cattle occupying an old hay shed about a half mile from his home on his farm adjoining this village on the north. Mr. McKeown had reason to believe that these were three or four dogs belonging to people in the village. He thought it high time these worthless canines were cleaned out. Four hogs averaging 250 lbs. a piece were worried to death and then torn and mutilated by the dogs and the rest of the herd so badly frightened as to cause them to shun their old sleeping quarters since the raid took place.

Dogs which are allowed to roam about at night not only soon become a menace themselves in the community, but are pretty sure to get other dogs of less roving disposition into trouble. It might be added that in this respect the canine breed does not differ greatly from the human and that this truth might be profitable pondered by the parents and guardians of boys and young men who are in the habit of roaming about the streets of the village at night taking advantage of the cover of darkness to annoy and insult peaceable citizens and to commit depredations of various sorts.

LETTER FROM ARCHIE LANT: Germany-"We are about 16 miles east of the Rhine. Germany is a very pretty country but the weather isn't very inviting as it rains or snows most of the time but it doesn't get cold enough to freeze...We have a pretty good place to stay now billeted in houses with the German people who are very good to us. You would be surprised to see how glad they are to see us here.

I was in a branch factory of the Krupp gun works at Deardorf and there I saw a piece of cable that reaches from Berlin to the good old U.S.A. The engineer that showed us this said 50,000 volts came from this at Coblenz. We are about 25 miles from there. Did Fred get the helmet I sent him? Well, it is bed time so must close wishing you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year-Corp. Archie C. Lant, Co. F 107 Supply Train, A.E.F.

SWINDLED IN DALLAS CITY: Three grocery firms of E.L.Hupfer, Geo. Shinn and Sons, and Gracey Bros. of Dallas City were victimized by a smooth forger to the extent of $43.87 each. At each store the stranger bought $5.00 of groceries and paid for the same with a check drawn of the commercial Trust and Savings Bank of Lomax by C.A.Rankin to Mrs. C.E.Emerson.

The fellow claimed to be Mr. Emerson and made each of the merchants believe that he would become a regular customer. The balance amount of the check was paid in each store and the victims remained in ignorance until the checks were turned down by the Lomax bank with the report that there were no funds on deposit there to the credit of C.A.Rankin and that he was unknown at the bank.

SPECIALS AT THE STRONGHURST GRAIN AND MDSE. CO.: Purina Pig Chow per hundred $2.50; Purina Cow Chow per hundred$2.50; Purina Chicken Chowder, fine for the chicken. Makes layers out of roosters $2.00; and Security Calf and Pig Feed for little calves and little pigs, best in the country per pail $3.00.

(Delinquent Tax list is in this issue as well as a home cure for pneumonia and influenza.)

LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Word was received of the death of G.W.Cole of Las Vegas, New Mexico who had gone there seeing a change of climate. He was the last surviving member of a family whose members were all victims of tuberculosis. His father was Henry Cole of the Hopper neighborhood. Mrs. Emily Cooksie, who makes her home in the village with her daughter, Mrs. Wright, reached the 90th milestone of her life's journey and is still quite vigorous and active. A.S.McEhinney of Vancouver, B.C. writes that he is just getting up from an attack of Spanish flu. Dr. and Mrs. Harter are enjoying the charms of Catalina Islands off the coast of Southern California.

LOMAX LINGERINGS: Thomas Winklepleck remains very poorly with little hope for his recovery. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Swanson of the east country a son on Jan.12th. Floyd Brown returned from training camp in Texas where he was discharged. He has taken up his former work at the Santa Fe as operator. Mrs. Lester Clark has accepted a position at the Dallas Post Office. F.J.Walling is visiting Minneapolis and other northern points on behalf of the Lomax Boiler Co.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Mrs. John Cook died from the influenza; she leaves a husband and three sons to mourn her. Mrs. Chas. Roseling entertained theDorcas Society at her home in honor of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Brown of Cranbrook, B.C. who is spending the winter with home folks. Len Ditto started on a business trip to Missouri. Mr. Clyde Galbraith is home from Texas; he sold his farm near Tulia, Tex. and purchased another near Huntsville, Mo.

Mrs. Effie Balch, an aged lady who lives alone here, was severely burned at her home. She was standing by the stove when her clothing caught fire. She had the presence of mind to go out into a snow drift to extinguish the flames and call for help. When aid arrived, she was found to be seriously burned and her son Geo. Niece, St.Augustine, Ill. was notified of her condition. He and his wife came down at once and had her removed to the Burlington Hospital. Harry Blackstone has received his discharge at Camp Grant, Ill; friends hope he will decide to make this village his home again. Chas. Petherbridge had the misfortune to have one of his best horses die. Mr. and Mrs. Calvert Bigger had a call from the stork who left them a fine baby boy. John Knudstrom has been very sick with influenza.

CARMAN CONCERNS: Mrs. Theresa Johnson of Nebraska is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Stewart north of town. Dr. Tombaugh of Burlington was called here to see Miss Fannie Babcook and Mrs. William Coffman who are both quite ill. Two of the town boys who have been doing their share for their country returned home: Mr. Thayer Williamson at Camp Grant and Mr. Dan Siens from overseas; both were discharged. Henry Goff has moved to a farm near Olena.