The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1919
Stronghurst Graphic, March 6,, 1919
LETTER FROM FREDERICK SALTER: "I have had quite a time since I left Camp Cody, also Camp Dix. I spent 22 of the best days and nights you ever heard of over here. I got to sleep on manure piles and muddy brush piles and never had my clothes off all that time and had plenty of crawling bed partners to keep me warm so it wasn't so bad after all, now it is all over. Received my Xmas box and it was good, believe me. I did not look for it as I heard a soldier had to send a slip home to get one. Two fellows from N.Y.City went wild over the black walnuts; said it was the first they had ever tasted. It was O.K. and I thank you very much and tell Mr. Mudd much obliged for the package of "camels," the first I have had since I was across. Was in Paris a short time, but if anyone asks me anything about it, will be out of luck; for all I saw of the place was the railroad yards.
Our division has been split up over here and I am not with any of the Stronghurst boys now. I hear part of the 24th has sailed for home so guess I an unlucky after all. I must tell you the mixture I have in my squad: 8 men altogether and only two from the same state so that 7 states represented. Had my first piece of pie for four months last night, "raisin pie" at that. I have seen so much could write a whole book but wouldn't have anything to tell when I return home. I just missed getting to the front about two days before the Armistice was signed. I was lucky not to get in line in time for the big Argonne drive, for it makes me want to come back to the U.S. more every time I think of the things I saw when I went through after the war.
"Sunny France" has sure made a big change since I came over for it rains all the time. It is about 100 years behind times. The common people still wear wooden shoes and for their threshing machine still have the old horse and treadmill. Three of us boys are standing by waiting for our transfer to the M.P.'s. Am not exactly stuck on the job but gets one out of a lot of dirty work.
Have been promenading with some of the French "Mademoiselles"-only can go walking on Sundays as the girlies have to plow through the week. Have not tried going and visiting the old folks yet, will try and get up enough courage tomorrow night so if I come home wearing a wound stripe, you will not have to ask where I got it for you will know I took my chances.
Jan.14th- Well I am still doing fine; think I will like the M.P's pretty much if they continue doing nothing. Took an 8 kilo hike this morning. This afternoon I rehearse for a play the company is putting on; we have to do something to put up a little fun for the rest. Everyone is anxious to go home that "home" is about all we can think of...I am patiently waiting for the "Y" to open up so I can get a piece of pie and some cocoa and then make my dear old straw bed and to go to slumbers...Would sure like to get a decent train ride; all I have rode on since over here are box cars and they contain more"cooties" than a whole regiment. I haven't many of those at present, but once in a while can feel one crawling around for a new feeding ground...Corp Frederick Salter 816 Military Police Company (This much longer letter has been edited)
***OBITUARY***CHAS. W. MARK:Charles W. Mark, formerly of this vicinity, died at his home in Monmouth last Friday morning following a long illness. He was born at Olena, Il. Nov. 23, 1849 and has made his home in Monmouth for many years. He married Miss Fannie Miller Jan.9, 1884 and to this union five children were born of whom three survive. They are Mrs. Fred Sunderland of Monmouth, Mrs. Will Kinney of Muscatine, Ia., and Delbert who is in the navy. He also leaves two sisters, two brothers and one half brother: James of Rose, Kan., Elmer and Mrs. Luna Green of Stronghurst, Mrs. Lucy Pence of Gladstone and Mrs. Marla Hill of Burlington. Funeral services will be private with interment in the Olena Cemetery.
***MRS. HAZEL BRECKENRIDGE*** The many friends of the Mrs. Hazel Breckenridge were sadden at the new of her death at her home near Wyaconda, Mo. She will be remembered as Miss Hazel Turner of this village, a young lady of unusual attributes of mind and character. She had been married something less than a year and lived her husband on the farm near Wyaconda owned by her father. Funeral services were conducted March 6, 1919 in Wyaconda.
RED CROSS NEEDS CLOTHES: Red Cross Chapters are asked to collect second hand clothing for the relief of northern France, Belgium, Albania, Italy, Romania, Serbia, Greece, Poland and Palestine. At least 10,000 tons of clothing are required for shipment this month. Contact Mrs. Alice Brewer.
DIED IN FRANCE: Mrs. Elizabeth Rankin of Media received a telegram from the War Department bearing the sad intelligence of the death of her son, Sergeant Bruce R. Rankin, a member of the U.S.Marine Corps which took part in the fierce fighting in the Chateau Thierry neighborhood last July-date and cause of death to be determined...The message ends a long suspense in which hope and fear have alternated ever since the battle. In January the cheering news came through the Red Cross in France that Sergeant Rankin had been located and that he had recovered from his wounds and rejoined his company. This was never confirmed. The letter of general information has not been received and is not likely to contain any definite information. Memorial services in his honor will be held at the Media U.P. Church Sabbath morning, March 9th at 11 o'clock.
OVERSEAS EXPERIENCES: A unique and interesting service was held at the last Sunday evening given over to the boys who have lately returned from overseas. Those who occupied seats on the rostrum and gave brief talks of their experiences as soldiers and sailors were Ed Wanders, Ed Logan, Chas. Wheeling, George Peasley, Virgil Putney and James Brown.
Two of the speakers, James Brown and Virgil Putney had seen something of real warfare at the front in France and told their stories in an interesting way. Virgil gave a demonstration of the use of the gas mask, he having brought one home with him. Ed exhibited a helmet of the pattern used by the American overseas soldiers.
Perhaps the most thrilling of all was the talk of James Brown who was detailed as stretcher bearer during the severe fighting about Albert on July 4th, 1918 and who himself was carried off the field unconscious as the result of a severe shell shock which afterwards kept him in a hospital for several weeks. All of the boys except George Peasley were sent back to America through the French harbor of Brest and they were unanimous in describing conditions there as being almost unspeakable.
They also spoke disparagingly of the transportation facilities which were afforded them while in France stating that they were usually moved about in cattle or horse cars and subjected to all sorts of discomforts and inconveniences. They did not, however, indicate that they felt any resentment because of the treatment or that they regretted having gone to a foreign field to uphold the honor of our flag and the cause of freedom.
LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: The family of Mr. W.B.Gregory, the new manager of the Johnson garage arrived from Kahoka, Mo. Mr. Gregory will assume charge and ownership of the garage owned and operated by his late brother-in-law Jimmie Johnson. John Carl Jackson, tenor and director of the Conservatory of music of Hedding College, and Raymond McFeeters, pianist, will give a concert in the M.E.Church on March 14th sponsored by the Women's Foreign Missionary Society of the church. E.G.Ewing has located in the building two doors north of the old Hughes Hotel and will handle produce in the shape of poultry, butter, eggs and cream. Mrs. C.R.Kaiser was hostess to the W.C.T.U. at her home. A good program had been planned by Mrs. Jaggers entitled "Scientific Temperance." A vocal solo by Mrs. H. Miner and selections on the harp by Miss Erma Kaiser were enjoyed by all.
CARMAN CONCERNS: Misses Ted Edwards and Julia Lockwood of Burlington sundayed at the George McCannon home. Mrs. Will Stewart returned to her home in Biggsville after a few days visit with her brother, J.A.Wilson. Mr. Wilson Stewart and family moved to a farm near Oquawka. Supt. Bodern of Dallas City High School being sick was unable to teach six of the seniors, namely, Misses Leah Siens, Gladis Gittings, Geraldine Lamb, Bernice Terrill, Isabel Kyle and Rhoda Marsden who came to Carman and was accompanied to Burlington on the 12 o'clock train by Mrs. Geo. Marsden. William Coen will have a public sale at his residence one half mile from town. Mr. Louie Dannenburg left for Peoria to attend a threshers convention. Lewis Bagles went to Burlington to work as a nurse for the Tom Clover family who are victims of the flu. Mrs. William McIntire of Lomax is taking care of her daughter, Mrs. Harry Wisbey and family who have the flu.
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Mr. and Mrs. E.Rodman of Burlington moved their household goods into the Mrs. Earl Lewis house. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bazel and children of Burlington visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.M.Pence. Misses Thelma Hedges and Laverna Ahlburg, who are attending school in Galesburg spent the weekend with their parents. Len Ditto moved from the Dan Logan farm south of town to the Gus Begeman property for the coming year. The young ladies class of the M.E.Church realized $37 from a box social in the church basement Friday evening; the money will go to the Sabbath school. Mr. and Mrs. C.Brouse's baby is very ill. Ruth Forward and Virginia Stanley who are attending Monmouth College spent Sunday with their parents.
LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Miss Ella McQuown, who spent the winter with relatives at Red Oak, Iowa, returned home. Rev. K.R.Anderson is recovering nicely from the operation he underwent at Clarinda, Iowa. H.B.Fort, manager of the J. Marion Fort estate, accompanied a shipment of hogs to Chicago. Mr. James P. Milliken will sent his entire herd of registered Galloway cattle at public auction at his farm southeast of Stronghurst on March 19th. The M.E. ladies will hold a tea in the church on March 13th. Mrs. Burrell, Mrs. Jas. Johnson, Mrs. Putney, Mrs. Claire White, Miss Naomi Cooper and Miss Mary Morgan will serve. Mr. Maurice Lee and family moved from the Little York vicinity to the J.D. Lynch farm southeast of town recently occupied by Mr. Wm. Reedy who moved the Lynch farm formerly occupied by Jacob Neff. Mr. Neff moved his family to the W.H.Penny farm 3 miles southwest of Raritan which he recently purchased from John Simonson. J.E.Hardin is here looking after business interests. Since leaving Antioch, Nebr. where he was employed in the potash works, Ed and his wife have been visiting friends in various parts of the West. Mrs. Hardin is at present at her sister's at Spere, Nebr. They have not decided where they will locate, but Ed admits that Stronghurst still looks pretty good to him. Mrs. Bessie Rockel arrived from Miles, Mont. for an extended visit with her father and sisters, Mr. J.P.Dobbs and family. Mr. Rockel left last week to look after the spring work on their ranch which is located about 100 miles from Miles City. John Wilson of Norman, Okla. has been visiting his brother, L.A.Wilson and other relatives here. Mr. Jesse Fort has sold his farm west of Olena to Mr. Jesse Hicks. W.W.Ross and Hollis Links left for Philadelphia to see their sons, Lyman and Hollis; Lyman thinks he has a pretty good chance to go to Germany as crews are going to be sent there to man the German ships allotted to the U.S. Hollis is still in the Navy yard at Philadelphia. Mrs. W.J.McElhinney telegraphed friends that her husband had just undergone an operation at Augustana Hospital in Chicago and indications were very favorable of his recovery.
Miss Mary Brooks, who has so faithfully served the patrons of the Stronghurst Telephone Co. for several years as chief operator in the local office, has decided to take a vacation for an indefinite period during which time she hopes to recuperate her health which has become somewhat impaired by close confinement in the work of the office. Miss Lillian Oschner of Dallas City has been employed to take Miss Brooks' place at the switchboard.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Mrs. Tina Lawyer of Arcola, Ill. came over 200 miles to visit the E.G.Lewis Seed Co.-she being one of many who visited the town during the past two weeks on account of the company's special sale. Mrs. Lawyer is managing a large farm near Arcola and is very much interested in the high quality farm seeds. She has been purchasing her seed corn from here for some years and wanted to learn more of this country and the methods being used by the company to improve and care for their seed corn. She expressed herself as being very well pleased with what she saw. At the village board meeting Monday evening, the board gave W.G.Hamilton permission to obtain license to operate a pool room here. C.E.Russell of near Monmouth, an authority on corn judging and growing spent Saturday afternoon at the E.G.Lewis Seed Co. The ladies of the M.E.Church served lunch at the M.D.Drain sale and made the neat sum of $30. Mrs. Will Leary of Colorado is visiting in town.
WINS A PRIZE: The prize given by the E.G.Lewis Seed Co. in their guessing contest was won by Joe Campbell of Media with 2387 grains of corn in the glass bottle. On actual count the number was 2354. Perry Wilson of near South Prairie was next with 2317. (Numbers are right.)