The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1919 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1919

Stronghurst Graphic Feb.20, 1919 


Biggsville, Ill. Feb.27&28. Seed corn prizes for best 10 ears Men's class and boys' class. Two days filled with good lectures and practical demonstrations: Ralph Allen, practical farmer, will talk on soil fertility; I.F.Scott of State Highway Dept. will discuss road problems; W.P. Flint, assistant State Entomologist, will discuss insect pests and how to combat them; Mrs. F.I. Mann will give talks and demonstrations on household topics; and Mr. Hoffman, assistant state Supt. of Schools, will have something of interest to all.

***OBITUARY***COL. GEO. C. RANKIN: Col. George C. Rankin died at the Monmouth hospital after an illness of long duration. He was 69 years of age and was born and spent the greater part of his life in Monmouth. He graduated from Monmouth College in 1872 and was for a short time city editor of the Council Bluffs Daily Tribune. On quitting that job, he became editor of the Monmouth Atlas. He was appointed Monmouth city clerk in 1876 and again 1879. From 1880 to 1891 he was circuit clerk of Warren County and from 1891 to 1895 was postmaster of Monmouth.In 1893 he was elected a representative in the General Assembly from his district and was re-elected in 1900. From 1901 to 1912 he held the position of Receiver of National Banks with headquarters at Washington. He received the title of Col. in 1880 when Gov. Fifer commissioned him Adjutant General of the state. Previous to this he had been Captain of Co.C of the 4 Regt. I.N.G. He was associated with a number of important business organizations in his home city and at the time of his death was secretary of the Monmouth Commercial Club. For two years he was Grand Master of the I.O.O.F. organization in the state. Funeral services were held at the First Presbyterian Church in Monmouth.

COMMUNITY CLUB NOTES: The next meeting of the Club will be devoted to the improvement of the town. The program is under the direction of Mrs. Fred Fitz of the "City Beautiful" department. This is a real concern to those who live in town and have pride in their surroundings. Attorney W.C.Ivins and editor A.H.Kershaw have consented to favor the gathering with their ideas and we may expect something practical from these public spirited citizens. This is an open meeting for general discussion and every one is privileged to contribute ideas or suggestions, however small. The ladies of the Club will serve dinner at the dining room both days of the Hereford cattle sale, price 50 cents. (Menu: Baked chicken with dressing, mashed potatoes, baked beans, roast beef, stewed tomatoes, pickles, bread and butter, fruit pie and coffee-what a deal!) The entertainment at the Lyric both evenings will be well worth your notice: Rev. Osborne is a speaker of power and interest and home talent is always a drawing card.

1894 GRAPHIC: The capital stock of a new bank at Smithshire was subscribed and organized. W.J.McElhinney had just been appointed postmaster for Stronghurst succeeding M.E.Kirby who had moved to Terre Haute. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Hart of Chillicothe came down to Stronghurst and took home with them their young grandson, George M.Foote; they had been appointed guardian of the young man by the county court. (His father had not and thereby could not control the wealth left to the young man.) J.W.McKee moved from Stronghurst to Biggsville.

FRANK SILSBEE'S GOOD FORTUNE: Frank J. Silsbee has just accepted a position in New York City as secretary of an association which has as it purpose the protection of American rights in Mexico. The organization is made up of New York financiers who own banks, mines, ranches, oil wells, and other valuable property there. Frank had completed his duties in the oil section of the fuel administration at Washington and the new position probably comes as a direct result of that work. It is presumed that the position carries with it a generous salary and holds possibilities for the future. Frank will probably close out his interests in Los Angeles and devote his attention to the interests of the association.

ARMAN CONCERNS: Station Agent, F.E.Crane and wife left for a six weeks trip to California; Mr. Plumb of Carthage will be relief agent during their absence. Ed Bigger and wife of Media visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Bigger. The I.O.O.F. initiated Mr. Frank Hobbs of Carthage Lake into their order. Mrs. Charles Kirby motored to Oquawka to pick up Mrs. George Babcook, who has been caring for her son Charlie and family. Mr. Marcus Meador of Oakville, Ia. returned home after visiting his wife and little daughter who are guests at the U.L.Marsden home.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Pat Cadle of Chicago is visiting relatives. Miss Blanche Duvall came home from Oquawka after two weeks care of the Dan Fryrear family who were very ill with the flu; Miss Duvall is an army nurse who has been overseas. Marcellus Galbraith purchased the Gus Begeman property in the village. Misses Iva and Zelda Cisney and Olive and Virginia Lewis took in the show at the Burlington Opera House. Also seeing the production were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stevenson, Hazel Ellison, Rube Johnson and Boyd L. Ditto. Miss Myrtle Ellis, who has had the flu for several weeks, was able to be on the job at the S.E.Duncan store. Miss Fannie Galbraith came from Biggsville to care for her mother, Mrs. Clyde Galbraith, who is quite ill.

LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Mr. and Mrs. Hoffeditz received a message from their son Joe that he had arrived safely from overseas at New York. B.L.Mudd returned from Camp Dodge where he went to look after his son Estelle who has been sick in the camp hospital for nearly three weeks. His father made application to have his son discharged and Estelle will probably be able to return home soon.

Ed Stine & Sons sld to Carl and Vernon Thorell 10 head of registered Hereford cattle; they will be put on a farm near Blandinsville. Dale Stine was discharged at Great Lakes Naval Station and returned home. At the Newton Kern sale near Raritan, Mr. Guy Lanphere bought a cow and a two-year old heifer, paying $208 for the cow and $171 for the heifer; they will be shipped to market. After completing her Chicago training, Miss Harriet Salter has accepted a position as an accountant in the ticket office of the Union passenger station in Peoria.

***OBITUARY***MRS. GERTRUDE SULLIVAN PALMER: Mrs. Gertrude Sullivan Palmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.C.Sullivan of Media was born at Monmouth, Ill. March21, 1894 and departed this life Jan. 29, 1919 24 years, 10 months and eight days of an acute and unexpected illness at the home of her parents whither she had gone for aid from her own home in the next block but a few minutes before.Mrs. Palmer came to Media with her parents in 1895 and grew up attending the public schools and Wever Academy.

On Feb.22, 1917 she married Homer Palmer of Media where after a brief sojourn in Montana they have since lived. She leaves to mourn a little daughter, Cleata, an infant son, Eaton, her husband, her parents, four brothers, Edward of Streator, Ill., Gayel of Stronghurst, and Robert and Leo who returning from the Navy had rejoined the family circle but a few day before, three sisters, Mrs. E.L.Carpenter of Chicago, Mrs. Harry Plummer of Biggsville and Mary Elizabeth of the home. Funeral services were held at the M.E.Church at Media with interment in the Stronghurst Cemetery.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The play "Too Much of a Good Thing" was given in Lewis Hall at Media by the Victory Girls. Mrs. Emma Clark coached the play and also played one part. Mrs. Joe Campbell played the piano for the songs and other music. The registered Shorthorn heifer which the E.G.Lewis Seed Co. is giving away March 1st can be seen in the lot north of the seed dry house. Gail Sullivan returned to his work at the Stronghurst depot after a three week vacation.

Quite a little excitement was caused in town about 8:30 Tuesday morning when it was reported that the house belonging to Mr. Wever, but occupied by the M.D.Drain family, was burning down. A large crowd soon collected with a number of fire extinguishers and although the building burned slowly, they were unable to check the flames.

Almost every bit of household contents was carried out to a place of safety and Mr. Drain and family moved in the afternoon to a vacated house near Jim Heap. Mr. Rodin Fee has quite a nice exhibit of relics at the seed house of things he brought back from France. The young people are planning a party in the E.G.Lewis seed company hall.