The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1918 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1918

Stronghurst Graphic, Nov 7, 1918 

PRAISES OAK GROVE FARM: A.J. Gunderson, state departmental advisor in Horticulture, was a visitor in Stronghurst yesterday and accompanied by County Farm Advisor J. Howard Miner. They visited the Gregg fruit farm near Carman for the purpose of advising the proprietor in regard to the treatment of his orchards for the eradication of the San Jose scale. On their return trip the gentlemen paid a visit of inspection at the Oak Grove Fruit Farm.

Mr. Gunderson expressed great surprise at finding in Henderson County an extensive and up-to-date commercial fruit growing enterprise as that conducted by Mr. Weir.

He stated that in his travels over the state he had never visited a fruit farm which showed greater evidence of judicious management, care and intelligent handling. He thinks that the Oak Grove Fruit farm deserves to be more widely known as an example of what can be accomplished along horticultural lines in Illinois and says that he expects to make future visits here in order that he may keep in touch with the things being accomplished on this farm. The gentlemen did not have the pleasure of meeting the genial proprietor of the farm as he is now spending a season of recreation in the Pacific coast states.

GOOD ROADS COMING: The $60,000,000 bond issue proposition for the construction of a system of hard roads in Illinois seems to have carried by a big majority in the recent election.

SPECIAL CHURCH SERVICE: The pastors of the various churches throughout the land have been asked to call the attention of their people next Sabbath Nov.10th to the United War Work drive which is to begin on Nov.11th. In accordance with this request arrangements have been made to hold special union services in the at the regular hour for evening worship next Sabbath.

***OBITUARY***MRS. CLIFFORD FURRER 1898-1918: Edith Leone Carothers Furrer, the eldest and only daughter of Samuel and Nora Carothers, was born in Stronghurst on June 7, 1898 and died at Dallas City on Oct. 20, 1918 at the age of twenty years, four months and thirteen days. Leone, as she was affectionately known, was of a sunny, genial and winning disposition. She came with her parents to Dallas City when she was nine years old. She passed through the public schools and afterwards took up the study of music becoming a very fine soprano vocalist and an accomplished pianist. Leone at a very early age knelt at the Methodist altar, gave her heart to God and united in membership with the church of which her parents were members ever after that her chief joy and pleasure was in her choir work, Sunday school and church duties.

Early in 1915 Miss Carothers formed the acquaintance of Clifton Tucker Furrer at that time a superintendent at the state penitentiary at Fort Madison, Iowa. The friendship ripened into love and on 23rd Dec 1917 in the M.E. church at Spokane, Wash., the young couple were united in marriage. After a short honeymoon they settled at Marshfield, Ore. In July Mr. Furrer was called to the military service of his country and left for Camp Lewis, Tacoma, Wash. Afterward he was sent to Camp Fremont, Calif. His young bride of seven months returned to her parents' home to begin the long wait for the war to end and dreamed of the time when she should be reunited to her soldier husband, a vision that was not to materialize. For the inscrutable hand of destiny has intervened and prevented the realization of this fondly cherished hope on earth.

Mrs. Furrer found a host of friends to welcome her home and soon her life was filled with social activities and church duties. Her last Sabbath in church was on Oct.6th when she received Holy Communion from the hands of her pastor. Returning home after evening service, Mrs. Furrer complained of feeling chilly and a severe headache; the family physician was called and diagnosed her case as one of Spanish Influenza and ordered her to bed. In less than a week the dread pneumonia developed, a trained nurse was obtained and all that medical skill, scientific nursing and parental solicitude and prayers could do was done, but all to no avail and in the presence of her parents, and brother, Robert, at fifteen minutes past twelve on Sabbath morning, Mrs. Clinton Furrer answered the summons and passed into the Eternal Presence in the Great Beyond, not without hope but in the calm, sweet assurance of which she gave expression in her last conscious moments that heaven was opening for her.

Funeral services were held at the home of her parents in the presence of her husband who had traveled night and day from his camp at Fremont, California, the parents Mr. and Mrs. S.W.Carothers, brother, Robert and other relative and friends. A young ladies quartette consisting of Mrs. C.L.Shain, Mrs. Claude Turner, Miss Lydia Hupfer and Miss Bernice Payne, all lifelong companions of Mrs. Furrer sang sweetly and tenderly: "Asleep in Jesus," Beautiful Land," and "In the Sweet Bye and Bye." The pastor read the obituary and spoke briefly from Revelations.

In pouring rain the body was borne to the beautiful city of the silent dead by Messrs. Doty, Ellison, Hupfer, Moline, Butler and Kurrle under the able conductership of E.D. Martin of Mrs. Koll's undertaking establishment there to rest in unbroken repose "until the morning breaks and the shadows flee away." (What a sad tale told with heartfelt sorrow!)

1893 GRAPHIC: J.F.Mains, W.H.Dean, Z.T.Baxter and Amos Rensberger spent a day on the island opposite Shokokon searching for the body of Robert H. Rankin, which Rensberger said he had learned from a fellow prisoner in the county jail, had been buried on the island following his murder several months before near Burlington. The search proved fruitless and the mystery concerning Rankin's disappearance was never cleared up.

The worst fire in Keithsburg's history occurred during the week; property to the amount of $50,000 (worth $1,026,254.25 today) being destroyed and 40 families made homeless. A plan to organize a stock company for the development of the natural gas field which was supposed to exist in this section was being pushed; the plan included the sinking of a deep well. Mrs. Wm. Kemp, Jr. died on Nov.3rd. Sam Lisenbee was hauled into Justice Morgan's court charged with stealing a coat and two pairs of pants from Henry Foote, a horse belonging to Lee Shaw, a $25.00 note and threshing account and a valise from other parties, all during the same evening. He plead guilty to the charge of stealing the clothes and was sent to jail in default of bond.

COMMUNITY CLUB NOTES: Club met as per regular date with moderate attendance. The names of Mrs. Wax and Miss Ethel Hartquist were added to the roll. Plans were matured for converting a part of the building used as waiting room into a first-class restaurant under the management of Mrs. Mahnesmith. Members believed that the village would welcome to its enterprises the addition of an attractive eating place and would support it in the interest of the young people, the stranger and those who do not patronize other places.

The location is convenient. Mrs. Mahnesmith is well known as excellent caterer; the best service will be given; and patrons will find good food in a clean comfortable place to eat. Special attention will be given public school pupils, teachers and strangers. The reading and rest room will continue to be maintained in the front part of the building. Definite notice as to the opening of the restaurant will be given later.

FLU SITUATION: While the "flu" epidemic has apparently spent its force in this locality, a number of new cases were reported by physicians this past week. The churches were opened for services last Sabbath and the village school was opened last Monday under medical supervision in accordance with the requirements of the State Board of Health the ban on theaters, social gatherings, lodge meeting and public sales still continues.

***OBITUARY***DR. T.W.TAYLOR: Dr. Thomas W. Taylor, who was engaged in farming in the Old Bedford neighborhood until a few years ago when he entered a college in Chicago to prepare himself for the veterinarian profession, died at Macomb Oct. 30th from pneumonia following an attack of influenza. The deceased had built up an extensive practice in his profession at Macomb and was a man of many sterling qualities. He is survived by his wife, who was formerly Miss Bessie Roberts of the Old Bedford neighborhood and by his parents, two brothers and three sisters. Funeral services were held at La Harpe in the home of his sister-in-law, Miss Emma Roberts with interment in the LaHarpe Cemetery.

CHARLES H. MENCHOFF: Charles H. Menchoff, a former resident of Biggsville Township, died Oct.27th at his home near Keithsburg. The remains were brought to the home of his brother A.H. Menchoff at Biggsville where funeral services were conducted.

LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Dr. and Mrs. R. I. Findley entertained a company of little folks of the community with a Halloween party. E. R. Grandey spent several days last week duck hunting on the river near Lomax. He returned with a number of trophies of his skill as a wing shot. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Kern are now residents of Stronghurst, having moved from the Raritan vicinity into the house on North Mary St., which they recently purchased from Rae Nordstrom. Russell Brooks who has been located at Camp Meade, Maryland, has been transferred to the chemical department of the military service and sent to Yale for special training in chemical science. Grover C.Bowen, who is a freight train conductor on the Great Northern Railroad with headquarters at Whitefish, Mont., arrived in Stronghurst for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.H.Bowen. He will leave for Camp Sheridan, Ala. for the purpose of bringing home his brother Ed, who has been very ill but sufficiently recovered to return home on furlough. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Widney drover over by auto to Alpha, Ill. to spend a few hours with Mr. Widney's father who is quite ill. The Macomb By-Stander is reported to have suffered a $40,000 loss by fire last Thursday night and the publication of that popular newspaper will probably be suspended for a time.

No women in Media voted last election; there were only a few offices they could vote for anyway. C. R. Pendarvis and D.L.Frye have purchased a corn husker; its operation will be watched with great interest by farmers of this area. Women helpers are now at the Media depot.

Frank Davis of Ash Grove, Mo., who was in Stronghurst visiting old friends, came to see his son Marion off for the service. Marion has held a position in Madison, Wis. and left yesterday for Great Lakes Training Camp. The condition of Mrs. Geo.Fort of Olena is reported to be very serious; she has been unconscious for several days.

One of the quietest Halloweens of many years was enjoyed by the citizens of Stronghurst and the appearance of the village on the following morning was practically normal.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pence visited friends and relatives in Chicago. Mr. George Kemp has returned to his home in Fairfield, Iowa. Mrs. David Cook has bought the J. C. Tolman town property on Main St for the consideration of $2,000 and will move into it by the first of the year. Mr. A.Galbraith moved from the farm south of town into the Stanley house in the east part of town. Mrs. Charles Babcook of Oquawka is spending a week with her mother, Mrs. Nancy Ellis. Mr. Fred Dutton who was taken ill with influenza was taken to Burlington Hospital. Mr. Robt. Galbraith has been very sick at his home; his son Lorain has the influenza also. Mr. Z.A.Poindexter, wife and daughter from Galesburg are visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. C. R. Forward. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Galbraith went to Galesburg in their fine new car which they bought a short time ago.

CARMAN CONCERNS: Mr. Gene Williamson has returned home from Dexter, Minn. Miss Ethel Curts of Carthage was in town looking after business interests. Mrs. Lowell Booten and children of Olena visited the lady's mother, Mrs. Mary Siens. Mrs. William Coffman was taken to the Burlington Hospital; it is hoped that she may not have to undergo an operation. Miss Rhoda Marsden entertained her friends, Miss Bernice Terrill of Lomax and Miss Mildred Lambright of Dallas City.

LOMAX LINGERINGS: Lester Clark has influenza and the four month old son of John Bowlyow's is dangerously sick with complications. H.B.Anderson and wife are now parents of a new son, Lewis Abner, born Nov. 1st. C.E.Longcar and wife are parents of a new daughter, Laura Belle, born Oct.31st. Joe Porter, M. M. Vaughn and S. T. Vaughn shelled corn.