The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1918
Stronghurst Graphic, Nov.28, 1918
FELL INTO A WELL: Orville McKeown, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John McKeown, who live a mile southwest of Stronghurst, had an experience which he probably would not care to repeat and which might easily have had a serious termination.
A little after dark on Saturday evening Orville was standing on the platform of a well near the house when the plank broke suddenly and he was precipitated into the well. He clung to the plank in his descent of 35-40 feet and by its aid was enabled to keep his head above water in the well. He began to call lustily for help, but was unable to make himself heard by members of the household. After nearly an hour had elapsed, one of his sisters happened to step out of the house and hearing faint sounds as of someone in distress, started as investigatiowhich resulted in his discovery.
He was quickly rescued by means of a rope which was let down into the well which he succeeded in fastening underneath his arms so that he could be drawn up to safely. Beyond a few bruises and the effect of a rather chilly experience, he suffered no ill consequences from the thrilling adventure.
***OBITUARIES***MARTHA I. VAUGHN: Last week noted the H.N.Vaughn family west of town were all victims of the influenza and that the life of one of the little twin daughters had been despaired of, but that she was better. Improvement was temporary and the little sufferer passed away last Thursday of complications. Martha I. Vaughan, one of the twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. H.N. Vaughan, was born Dec.31st, 1916 and died Nov.21, 1918, aged 1 years, 10 months and 20 days. Funeral services were conducted at the home with the remains interred the Stronghurst cemetery. (The family name is spelled both ways within the same article.)
WILLIAM J. KEMP: William J. Kemp was born near Gladstone, Ill., Oct.4, 1851 and passed away at the home of his son Clayton Kemp in Stronghurst, Nov.19, 1918, aged 67 years, 1 mo. And 15 days. He married Catherine D. Osborne of Gladstone on April 4, 1883 and to this union four children were born: Irvin R., now in France; Pearl M., Della and an infant son, all three of whom preceded their father in death. The mother died Nov.3,
1893. Mr. Kemp married again Aug.31, 1895 to Miss Iona Mitchell of Gladstone who passed away Oct. 9, 1904. To this second union was born one son, Clayton C. Kemp.
Besides his two sons, the deceased leaves to mourn four sisters and two brothers, Mrs. Nancy Ellis and Mrs. Amanda Tate of Gladstone; Mrs. Jane Biltch of Chicago; Mrs. Mary Hall and Henry Kemp of Winona, Kans. and George Kemp of Fairfield, Iowa.
Funeral services were conducted at the Stronghurst M.E.Church with interment in the North Olena Cemetery(known today as the Olena Cemetery).
BURLINGTON BRIDGE HOUSE JOINT: The Burlington Gazette of Nov.21th tells of the arrest of two young girls of that city for vagrancy and syas that they had been frequent visitors at the tough resort located in this county near the eastern end of the new wagon bridge (McArthur Bridge). The paper goes on to say that there never was anything in Burlington that could compare with the bawdy conditions prevailing at the resort and gives the following testimony of a well known farmer who lives near this place: (My, wasn't Burlington self-righteous and the well known farmer obviously did not want to be known as no where is his name listed!)
"People in Burlington cannot begin to imagine the disgraceful scenes and the vice which prevails near that miserable joint where booze is sold. Boys and girls, hardly old enough to be out of high school, come over the bridge in big auto parties and soak up rotten whiskey until they can't see.
Lots of youngsters come over into my corn field after they are so drunk they can hardly walk, and there they lie on the cold ground until they are somber enough to find their way home."
While the picture painted by the Gazette may be a little over colored, there seems to be plenty of other evidence to corroborate its statements so far as the main facts are concerned; and it is certainly about time our county officials take some active measures toward cleaning out this den of vice and infamy which disgraces our county in the eyes of the outside world. If the evidence of law breaking and of immorality and indecency is as easily obtainable as porots indicate, it would appear to be aobut time our state's attorney and sheriff show a little more active interest in the matter and in case they show no disposition to take steps to suppress the joing in question and remove the stigma under which the county rests because of its existence, it might be well to form an organization of law and order loving citizens of the county to deal with the situation. (Like they did during the Civil War?)
CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY: Last Saturday was Miss Frances Lind's birthday and the anniversary was very pleasantly celebrated by the members of the Martha Society of the Lutheran Church at the home of Mr. And Mrs. Wm. Hartquist. Refreshments were served and the afternoon was spent very pleasantly. About 20 were present and many gave tokens of their esteem in the form of present to Miss Frances. (Typical social gathering of the time)
AERIAL MAIL SERVICE: One of the immediate benefits reaped from the war will be the establishment of aerial mail service on an extensive scale in this country. Plans are being developed which will result in the utilizing of a large number of the airplanes built for war service in transporting the mails. A large force of trained and experienced aviators are ready to enter the service as mail carriers. The establishment of aerial mail service will no doubt consitute the first step in the direction of aerial navigation and transportation on a scale, the scope of which can only be measured by the imagination. It will be one of the first great achievements of human intelligence and skill to mark the new era upon which the world seems aobut to enter.
GLENN MARSHALL HOPISTALIZED: Mr. And Mrs. C.R.A.Marshall received a letter from their son Glenn stating that he was in a hospital in Nantes, France. Glenn assured his parents that there wa snothing serious the matter with him and that they need not worry. He said that he expected to join his company at the front within a week or two. Glenn probably did not get back to the field in time to participate in the closing act of the great drama. In a previous letter he stated that he was engaged in carrying up ammunition to the front line in the advance on Sedan and he must have been put out of commission shortly after that letter was written.
1893 GRAPHIC:The observance of law and order had become so universal in Oquawka that the village board had decided to dispense with the services of a marshll. The firm of Salter and Doty, druggists of this vilalge had just been disssolved by mutual consent and Dr. Salter bought 5the interest of Mr. Doty in the business. Mr. And Mrs. Bert Watson of Olena neighborhood, whose home had recently been destroyed by fire, were happily surprised by a number of friends and neighbors who presented them with a fine china set and bout 60 quarts of canned fruit. The new Christian Church at Raritan was dedicated on Dec.2nd. Miss Sadie Powell, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Wm. Powell of the Decorra neighborhood, died on Nov. 25th. Miss Leila MacDill, duaghter of Dr. MacDill, formerly a professor of Monmouth College, was killed in a railroad crossing accident at Xenia, Ohio, on Nov.22nd.
ILLINOIS NUMBER ONE IN FARM PRODUCTS: In 1917 Illinois lead all other states in the Union in farm products, deposing Texas to second place and Iowa to third Place. Total value of Illinois farm property is over $4,000,000,000. Compared with other states Illinois ranks first in farm products; 2nd in swine production, 2nd in in total value of livesotck; 2nd in horse production; 4th in mule production; 4th in cow production and 7th in sheep production.
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Mrs. Helma Stonebeck has a fine new Victrola in her home. Robert Thomas, one of the soldier boys, returned to Camp Bradley in Peoria. Mrs. Wm. Bltich of Chicago is visiting at the homes of her two sister, Mrs. Jesse Thie and Mrs. Nan Ellis. She came to attend the funeral of her brother, Mr. W.J. Kemp which was held in the M.E.Church in Stronghurst. Mr. And Mrs. Will Blitch spent time with their daugher, Mrs. Hendrick in Burlington before the return trip. W.M. Hedges and mother drove to Burlington in their auto. Mr. Charles Kemp has moved his saw mill down on the J. Robertson farm, where they have been clearing off the timber this fall and will saw up the logs into lumber. Mr. John Florang has purchased a new heating stove to keep warm this winter. Robert Galbraith, wife and children, mother and Mrs. Chas. Ahlberg started for burlington in the Galbraith automobile. Some four miles outs of town something broke in the steering gear. The driver shut off the gas and the car ran along until it ran into a bank and turned over. Fortunately, no one was seriously hurt. Mr. Galbraith came to town in another car and got repairs and returned home after fixing his car. School opened Monday in the high room by Prof. C. Lukens.
***OBITUARY***WILLIAM FINCH: William Clayton Finch was born in Lomax August 27, 1895 and departed this life at sea Oct. 12, 1918, aged 23 years, 1 month and 16 days. He was the second son of William and Rhoda Finch, his only brother, Roy, preceded him in death nearly 14 years ago when he was struck by lightning and instantly killed. Clayton leaves to mourn his father and mother, three sisters-Fern, Winifred and Mrs. Katie Johnson, besides a host of relatives and friends.
He was called to the colors on July 22, 1918 from Mt. Pleasant. He left for Camp Pike, Arkansas from there he moved to Camp Lee, Va. and from there he was moved to Newport, Va. He set sail on Oct.2, 1918. He was taken sick Oct.5th and passed away 7 days later. He was dead six weeks before his parents were notified of his death as he died on the ship going overseas. The body arrived here Saturday morning at 8 o'clock and was taken to the home of his parents where funeral services were held. The pall bearers were former schoolmates. The cantonment sent many beautiful flowers and the community gave a large silk flag and his coffin was draped in a flag sent by the government and was buried with him. Attending from away where Mrs. Susie Baxter of Stronghurst, Mr. George Vaughn and daughter, Miss Zelma; Mr. and Mrs. Mannie Vaughn, Misses Elsie Price and Fern Vaughn of Burlington, Iowa and Joe Marsden and wife of Olena. Others were Mr. and Mrs. Everett Babline, Mrs. H. Lormer and Mr. James J. Edmonds of Mt. Union, Iowa; Miss Edith Edmonds, Sperry, Iowa, and Mr. Herbert Edmonds and sons of Sperry, Ia.
CARMAN CONCERNS: Mr. Fritz Dannenburg and wife are rejoicing over the arrival of a new baby girl. Mrs. Chris Smicker of Burlington, Ia. Is spending a few days at the Dannenburg home. School was closed here again Monday on account of several new cases of the "flu." Mrs. William Coffman has returned home from the Burlington Hospital much improved. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Newt Vaughn over the recent loss of one of their twin girls.
LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Mr. And Mrs. I.V.D.Perrine returned from a two week visit with relatives in Kansas. Mr. Jesse Fort, who had been making his home in Wataga, Ill., has returned to his farm near Olena. J.Howard Miner, the extension agent, went to Oquawka to assist in the
organization of a local Federal Land Bank Association at that place. Through the agency of Mr. Geo. Chant, George M. Barnett disposed of his 166 acre farm north of Stronghurst to Oscar H. White of Mexico, Mo. Otis Mills, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Mills of LaHarpe has been selected as one of the crew of first class seamen for the battleship which is to convey President Wilson and his company across the Atlantic to France next month.
Floyd Clark has taken back the restaurant stock which he sold to Mr. Walter Keener and has also taken over the meat department of the B.L.Mudd and Sons' grocery. He will engage in the meat and restaurant business in the building he formerly occupied on the corner of Broadway and Main Streets. Mr. Geo. Yaley has purchased the residence formerly owned by Rae Nordstrom. A daughter was born Nov.19th to Mr. and Mrs. A.L.Brokaw at their home two miles south of Stronghurst. Misses Ruth Brokaw and Thelma Steffey went to Quincy to enter the Gen City Business college. A fire entailing a loss of about $50,000 occurred recently at the Alliance Potash Plant at Antioch, Neb. where J.E.Hardin is now employed. The suspension of work at the plant was only temporary, however, the shut down being for only 24 hours. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cook of southeast of Stronghurst are the parents of a young son born Nov.21st.
A trainload of prize cattle for the International Live Stock Show at Chicago passed through here on the Santa Fe. A white bull is said to be valued at $20,000 and the consignment said to be the most valuable train load of cattle ever shipped through here. The influenza epidemic is said to be raging with renewed and increased force in LaHarpe and all public meetings have again been prohibited and the school closed. Children are not allowed on the streets and the doors of the post office are closed during the distribution of mail.
At the high school last week the Freshmen gave a short program consisting of a piano solo by Sarah White and a reading by Margie Lefler. This week the Sophomore took charge and presented a novelty in the form of a pianologue given by John Stine. A girls' quartette gave spirit to the program by their rendition of the new class song.