The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1918 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1918

Stronghurst Graphic, Sept.5, 1918 

DEATH CAME SWIFTLY: The community was startled and shocked by the word that Mrs. O.J.Sanderson had passed away about 2 o'clock that morning. To those who had seen and conversed with her only a few hours before, the report seemed almost unbelievable, especially as she had appeared to be in her usual health.

Mrs. Sanderson attended the services at the U.P.Church with the family Sabbath morning and had intended going in the evening but was prevented from doing so by the indisposition of her father, Mr. Wm McMillan of Biggsville, who was visiting her home. The family retired at the usual hour and along in the night Mrs. Sanderson was taken with what the physician thinks was an attack of gastritis. The attack induced vomiting which it was thought would relieve the sufferer who said that she thought in unnecessary to have a physician called. Later, however, she complained of a feeling of suffocation and Dr. Bond was summoned.

Although he arrived within fifteen minutes, he found Mrs. Sanderson past human aid and she breathed her last a few minutes after his arrival. He expressed the opinion that the action of the heart had been interfered with by the disorder of the stomach and that the lungs had filled up with blood producing suffocation and death. Present at her bedside were her devoted husband, her three sons, Guy, James and Kenneth and her father, Mr. McMillan. The older son, Max, is the Naval branch of the military service and is in training at Hampton Roads, Va. while the only daughter, Mrs. Veva Harms lives at Logansport, Ind. In response to telegrams, Mrs. Harms and her husband arrived Monday at midnight. Max is expected to arrive Thursday evening.

Emma Zetta McMillan was born five miles southwest of Biggsville on Oct.2, 1872. She was married to O.J. Sanderson and six children blessed this union, one of whom, Harold, died in infancy. The five children living are Max, Mrs. Veva Harms of Logansport, Ind., Guy, James and Kenneth at home. In addition to the husband and children, she is survived by her father, Wm. McMillan of Biggsville; four brothers, C.W.McMillan of Gladstone Township; S.H.McMillan of Galesburg, James and Herbert McMillan of Montana and two sisters, Mrs. Jennie Weir of Biggsville and Mrs. Carrie Graham of Gladstone Township.

Mrs. Sanderson untied with the South Henderson U.P.Church when 16 years of age and later transferred her membership to the Stronghurst congregation where she remained an active and faithful member up to the day of her death. General services will be conducted at the home one half mile south of Stronghurst with interment in the Biggsville Cemetery.

WEDDING BELLS: HOUTCHENS-VANDOREN: Burlington, Ia. Aug.28, 1918, Mr. Eschol Alvah Houtchens and Miss Mabel Maurine Van Doren were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by Rev. G.M.Tuttle. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.S.VanDoren and is one of community's most charming young ladies, well skilled in domestic science and will make an ideal helpmate for the one she has chosen. The groom is a young man of exemplary habits and is one of the vicinity's most steady and industrious farmers. He is a graduate of the Kansas City auctioneer's school. The happy couple will make their future home on the bride's parents farm four miles southeast of Stronghurst, Ill.

BRADSHAW-BRENT: A social event of interest was the marriage of Miss Lena Morris Brent of Smithshire to Mr. A.D.Bradshaw of Lancaster, Ky. at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brent at Smithshire. The officiating clergyman was Dr. W.H.Craine of Monmouth and only a few of the near relatives of the bride witnessed the ceremony. The groom is a prominent farmer and stock raiser of the Blue Grass state. Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw left for their new home in Kentucky immediately following the ceremony.

KILLED IN ACTION: Another Stronghurst home has felt the awful touch of the present world tragedy and the community made to realize afresh the toll of human life now being taken in the fight for liberty across the sea. A telegram received by Mrs. William Ogden stated that her son, Private Wesley D. Bedker of the Marine Corps had died from wounds received in action fighting on the western front July 20th.

1893 GRAPHIC: Amos Rensberger who had been in the county jail at Oquawka for nearly a year on the charge of forging the names of Fred Clark and Wm. Hazen to a $500 note left at the Stronghurst State Bank as security for a loan, was acquitted as the signatures were declared to be genuine. Stronghurst public school opened on Sept.4th with an attendance which overtaxed the seating capacity of the new school building and called for the purchase of more seats.

LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: The Prairie Farmer, the well known farm publication, is soon to issue a directory of farm residents of Warren and Henderson County. The Sunday School of the Stronghurst Lutheran Church will hold a basket picnic at Lake Fort next Saturday. During the afternoon there will be a public sale of articles contributed by members. A refreshment stand will be on the grounds and members of the congregation are requested to bring in the cream to be used for making ice cream. Jay Foote received word that his son Lorenzo was en route from Chillicothe, Ohio to the East and expected to be sent overseas.

Lorenzo has received a Lieutenant's commission and said to be in charge of 58 men of the company, all Kentuckians. The letter was written on the train and stated that the officers were allowed a Pullman car while the privates traveled in ordinary coaches.

CAPTURES A WOLF: George Hoffeditz performed a feat that proclaims him the champion nimrod (hunter) in this section. He stopped out at the Hartquist farm to help a wayfarer cure his automobile troubles and while thus engaged the attention of the two men was attracted by the barking of some dogs in the barn lot just over the fence. Making an investigation, they discovered a half grown wolf cornered there. The stranger scared the wolf up toward George, who had armed himself with a couple of brick bats. When the wolf came near enough, George let drive with one and hit the wolf on the side of its head hard enough to fell it to the ground. Seizing a club, he ran up and finished the job. Mr. Hartquist had been losing a number of young pigs and now reaches the conclusion that a wolf family had been dining on them. It was a lucky throw for Mr. Hoffeditz, for it was a female wolf and the bounty for its scalp is $10.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Mrs. Grace Runyon went to Knoxville to help her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Seth Richmond, celebrate their golden wedding anniversary. Albert Hays loaded his household goods and stock into a car and moved to New Boston where he will go on a farm to live. C.A.Hedges is adding a room to the house he lately bought of Fred Swedenburg and fixing it up in general. Henry Green is the new assistant in the A.L.Peters barber shop in Oquawka. Ladies of the Red Cross have completed 15 pajama suits and 30 hospital suits and garments, being their August quota. George Cook went to the Burlington Hospital with a very sore hand, which is feared is badly infected. Dr.Gay of Winfield, Kan. is visiting relatives and friends. Sam Duncan, who was hurt in an accident two weeks ago is reported much improved and hopes to be able to come home soon. Mr. McCabe has moved from J.Y.Whiteman's farm in the bottoms into the house in town vacated by Mr. Hays. The stork called recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Swedland and left a fine baby girl.

LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Miss Alice Wells went to Knoxville to enter St. Mary's School. Mr. and Mrs. C.R.A. Marshall received word that their son Glenn was in England waiting to be sent across the channel to France. Miss Bess Whiteman of Biggsville expects to leave for Chicago where she will report to the U.S.Quartermaster for duty as a filing clerk in the Quartermaster's department in France. Will Ross, John Simonson and Joe and Del Dixson were on the Kansas City market to buy stock hogs.

Frank Crenshaw, T.R.Johnson, Wm. Patterson and Tom Dodds made an automobile trip to Nauvoo. Carl Schierbaum has returned from his uncle's farm in South Dakota and will resume his studies. Lee Wilson and Glenn Baxter are taking military training at Northwestern University at Evanston.

Oscar Dillon received word that his brother in Alabama is seriously ill. Mrs. Dr. Riggs of Media spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brewer and attended the Chautaugqua. Dr. Riggs is in North Dakota where he is doing hospital work in the army. J.S.Lant writes from Stephen, Minn. that the threshing has started with some very good yields. A serious accident has befallen "Tuckie" Kemp at some town near Cedar Rapids, Ia. He is section foreman there and was struck by a train. One arm was broken in two places and he was otherwise seriously injured.

TEACHER ASSIGNMENTS: Miss Audrey Rezner began a term teaching one and one half miles southeast of Raritan. Misses Hazel Kirby and Marie Mudd are in charge of two room public school in the village of Raritan. Miss Elsie Cooper has been employed as a teacher in the Media Public School. Miss Emma Wright will teach the Maple Grove School. Miss Katie Wheeling will preside over Coloma School again this year. Mrs. Roxella Wanders will teach the Stine School south of town. Miss Mary Hicks has been re-employed to teach the Ellison Valley School north of Carman and Miss Alice Chant will teach again at the Allison School east of town.