The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1919 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1919

Stronghurst Graphic, Jan.9, 1919 

BACK FROM "OVER THERE:" Albert Kaiser received a telegram from Frank Lauber stating that he and a number of other Stronghurst boys had just landed on good old U.S.A. soil and were decamped near Newport News, Va. from which they expected to be sent to Camp Grant, Ill. to be mustered out of service. They include, Charles Wheeling, Fred Johnson, Lawrence Duncan, Harry Ballard, Ed Logan, Chester Trimmer, Harold Richey and several others.

HIGH SCHOOL NOTES: On Friday evening the Sophomores honored the Freshmen by giving them a party at the school house. The magic password by which each guest opened the doors of the hall of fame was some discarded article wrapped as a gift. These were collected at the entrance and later in the evening were distributed among the guests. A good deal of laughter was caused by some of the gifts. Various games occupied the evening until 10 o'clock when refreshment were served. After partaking of sandwiches, pickles, ice cream and cookies, everyone took part in the popular game, "Skip-"this was played till the lights told them that it was time for little tots to say goodnight and then the party broke up (electric service only lasted so long and the lights would be blinked before the power was shut off town wide).

Although five roughnecks from the Junior and Senior classes picked the lock and got into the building, they did not get to steal the eats as they intended. Jealous and irritated at being foiled in their plan, the boys blinked the lights, but aside from this, they did nothing that could be punishable except by being expelled from school. After vainly trying to dislodge the Sophs and their guests, the roughnecks had nerve enough to go upstairs and play the part of illegitimate spectators. Aside from this, the party proceeded nicely and was enjoyed by all, especially the Freshmen.

During the last period last Monday morning the agricultural class had the pleasure of listening to James H. Miner, the Henderson county Farm Advisor who discussed the composition and usefulness of the soil. He also impressed upon the students that education was a necessity for progress in any trade. In all his speech enthused the class in such a way that their minds were brought to a higher standard of realization toward their school work and public duties.

Tuesday morning during the general exercise period, the Junior debated the following: "Resolved, that the dishrag is more essential than the broom." On the affirmative were Agnes Kirby and Marion Forbes while the negative was supported by Maxine Mains and Frank Ford. By unanimous decision of the judges, Thelma Steffey, Russell Jaggers and Robert Adair, the negative side won. (Gee, didn't they know how to have fun!)

The Freshmen English class is writing newspaper articles, Mr. Kershaw, editor of the Stronghurst Graphic spoke to the class concerning the essentials of newspaper writing. At present the class is divided into three editorial staffs and in the near future will present three wide awake newspapers in the school.

1894 GRAPHIC: George Curry had sold his interest in the Mary Street Livery stable to his partner, D.G.Ragan. At a meeting of the Knights of Pythias (a lodge) held an evening meeting with wives, sisters, daughters of the members presented the lodge with four handsome curtains for the officers' stations and a beautiful painting by Mrs. C.C.Butler. L.J. Murphy, a natural glass expert from Pittsburgh, Pa. was making an investigation of the formation of the underlying strata in this part of the county. On the Chicago market hogs were selling from $4 to $5.50 per cwt; cattle from $3.50 to $6 and sheep from $2.25 to $4. The income tax feature of the Wilson tariff bill was attracting considerable attention throughout the county. It provided for a tax of 2 per cent on all incomes in excess of $4,000.

FARM HOUSE BURNED: The residence of T.R.Marshall and family, 3 1\2 miles northwest of Stronghurst was burned to the ground. The fire broke out shortly after 7 o'clock while the family was at breakfast and when discovered had made such progress as to make the saving of the house practically impossible with the facilities at hand. It is supposed that the blaze originated in the attic and was caused by a defective flue, the attic being a mass of flames before the fire broke through into the room below. A number of neighbors were quickly on the scene and in answer to a telephone call sent into Stronghurst, several auto loads of people were soon on their way to render assistance. By strenuous efforts, the greater part of the contents of the house were saved, but the rapid progress of the flames made it necessary to leave a considerable amount of property to be consumed. The house itself was a total loss.

It was a frame structure originally built in 1851 and remodeled and added to in 1871. There was a basement underneath and the structure was well preserved. The frame work of the older part was composed of hewn walnut timber and resisted the attack of the flames long after the house had been reduced to ashes.

Mr. Marshall carried insurance on both the building and its contents, but as to how near it will come to covering the loss is undetermined. The family is being temporarily sheltered in the C.R.A.Marshall home, but expect to be able to soon secure the use of another house until a new home can be built.

VILLAGE BOARD ACTION: On request of the manager of the Lyric Theatre, the president of the board was authorized by unanimous vote to appoint two special officers to assist in maintaining order in the theatre when performances are being given, the resolution authorizing the appointment contains provision that no expense arising from such appointment be incurred by the village and that the persons appointed as special officers file with the board such bond as should be required.

DIED IN KANSAS: The Rooks County Record published at Stockton, Kans. contained the obituary of Mrs. Margaret Jeffery who died at home in Stockton, Dec.10, 1918. She was a cousin of Mrs. Belle Williams of this place and she and her husband lived for a time on the old Isaac Nichols farm near here something over 40 years ago.

(This is a long obit; if interested read microfilm at Henderson County Library.)

LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Mrs. W.E.Hurd has gone to Bartlevilles, Okla. to spend the winter with relatives. J. Howard Miner was at Peoria visiting his wife who is at a hospital there recovering from an operation. Lieutenant Charles Fort, who received his discharge from army service at Camp Hancock, Ga. arrived home after having made a sight seeing tour of Washington, New York and other Eastern cities. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Steffey spent the week between Christmas and New Year's visiting their son Arthur and family at Ames, Ia. During their stay, they made an inspection of the Iowa State Agricultural College grounds and buildings and were much impressed by what they saw. They were especially interested in the large greenhouses in which all kinds of vegetables were being grown in midwinter. Fresh tomatoes from these greenhouses formed part of the menu of a meal which they enjoyed during their stay. Ice harvesting has been in progress at Lake Fort for the past four days and the big ice house is being filled with a fine quality of ice from 8 to 10 inches. The Oquawka churches were opened for services last Sabbath after having been closed for 3 months because of the flu epidemic. The public schools opened on Monday and the ban on public gatherings of all kinds has been removed. There has been but one death in the village from the epidemic thus far. (Compared to other towns this is amazing!)

Dr. and Mrs. Harter took their departure for Los Angeles, Calif with no definite date of their return, but intimated to friends that it might be when Illinois is free of the grip of winter. George Alexander and Carl Kline of Blandinsville were slightly injured in a wreck on the T.P.& W. Near Peoria when a stock train on which they were riding was struck by a "Big 4" train. A large number of cattle and hogs were killed including 14 head of cattle belonging to M.G. Davis of Blandinsville. J.N. Herbert, an old Terre Haute resident and veteran of the Civil War, died at the Quincy soldiers home at the age of 81 years. He never married and had no living relatives except possibly one sister living in the West.

LOMAX LINGERINGS: The public school opened Monday after being closed on account of the flu. Ive Smiddy and Orange Hazen are butchering for R. Smiddy this week. Quite a number attended the funeral of George Krieg in Dallas City. A number of citizens are spending the remaining winter at Hot Springs, Arkansas. A rooming car used by Frank Miller and Hud Scott on the Santa Fe right of way near the depot caught fire and was entirely consumed. All the contents were removed. Several carloads of stock were shipped to Chicago.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Harry Whitemore moved to a farm near Stronghurst where he will farm this coming year. Mrs. Flo Peterson and daughter went to Biggsville to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stotts. Asel Galbraith, wife and baby went to Oakville, Iowa to visit the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Morling. Mark Kemp has tonsilitis. Mrs. Lynn Galbraith went to Burlington to visit with her sisters, Mrs. J. Sewards and Mrs. Amel Honeke. Clyde Galbraith spent time with his sisters, Mrs. Clara White and Miss Jennie Galbraith in Stronghurst. Harry Blackstone, the first of the boys from here to return from overseas, visited Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Galbraith; he returned to Fort Des Moines where he is now located and will take treatment for his wounds. Elmer Jacob is going to start a new restaurant in one of Elmer Pence's buildings on Main Street soon. Fred Anderson, who was the agent here, went to Biggsville to replace the one there.

CARMAN CONCERNS: The annual cemetery meeting was held at the I.O.O.F. Hall. The Odd Fellows held an initiation of officers at their hall followed by a meal of oysters. Mrs. Mary Showalter returned home from Burlington Hospital, but her daughter, Mrs. Norton Parks, is still a patient there. A new time card on the Carthage branch which runs from Burlington to Quincy, went into effect and two of the trains will depart and arrive earlier.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Corp. Rodney Fee is back in the states. He was wounded severely after serving several months in the trenches. Miss Armsby, one of the teachers at Wever Academy, came to school with a slight headache. The students became a little afraid she might have the flu and school was dismissed. Later, she called Dr. Kimmery and found she did have the disease and her parents sent an ambulance to get her. She was taken to Monmouth. For several days she was very ill but is much better now and will soon be able to resume her work. Mrs. Jack Palmer resumes her school duties at South Prairie this week and Faree Mathers at Lomax; these school were closed on account of the flu. J.C.Brook has been in charge of the bank during Mr. Pendarvis' illness. Homer Woods, home on furlough, returned to camp. Media lost another good citizen when Mr. Sam Leinbach moved his family to Stronghurst; he has decided this is his last move. The board of Wever Academy received a telegram from Miss Wilma Hartung tendering her resignation of the principalship of the school.

She has accepted a position demonstrating Mazola oil and receives a better salary. Clifford Hickman is suffering from a severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism, but is recovering under the care of Dr. Henderson of Stronghurst.