The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
by Dessa Rodeffer, Quill Publisher/Owner
2 August 2006
With a positive West Nile finding in Hancock County, we are being advised to use a bug repellent with DEET like "Off" when outside.
Monday, the Hancock County Health Department notified us that a bird found in Hancock County tested positive for the West Nile Virus. They report "Citizens cannot acquire the virus from touching a bird with the virus, but from being bitten by an infected mosquito."
And to reduce the chance of acquiring the virus, use a repellent with DEET, limit time spent outside at peek hours, and eliminate standing water. If you worry about what our body is absorbing, you might want to try something without DEET to protect from bites, like Bite Blocker For Kids by HOMS, with plant oils and soybean with 1.6 hours of protection.