The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Community Spotlight

Ladies Enjoy Church Group "Sisters In Christ"

Since, 1990, "Sisters in Christ" has been a group after Jerry Lewis, a pastor at the Abundant Life Church, suggested a women's group for the local church ladies.

They wanted it to be one for all the local churches regardless of the denomination. They did not have a name at first, but had a mission statement: "one body and that was the body of Christ".

They asked the ladies to submit ideas for a name and then they voted on the name-"Sisters in Christ".

Meetings are the second Monday of the each month at 6:30 pm. They take turns holding the gathering in their homes and most of the time have a potluck meal. Each month offers a different devotion and sometimes something special for entertainment.

The current committee, Barb Stewart, Judy Hobby, Donna Reeder, and Mary Ann Johnson, just held the fall kick off.

It was held at the Terre Haute Church Fellowship Hall on Saturday, September 16.

This time it was for lunch, which was a potluck, followed with devotion and entertainment.

They also held door prize drawings and even crowned Rachel Geissler as "Lady Of The Day".

Jeanne Jones sang, "Keep Me In Your Will", "You're Worthy Of My Praise", and "Singing With The Saints".

The group of around 36 was then led in a time of song by CJ Bolding.

After a few songs a skit was performed with a theme of "What's Shakin" by Mary Ann Johnson, Barb Stewart, and Judy Hobby.

This was a delightful way of setting the stage for the devotion that was given by Barb Stewart.

Scripture was read from Hebrews 12:26, Luke 17:20-21, Romans 14:17, Galations 5:19-22, Matthew 7:24-25, and Hebrews 13:20-21. CJ Bolding then shared two songs with us, "Lord Send Me, I'll Go" and "Joy In My Heart".

Mary Ann Johnson read a poem she had written entitled "Sisters in Christ". She wrote...

"We come to join our sisters,

In fellowship and fun.

We come because His love

has made us altogether one.

Next month's gathering will be October 9 at 6:30 p.m., at Judy Hobby's house and will be a cook out with the meal being provided.

If you weren't able to make it to the kick off come join us next time.

We sing and eat and laugh a lot,

but mostly eat and laugh!

For you and I are sisters,

sharing our given path."

Member of "Sisters In Christ" Ladies Club gather for a good time.

MaryAnn Johnson, Barb Stewart, and Judy Hobby perform "What's Shakin" written by Judy Hobby.