The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
September Meeting Minutes
The trustees of the Village of Stronghurst held a regularly scheduled meeting on September 5th, 2006, at the Village Hall. Mayor Eric Chockley called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
It was mentioned that if any resident has concerns or complaints, they must attend a village meeting in order to discuss them. Village meetings are open to the public and the meeting dates are posted in the window at the Village Hall.
Insurance representative, Stanley Weigh was present to discuss health insurance renewal on October 1st. She met with Tony Anderson and Scott Ford earlier and they decided to change from John Deere Health to Blue Cross Blue Shield. Angela Myers moved to approve the insurance change effective October 1st, seconded by David Vancil. Motion carried.
Lynn Leinbach was present to talk about the costs to upgrade Broadway street in order correct the grade of the street. Lynn said that if it's not done correctly, it could cause a drainage problem.
He suggested hiring an engineer to design a plan before doing any work. Lynn gave rough cost estimates for the job including installing a storm sewer at $175,000, removal of curb and gutter at $13,000, replace curb and gutter at $48,000, remove 3 inches of road surface, grind and put back from railroad to the Christian Church would be roughly $150,000.
Unanimously, the trustees decided that this project would be too much of an expense to the village.
Lynn also expressed some concern in ditches being filled in at various places around town.
He said that doing this could cause problems with the water table.
Ditches help to keep the water table down, and if the water table is too high it causes the road to break up more from freezing and thawing.
The concrete base of the park's cannon is cracked and falling apart, it needs to be replaced. The goal is to begin tearing it down this fall and rebuild next spring. The county highway department will be asked to assist with the project. David Vancil moved to remove the base and store the cannon until next spring when a new base is constructed. Tony Griepentrog seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The purchase of a pre-engineered bathroom facility for the park was tabled until next spring.
Angela Myers reported there will be a fall clean-up day sometime in October. Also, she will have to check on the billing for the dumpsters at the fairgrounds.
Angela was unhappy with the newspaper article from the last meeting. She wishes they would focus on the good things that the board does rather than the problems that come up, and she will talk to the paper.
Cory Fox reported that he had gotten two complaints about dogs barking and having access out into the street at a residence in town.
He talked to the owner and they agreed to move the dogs back from the street. Cory also reported that the corner by the elevator should be repaired soon.
Tony Anderson's reports:
Skateboarders are causing damage to benches at the park. The water fountain is also damaged. The board discussed the possibility of creating a skateboard area in town but no action was taken.
The village employees will mow the yard at 323 Division street and bill the owner for mowing.
Trustees present were Mayor Eric Chockley, David Vancil, Lawrence Neff, Angela Myers, Tony Griepentrog, Juanita Jarvis and Cory Fox.
Employees present were Tony Anderson, Lou Ann Nortrup, and Lori Russell. Others present were Deputy Chris Barber, Stanley Weigh, Lynn Leinbach, and Terry Myers.
Angela Myers moved to approve August meeting minutes with corrections. David Vancil seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Juanita Jarvis moved to approve the bills presented for payment, seconded by Tony Griepentrog. Motion carried.
Deputy Chris Barber's report included a total of five arrests made including one speeding, one lost articles, one harassment by telephone, one criminal damage to property, and one other traffic offense.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. by motion from Angela Myers, seconded by David Vancil. The next regular meeting will be held at the Village Hall on Monday, October 2nd, 2006, at 7:00 p.m.
by Lori Russell, Village Clerk