The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
-from Minutes of the regular meeting, October 4, 2006.
The Village Of Biggsville Board President Dale Allenbaugh opened the regular October meeting by leading the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States flag of America.
Roll call by Clerk Frank Jones found President Pro Team Dale Allenbaugh, Trustees-Jack Brokaw, Marilyn Evans, Gloria Minard, and Brian Sterett present, and absent Trustee-Bob Onion.
Also present were Treasurer-Gloria Jones, Clerk-Frank Jones, Visitors-John Roegiers of Missman Stanley and Associates, Don Burns of Rural Development, Shannon Duncan of WIRC, Sherry Pulse, Dan Gibb, and Richard Johnson.
Shannon Duncan of WIRC discussed the CDAP Grant Application. A survey is needed of residents along the Media to Biggsville water line. These households will be included in the survey income pool.
The survey needs to be submitted by November 15, 2006.
Duncan discussed the Status of Readiness for the water project to be submitted by February 20, 2007.
Seventy-five percent of the easements must be in place. Construction permits for highways and county roadways must be completed by January 2007. Project cost estimates must be finalized.
John Roegiers of Missman Stanley and Associates reported on the Engineering status. All agencies have been notified of the Village of Biggsville's Water Project as required by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR).
The Historical and Archeological Assessments have been approved for the project. Roegiers has filed for the Fish and Wildlife checkoff.
Roegiers had sent Village Attorney Ronald Stombaugh a sample of the Easement Form to use. He has also asked the Dallas Rural Water Operator for guidance.
Minutes of the regular meeting were read by Clerk Frank Jones. Jack Brokaw questioned if the village is certain the lagoon is large enough to handle West Central. Dale Allenbaugh will ask engineer John Roegiers to verify this. Minutes were approved as read, and Treasurer Gloria Jones presented the treasurer's report which was approved. Marilyn Evans pointed out that Sesquicentennial memorabilia items, school houses and T-shirts are still available to purchase.
Bills were read by Clerk Frank Jones and their payment approved.
Parks-Dick Johnson reported that ropes have been cut on the play ground equipment at the ball park and the Sheriff\'d5s Department has been notified and the village has asked for additional surveillance in this area.
Johnson reported that four of the seven trees at the ball park donated by George Torrance have died. Torrance will replace the trees at no cost. Jack Brokaw asked if maybe a sand and soil mix might hold the water better.
Trick or Treat will be on Halloween, October 31, 2006 with a wiener roast from 5 to 6:00 p.m. at the ball park followed by Trick or Treat from 6 to 8:00 p.m. within the village.
Lights: Marilyn Evans reported the street light at Craig\'d5s Cameron is still out.
Public Relations:
Dale Allenbaugh reported the village has received a letter from Kevin Wiehardt of WIRC requesting the village to pass a Fair Housing Ordinance. Gloria Jones read the Fair Housing Ordinance #441 she received from Mr. Wiehardt. Gloria Minard moved that the Fair Housing Ordinance be approved, seconded by Brian Sterett. Roll was called and all present voted yes.
Streets: Richard Johnson reported the alley west of the UP Church needs work.
Water: Delinquent water and sewer bills were discussed. Brian Sterett suggested the village investigate requiring the landlord pay their renters water and sewer bills.
Dale Allenbaugh read a letter from the Illinois EPA listing the finding from their recent audit of the village. They sited the problem with radiation in the water and stressed that seldom used wells need to be operated or exercised regularly.
Dale Allenbaugh read the Certified Operator contract from Total Environmental Service Technologies (TEST) for the next year. This contract included a 2 percent rate increase. Marilyn Evans moved the contract with TEST be approved and seconded by Gloria Minard. Roll was called and all present voted yes.
Sewer and Lagoon-Dale Allenbaugh reported that both blower pumps were not working at the lagoon. They have now been fixed.
Dale Allenbaugh stated the village needs a place to pile limbs.
Other Standing Committees of the Village Board had no specific reports.
Old business:
Dale Allenbaugh reported the village attorney had published the notice for bids for the property purchased from Larry Bundy. These bids will be read at the November 2006 meeting.
Dan Gibb asked when Phase II of the Housing Rehabilitation will start with a new target area.
New business:
Clerk Frank Jones passed out the Annual Report for the Fiscal Year, May 2005 through April 2006 for review. This report will be acted upon next month.
Brian Sterett moved the meeting be adjourned at 9:23 p.m. and seconded by Gloria Minard. Roll was called and all present voted yes.
The next regular meeting will be on Wednesday November 1, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. at the Biggsville Community Building.